#!/usr/bin/perl -w # debbuild script # Shamelessly steals interface from rpm's "rpmbuild" to create # Debian packages. Please note that such packages are highly # unlikely to conform to "Debian Policy". ### # SVN revision info # $Date: 2015-07-14 01:14:26 +0000 (Tue, 14 Jul 2015) $ # SVN revision $Rev: 191 $ # Last update by $Author: kdeugau $ ### # Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Kris Deugau # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA use strict; use warnings; use Fcntl; # for sysopen flags use Cwd 'abs_path'; # for finding where files really are use Config; my $version = "0.10.1"; #VERSION# # regex debugger #use re "debug"; # Behavioural compatibility FTW! Yes, rpmbuild does this too. die "No .spec file to work with! Exiting.\n" if scalar(@ARGV) == 0; # Program flow: # -> Parse/execute "system" config/macros (if any - should be rare) # -> Parse/execute "user" config/macros (if any - *my* requirement is %_topdir) # -> Parse command line for options, spec file/tarball/.src.deb (NB - also accept .src.rpm) sub expandmacros; # User's prefs for dirs, environment, etc,etc,etc. # config file ~/.debmacros # Default ordered search paths for config/macros: # /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/rpmrc /etc/rpmrc ~/.rpmrc # /usr/lib/rpm/macros /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/macros /etc/rpm/macros ~/.rpmmacros # **NOTE: May be possible to (ab)use bits of debhelper # Build tree # default is /usr/src/debian/{BUILD,SOURCES,SPECS,DEBS,SDEBS} # Globals my $finalmessages = ''; # A place to stuff messages that I want printed at the *very* end of any processing. my $specfile; my $tarball; my $srcpkg; my $cmdbuildroot; my $tarballdir = '%{name}-%{version}'; # We do this in case of a spec file not using %setup... my %specglobals; # For %define's in specfile, among other things. $specglobals{'_vendor'} = 'debbuild'; # this can be changed by the Vendor: header in the spec file $specglobals{'vendor'} = 'debbuild'; # Initialized globals my $verbosity = 0; my $NoAutoReq = 0; my %cmdopts = (type => '', stage => 'a', short => 'n' ); my $topdir = "/usr/src/debian"; #my $specglobals{buildroot} = "%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.root".int(rand(99998)+1); $specglobals{buildroot} = '%{_topdir}/BUILDROOT/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}'; # "Constants" my %targets = ('p' => 'Prep', 'c' => 'Compile', 'i' => 'Install', 'l' => 'Verify %files', 'a' => 'Build binary and source', 'b' => 'Build binary', 's' => 'Build source' ); # Ah, the joys of multiple architectures. :( Feh. # As copied from rpm my %optflags = ( 'i386' => '-O2 -g -march=i386 -mcpu=i686', 'amd64' => '-O2 -g' ); my $hostarch; # we set this later... my $scriptletbase = q(#!/bin/bash RPM_SOURCE_DIR="%{_topdir}/SOURCES" RPM_BUILD_DIR="%{_topdir}/BUILD" RPM_OPT_FLAGS="%{optflags}" RPM_ARCH="%{_arch}" RPM_OS="linux" export RPM_SOURCE_DIR RPM_BUILD_DIR RPM_OPT_FLAGS RPM_ARCH RPM_OS RPM_DOC_DIR="/usr/share/doc" export RPM_DOC_DIR RPM_PACKAGE_NAME="%{name}" RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION="%{version}" RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE="%{release}" export RPM_PACKAGE_NAME RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE LANG=C export LANG unset CDPATH DISPLAY ||: RPM_BUILD_ROOT="%{buildroot}" export RPM_BUILD_ROOT PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH ); if (-e '/usr/bin/dpkg-architecture') { foreach (`dpkg-architecture`) { s/=(.+)/="$1"/; $scriptletbase .= " $_"; ($hostarch) = (/^DEB_HOST_ARCH="(.+)"$/) if /DEB_HOST_ARCH=/; } } else { warn "Missing dpkg-architecture, DEB_HOST_ARCH will not be set!\n"; } $scriptletbase .