Customer data for rWHOIS export

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  • Click the CustID to edit information
  • Enter information below to add a new entry - it's best if this is done **BEFORE** flipping the "SWIP" option on the netblock.
    Failed connection to db ipdb. Can't continue."); exit; } $qu = pg_exec ($db_conn, "SELECT * FROM customers order by custid"); if (!$qu) { echo "DB error - select on customers. Save this page and tell Kris.
    "; } print "
    ".pg_NumRows($qu)." customers.\n"; echo ""; echo "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "\n"; $row = 0; for ($row=0; $row < pg_NumRows($qu); $row++) { $data = pg_fetch_array($qu, $row); echo ''. "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "". "\n"; } echo "
    (Click to update)
    NameStreet addressAddress 2
    (if needed)
    CityProvinceCountryPostal codePhoneTech handleAbuse handleAdmin handleDefault rDNS
    (not used)
    '.$data[0]."   ". '(delete)$data[1]$data[2]$data[3]$data[4]$data[5]$data[6]$data[7]$data[8]$data[9]$data[10]$data[11]$data[12]$data[13]

    \n"; ?>