Notes on requirements for "proper" rWHOIS configuration ### # SVN revision info # $Date$ # SVN revision $Rev$ # Last update by $Author$ ### - Each "master" block has its own auth area - Only the network records are used; referral records may be useful someday but not yet. - "Org" data is stored in the network records directly. Doing otherwise more or less works, but it's tedious and headache-ful to retrieve it. This according to an ARIN staffer who gets paid to check rWHOIS servers for "correctness". - Suitable templates and scripts for adding a fresh new master (manually) are included in this directory. Note that adding a master automagically is unlikely to happen soon. (As of 2006-04-06) - The "register" directive should be disabled; we're not using it. Notes on requirements for "proper" rWHOIS configuration ### # SVN revision info # $Date$ # SVN revision $Rev$ # Last update by $Author$ ### - Each "master" block has its own auth area - Only the network records are used; referral records may be useful someday but not yet. - "Org" data is stored in the network records directly. Doing otherwise more or less works, but it's tedious and headache-ful to retrieve it. This according to an ARIN staffer who gets paid to check rWHOIS servers for "correctness". - Suitable templates and scripts for adding a fresh new master (manually) are included in this directory. Note that adding a master automagically is unlikely to happen soon. (As of 2006-04-06) - The "register" directive should be disabled; we're not using it.