= q( set -x umask 022 cd "%{_topdir}/BUILD" ); # Hackery to try to bring some semblance of sanity to packages built for more # than one Debian version at the same time. Whee. # /etc/debian-version and/or version of base-files package my %distmap = ( # legacy Unbuntu "3.1.9ubuntu" => "dapper", "6.06" => "dapper", "4ubuntu" => "feisty", "7.04" => "fiesty", "4.0.1ubuntu" => "hardy", "8.04" => "hardy", # Note we do NOT support identification of "subrelease" versions (ie semimajor updates # to a given release). If your dependencies are really that tight, and you can't rely # on the versions of the actual dependencies, you're already in over your head, and # should probably only ship a tarballed installer. # only supporting LTS releases # base-files version doesn't map to the Ubuntu version the way Debian versions do, thus the doubled entries # Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin) "6.5ubuntu" => "precise", "12.04" => "precise", # Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (Trusty Tahr) "7.2ubuntu" => "trusty", "14.04" => "trusty", # Debian releases "3.0" => "woody", "3.1" => "sarge", "4" => "etch", "5" => "lenny", "6" => "squeeze", "7" => "wheezy", "8" => "jessie", "9" => "stretch", "99" => "sid", ); # Map Ubuntu base-files versions to the nominal public versions my %ubnt_vermap = ( "6.5ubuntu6" => "12.04", "7.2ubuntu5" => "14.04", ); # Enh. There doesn't seem to be any better way to do this... :( { # could theoretically also do something with this... it's about as stable as "dpkg-query ..." below... :( # my $releasever = qx { cat /etc/debian_version }; # chomp $releasever; my $basefiles; my $basever; my $baseos; # Funny thing how files like this have become useful... # Check for /etc/os-release. If that doesn't exist, try /etc/lsb-release. If that doesn't exist, # check for existence of dpkg-query, and either call it Debian Woody (if missing), or fall through # to guessing based on the version of the base-files package. if (-e '/etc/os-release') { open OSREL, ") { $baseos = $1 if /^ID=(\w+)/; $basever = $1 if /^VERSION_ID="?([\d.]+)/; } close OSREL; } elsif (-e '/etc/lsb-release') { open LSBREL, ") { $baseos = $1 if /^DISTRIB_ID=(\w+)/; $basever = $1 if /^DISTRIB_RELEASE=([\d.]+)/; } close LSBREL; } elsif ( ! -e '/usr/bin/dpkg-query' ) { # call it woody, since sarge and newer have dpkg-query, and we don't much care about obsolete^n releases $basever = "3.0"; $baseos = 'debian'; } else { # *eyeroll* there *really* has to be a better way to go about this. You # can't sanely build packages for multiple distro targets if you can't # programmatically figure out which one you're building on. # note that we care only about major release numbers; tracking minor or point # releases would be... exponentially more painful. my $majver; # for the lazy copy-paster: dpkg-query --showformat '${version}\n' -W base-files # avoid shellisms if (open BASEGETTER, "-|", "dpkg-query", "--showformat", '${version}', "-W", "base-files") { $basever = ; close BASEGETTER; if ($basever =~ /ubuntu/) { # Ubuntu, at least until they upset their versioning scheme again # note that we remap the basefiles version to the public release number, to match the # behaviour for Debian, and to match the unofficial standard for RHEL/Centos etc and Fedora ($basefiles,$basever) = ($basever =~ /^(([\d.]+)ubuntu)\d/); $baseos = 'ubuntu'; } else { # Debian, or more "pure" derivative $baseos = 'debian'; ($basever,$majver) = ($basever =~ /^((\d+)(?:\.\d)?)/); if ($majver > 3) { $basever = $majver; } } } if (!$basever) { # Your llama is on fire $basever = '99'; print "Warning: couldn't autodetect OS version, assuming sid/unstable\n"; } } # got dpkg-query? # Set some legacy globals. $specglobals{"debdist"} = $distmap{$basever}; $specglobals{"debver"} = $basever; # this may have trouble with Ubuntu versions? # Set the standard generic OS-class globals; $baseos = lc($baseos); $specglobals{"ubuntu"} = $basever if $baseos eq 'ubuntu'; $specglobals{"debian"} = $basever if $baseos eq 'debian'; # Default %{dist} to something marginally sane. Note this should be overrideable by --define. # This has been chosen to most closely follow the usage in RHEL/CentOS and Fedora, ie "el5" or "fc20". $specglobals{"dist"} = $baseos.$basever; } # done trying to set debian dist/version # Package data # This is the form of $pkgdata{pkgname}{meta} # meta includes Summary, Name, Version, Release, Group, Copyright, # Source, URL, Packager, BuildRoot, Description, BuildRequires, # Requires, Provides # 10/31/2005 Maybe this should be flatter? -kgd my %pkgdata = (main => {source => ''}); my @pkglist = ('main'); #sigh # Files listing. Embedding this in %pkgdata would be, um, messy. my %filelist; my %doclist; my $buildreq = ''; # Scriptlets my $prepscript = ''; my $buildscript = ''; # %install doesn't need the full treatment from %clean; just an empty place to install to. # NB - rpm doesn't do this; is it really necessary? my $installscript = '[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT'."\n"; my $cleanscript = ''; # Snag some environment data my $tmpdir; if (defined $ENV{TMP} && $ENV{TMP} =~ /^(\/var)?\/tmp$/) { $tmpdir = $ENV{TMP}; } else { $tmpdir = "/var/tmp"; } ##main load_userconfig(); parse_cmd(); if ($cmdopts{install}) { install_sdeb(); exit 0; } # output stage of --showpkgs if ($cmdopts{type} eq 'd') { parse_spec(); foreach my $pkg (@pkglist) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{name} =~ tr/_/-/; my $pkgfullname = "$pkgdata{$pkg}{name}_". (defined($pkgdata{main}{epoch}) ? "$pkgdata{main}{epoch}:" : ''). "$pkgdata{$pkg}{version}-$pkgdata{main}{release}_$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}.deb"; print "$pkgfullname\n" if $filelist{$pkg}; } # Source package print "$pkgdata{main}{name}-". (defined($pkgdata{main}{epoch}) ? "$pkgdata{main}{epoch}:" : ''). "$pkgdata{main}{version}-$pkgdata{main}{release}.sdeb\n"; exit 0; } # Stick --rebuild handling in here - basically install_sdeb() # followed by tweaking options to run with -ba if ($cmdopts{type} eq 's') { if ($srcpkg =~ /\.src\.rpm$/) { my @srclist = qx { rpm -qlp $srcpkg }; foreach (@srclist) { chomp; $specfile = "$topdir/SPECS/$_" if /\.spec$/; } qx { rpm -i $srcpkg }; } else { install_sdeb(); my @srclist = qx { pax < $srcpkg }; foreach (@srclist) { chomp; $specfile = "$topdir/$_" if /SPECS/; } } $cmdopts{type} = 'b'; $cmdopts{stage} = 'a'; } if ($cmdopts{type} eq 'b') { # Need to read the spec file to find the tarball. Note that # this also generates most of the shell script required. parse_spec(); die "Can't build $pkgdata{main}{name}: build requirements not met.\n" if !checkbuildreq(); } if ($cmdopts{type} eq 't') { # Need to unpack the tarball to find the spec file. Sort of the inverse of -b above. # zcat $tarball |tar -t |grep .spec # collect some info about the tarball $specfile = "$topdir/BUILD/". qx { zcat $tarball |tar -t |grep -e '[\.]spec\$' }; chomp $specfile; my ($fileonly, $dirname) = ($tarball =~ /(([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)\.tar\.(?:gz|bz2|xz))$/); $tarball = abs_path($tarball); ##fixme: use macro expansions for the executables my $unpackcmd = "cd $topdir/BUILD; ". ( $tarball =~ /\.tar\.gz$/ ? "/bin/gzip" : "" ). ( $tarball =~ /\.tar\.bz2$/ ? "/bin/bzip2" : "" ). ( $tarball =~ /\.tar\.(?:gz|Z)$/ ? "/usr/bin/xz" : "" ). " -dc $tarball |/bin/tar -xf -"; system "$unpackcmd"; system "cp $tarball $topdir/SOURCES/$fileonly"; system "cp $specfile $topdir/SPECS/"; parse_spec(); die "Can't build $pkgdata{main}{name}: build requirements not met.\n" if !checkbuildreq(); } # -> srcpkg if -.s if ($cmdopts{stage} eq 's') { srcpackage(); print $finalmessages; exit 0; } # Hokay. Need to: # -> prep if -.p OR (-.[cilabs] AND !--short-circuit) if ($cmdopts{stage} eq 'p' || ($cmdopts{stage} =~ /[cilabs]/ && $cmdopts{short} ne 'y')) { prep(); } # -> build if -.c OR (-.[ilabs] AND !--short-circuit) if ($cmdopts{stage} eq 'c' || ($cmdopts{stage} =~ /[ilabs]/ && $cmdopts{short} ne 'y')) { build(); } # -> install if -.[ilabs] #if ($cmdopts{stage} eq 'i' || ($cmdopts{stage} =~ /[labs]/ && $cmdopts{short} ne 'y')) { if ($cmdopts{stage} =~ /[ilabs]/) { install(); #foreach my $pkg (@pkglist) { # print "files in $pkg:\n ".$filelist{$pkg}."\n"; #} } # -> binpkg and srcpkg if -.a if ($cmdopts{stage} eq 'a') { binpackage(); srcpackage(); clean(); } # -> binpkg if -.b if ($cmdopts{stage} eq 'b') { binpackage(); clean(); } # Spit out any closing remarks print $finalmessages; # Just in case. exit 0; ## load_userconfig() # Loads user configuration (if any) # Currently only handles .debmacros # Needs to handle "other files" sub load_userconfig { my $homedir = (getpwuid($<))[7]; if (-e "$homedir/.debmacros") { open USERMACROS,"<$homedir/.debmacros"; while () { # And we also only handle a few macros at the moment. if (/^\%_topdir/) { my (undef,$tmp) = split /\s+/, $_; $topdir = $tmp; } next if /^\%_/; # Allow arbitrary definitions. Note that we're only doing simple defs here for now. if (/^\%([a-z0-9]+)\s+(.+)$/) { $specglobals{$1} = $2; } } } } # end load_userconfig() ## parse_cmd() # Parses command line into global hash %cmdopts, other globals # Options based on rpmbuild's options sub parse_cmd { # Don't feel like coding my own option parser... #use Getopt::Long; # ... but I may have to: (OTOH, rpm uses popt, so maybe we can too.) #use Getopt::Popt qw(:all); # Or not. >:( Stupid Debian lack of findable Perl module names in packages. # ... also note, single-character options are mostly not flags, so they can't be # sanely combined the way most other programs' single-character flag options can. # Stuff it. my $prevopt = ''; foreach (@ARGV) { chomp; # Is it an option? if (/^-/) { # Is it a long option? if (/^--/) { if (/^--short-circuit/) { $cmdopts{short} = 'y'; } elsif (/^--rebuild/) { $cmdopts{type} = 's'; } elsif (/^--showpkgs/) { $cmdopts{type} = 'd'; # d for 'diagnostic' or 'debug' or 'dump' } elsif (/^--help/) { print "debbuild v$version".q{ Copyright 2005-2012 Kris Deugau Build .deb packages from RPM-style .spec files debbuild supports most package-building options rpmbuild does. Build options with [ | | ]: -bp build through %prep (unpack sources and apply patches) from -bc build through %build (%prep, then compile) from -bi build through %install (%prep, %build, then install) from -bl verify %files section from -ba build source and binary packages from -bb build binary package only from -bs build source package only from -tp build through %prep (unpack sources and apply patches) from -tc build through %build (%prep, then compile) from -ti build through %install (%prep, %build, then install) from -ta build source and binary packages from -tb build binary package only from -ts build source package only from --rebuild build binary package from --buildroot=DIRECTORY override build root --short-circuit skip straight to specified stage (only for c,i) Common options: -D, --define='MACRO EXPR' define MACRO with value EXPR debbuild-specific options: -i Unpack a .sdeb in the %_topdir tree --showpkgs Show package names that would be built. Only works with .spec files. }; exit; } elsif (/^--define/) { # nothing to do? Can't see anything needed, we handle the actual definition later. ##fixme # add --self-package here # deps build-essential pax fakeroot } else { print "Long option $_ not handled\n"; } } else { # Not a long option if (/^-[bt]/) { if ($cmdopts{stage} eq 's') { # Mutually exclusive options. die "Can't use $_ with --rebuild\n"; } else { # Capture the type (from "bare" files or tarball) and the stage (prep, build, etc) ($cmdopts{stage}) = (/^-[bt]([pcilabs])/); ($cmdopts{type}) = (/^-([bt])[pcilabs]/); } } elsif (/^-v/) { # bump verbosity. Not sure what I'll actually do here... } elsif (/^-i/) { $cmdopts{install} = 1; $prevopt = '-i'; } elsif (/^-D/) { # --define. nothing to do on this round; actual work is done next time. } else { die "Bad option $_\n"; } } } else { # Not an option argument # --buildroot is the only option that takes an argument # Therefore, any *other* bare arguments are the spec file, # tarball, or source package we're operating on - depending # on which one we meet. if ($prevopt eq '--buildroot') { $cmdbuildroot = $_; } elsif ($prevopt eq '--define' || $prevopt eq '-D') { my ($macro,$value) = (/([a-z0-9_.-]+)(?:\s+(.+))?/i); if ($value ne '') { $specglobals{$macro} = $value; } else { warn "WARNING: missing value for macro $macro in --define! Ignoring.\n"; } } elsif ($prevopt eq '-i') { $srcpkg = $_; } else { if ($cmdopts{type} eq 's') { # Source package if (!/(sdeb|\.src\.rpm)$/) { die "Can't --rebuild with $_\n"; } $srcpkg = $_; } elsif ($cmdopts{type} eq 'b' || $cmdopts{type} eq 'd') { # Spec file $specfile = $_; } else { # Tarball build. Need to extract tarball to find spec file. Whee. $tarball = $_; } } } $prevopt = $_; } # foreach @ARGV # Some cross-checks. rpmbuild limits --short-circuit to just # the "compile" and "install" targets - with good reason IMO. # Note that --short-circuit with -.p is not really an error, just redundant. # NB - this is NOT fatal, just ignored! if ($cmdopts{short} eq 'y' && $cmdopts{stage} =~ /[labs]/) { warn "Can't use --short-circuit for $targets{$cmdopts{stage}} stage. Ignoring.\n"; $cmdopts{short} = 'n'; } # Valid options, with example arguments (if any): # Build from .spec file; mutually exclusive: # -bp # -bc # -bi # -bl # -ba # -bb # -bs # Build from tarball; mutually exclusive: # -tp # -tc # -ti # -ta # -tb # -ts # Build from .src.(deb|rpm) # --rebuild # --recompile # General options # --buildroot=DIRECTORY # --clean # --nobuild # --nodeps # --nodirtokens # --rmsource # --rmspec # --short-circuit # --target=CPU-VENDOR-OS #my $popt = new Getopt::Popt(argv => \@ARGV, options => \@optionsTable); } # end parse_cmd() ## parse_spec() # Parse the .spec file. sub parse_spec { die "No .spec file specified! Exiting.\n" if !$specfile; open SPECFILE,"<$specfile" or die "specfile ($specfile) barfed: $!"; my $iflevel = 0; my $buildarch = $hostarch; $pkgdata{main}{arch} = $hostarch; my $stage = 'preamble'; my $subname = 'main'; my $scriptlet; # Basic algorithm: # For each line # if it's a member of an %if construct, branch and see which segment of the # spec file we need to parse and which one gets discarded, then # short-circuit back to the top of the loop. # if it's a %section, bump the stage. Preparse addons to the %section line # (eg subpackage) and stuff them in suitable loop-global variables, then # short-circuit back to the top of the loop. # Otherwise, parse the line according to which section we're supposedly # parsing right now LINE: while () { next if /^#/ && $stage eq 'preamble'; # Ignore comments... next if /^\s*$/ && $stage eq 'preamble'; # ... and blank lines. # no sense in continuing if we find something we don't grok # Yes, this is really horribly fugly. But it's a cheap crosscheck against invalid # %-tags which also make rpmbuild barf. In theory. # notes: some of these are not *entirely* case-sensitive (%ifxxx), but most are. # Extracted from the Maximum RPM online doc via: # grep -h %[a-z] *|perl -e 'while (<>) { /\%([a-z0-9]+)\b/; print "$1|\n"; }'|sort -u if (/^%[a-z]/ && $_ !~ /^%(?:attr|build|changelog|check|clean|config|configure|defattr|define|description| dir|doc|docdir|else|endif|files|ghost|if|ifarch|ifn|ifnarch|ifnos|ifnxxx|fos|ifxxx| install|makeinstall|package|patch\d+|post|postun|pre|prep|preun|readme|setup[^\s]*| triggerin|triggerpostun|triggerun|verify|verifyscript)\b/x ) { my ($badtag) = (/^%([a-z]+)/i); die "Unknown tag \%$badtag at line $. of $specfile\n"; } # preprocess %define's if (my ($key, $def) = (/^\%define\s+([^\s]+)\s+(.+)$/) ) { $specglobals{$key} = expandmacros($def,'g'); } if (/^\%if/) { s/^\%if//; chomp; my $expr = expandmacros($_, 'g'); $iflevel++; if ($expr !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/) { # gots a logic statement we want to turn into a 1 or a 0. most likely by eval'ing it. $expr =~ s/\s+//g; # For Great w00tness! New and Improved multilayered logic handling. my @bits = split /\b/, $expr; $expr = ''; foreach my $bit (@bits) { next if $bit eq '"'; $bit =~ s/"//g; $expr .= qq("$bit") if $bit =~ /^\w+$/; $expr .= $bit if $bit !~ /^\w+$/; } # Done in this order so we don't cascade incorrectly. Yes, those spaces ARE correct in the replacements! $expr =~ s/==/ eq /g; $expr =~ s/!=/ ne /g; $expr =~ s/<=>/ cmp /g; $expr =~ s/<=/ le /g; $expr =~ s/>=/ ge /g; $expr =~ s// gt /g; # Turn it into something that eval's to a number. Maybe not needed? O_o #$expr = "( $expr ? 1 : 0 )"; $expr = eval $expr; } next LINE if $expr != 0; # This appears to be the only case we call false. while () { if (/^\%endif/) { $iflevel--; next LINE; } elsif (/^\%else/) { next LINE; } } } if (/^\%else/) { while () { if (/^\%endif/) { $iflevel--; next LINE; } } } if (/^\%endif/) { $iflevel--; next LINE; } # %if/%else/%endif if (/^\%{echo:(.+)}/) { my $output = expandmacros($1, 'gp'); print "$output"; next LINE; } # now we pick out the sections and set "state" to parse that section. Fugly but I can't see a better way. >:( if (/^\%description(?:\s+(?:-n\s+)?(.+))?/) { $stage = 'desc'; $subname = "main"; if ($1) { # Magic to add entries to the right package my $tmp = expandmacros("$1", 'gp'); if (/-n/) { $subname = $tmp; } else { $subname = "$pkgdata{main}{name}-$tmp"; } } next LINE; } # %description if (/^\%package\s+(?:-n\s+)?(.+)/) { $stage = 'package'; if ($1) { # Magic to add entries to the right package my $tmp = expandmacros("$1", 'gp'); if (/-n/) { $subname = $tmp; } else { $subname = "$pkgdata{main}{name}-$tmp"; } } push @pkglist, $subname; $pkgdata{$subname}{name} = $subname; $pkgdata{$subname}{version} = $pkgdata{main}{version}; # Build "same arch as previous package found" by default. Where rpm just picks the # *very* last one, we want to allow arch+arch-all # (eg, Apache is i386, but apache-manual is all) $pkgdata{$subname}{arch} = $buildarch; # Since it's likely subpackages will NOT have a BuildArch line... next LINE; } # %package if (/^\%prep/) { $stage = 'prep'; # Replace some core macros $pkgdata{main}{source} = expandmacros($pkgdata{main}{source},'gp'); next LINE; } # %prep if (/^\%build/) { $stage = 'build'; $buildscript .= "cd '$tarballdir'\n" if $pkgdata{main}{hassetup}; next LINE; } # %build if (/^\%install/) { $stage = 'install'; $installscript .= "cd '$tarballdir'\n" if $pkgdata{main}{hassetup}; next LINE; } # %install if (/^\%clean/) { $stage = 'clean'; $cleanscript .= "cd '$tarballdir'\n" if $pkgdata{main}{hassetup}; next LINE; } # %clean if (/^\%(pre|post|preun|postun)\b(?:\s+(?:-n\s+)?(.+))?/i) { $stage = 'prepost'; $scriptlet = lc $1; $subname = 'main'; if ($2) { # Magic to add entries to the right package my $tmp = expandmacros("$2", 'g'); if (/-n/) { $subname = $tmp; } else { $subname = "$pkgdata{main}{name}-$tmp"; } } next LINE; } # %pre/%post/%preun/%postun if (/^\%files(?:\s+(?:-n\s+)?(.+))?/) { $stage = 'files'; $subname = 'main'; if ($1) { # Magic to add entries to the right list of files my $tmp = expandmacros("$1", 'gp'); if (/-n/) { $subname = $tmp; } else { $subname = "$pkgdata{main}{name}-$tmp"; } } next LINE; } # %files if (/^\%changelog/) { $stage = 'changelog'; $pkgdata{main}{changelog} = ''; next LINE; } # now we handle individual lines from the various sections if ($stage eq 'desc') { next LINE if /^\s*#/; $pkgdata{$subname}{desc} .= " $_"; } # description if ($stage eq 'package') { # gotta expand %defines here. Whee. # Note that we look for the Debian-specific Recommends, Suggests, and Replaces, # although they will have to be wrapped in '%if %{_vendor} == "debbuild"' for # an rpmbuild-compatible .spec file # NB: NOT going to support Pre-Depends, since it's a "Don't Use" (mis)feature, and # RPM's support for a similar tag (PreReq) has been recently dropped. if (my ($dname,$dvalue) = (/^(Recommends|Suggests|Enhances|Replaces|Summary|Group|Version|Requires|Conflicts|Provides|BuildArch(?:itecture)?):\s+(.+)$/i)) { $dname =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; if ($dname =~ /^BuildArch/i) { $dvalue =~ s/^noarch/all/ig; $buildarch = $dvalue; # Emulate rpm's behaviour to a degree $dname = 'arch'; } if ($dname =~ /recommends|suggests|enhances|replaces|requires|conflicts|provides/) { $pkgdata{$subname}{$dname} .= ", ".expandmacros($dvalue, 'gp'); } else { $pkgdata{$subname}{$dname} = expandmacros($dvalue, 'gp'); } } } # package if ($stage eq 'prep') { # Actual handling for %prep section. May have %setup macro; may # include %patch tags, may be just a bare shell script. if (/^\%setup/) { $pkgdata{main}{hassetup} = 1; # flag the fact that we've got %setup # Parse out the %setup macro. chomp; # rpmbuild doesn't complain about gibberish immediately following %setup, but we will warn "Suspect \%setup tag '$_', continuing\n" if ! /^\%setup(?:\s|$)/; # Prepare some flags my $changedir = 0; my $deldir = 1; my $quietunpack = 0; my $deftarball = 1; my $snum = ''; my $sbefore; my $safter; my $altsource = 0; # yes, really. It's not clear how this cascades down to %build or %install my $thistarballdir = $tarballdir; my @sbits = split /\s+/; shift @sbits; while (my $sopt = shift @sbits) { if ($sopt eq '-n') { $thistarballdir = shift @sbits; } elsif ($sopt eq '-a') { # shift, next opt must be numeric (which sourcenn:) $sopt = shift @sbits; die "Argument for \%setup -a must be numeric at $specfile line $.\n" if $sopt !~ /^\d+$/; $safter = $sopt; $snum = $sopt; $altsource = 1; } elsif ($sopt eq '-b') { # shift, next opt must be numeric (which sourcenn:) $sopt = shift @sbits; die "Argument for \%setup -b must be numeric at $specfile line $.\n" if $sopt !~ /^\d+$/; $sbefore = $sopt; $snum = $sopt; $altsource = 2; } elsif ($sopt eq '-c') { # flag, create and change directory before unpack $changedir = 1; } elsif ($sopt eq '-D') { # flag, do not delete directory before unpack $deldir = 0; } elsif ($sopt eq '-T') { # flag, do not unpack first source $deftarball = 0; } elsif ($sopt eq '-q') { # SSSH! Unpack quietly $quietunpack = 1; } } # $sopt = shift @sbits # Note that this is an incomplete match to rpmbuild's full %setup expression. # Still known to do: # - Match implementation of -a and -b if both are specified. # Looks to be "expand -a into $aftersource and expand -b into $beforesource inside the while()" # instead of treating them as flags like the other arguments. # - -q appears to be somewhat positional $prepscript .= "cd '$topdir/BUILD'\n"; $tarballdir = expandmacros($tarballdir,'gp'); $prepscript .= "rm -rf '$thistarballdir'\n" if $deldir; $prepscript .= "/bin/mkdir -p $thistarballdir\n" if $changedir; if ($deftarball) { $prepscript .= "cd '$thistarballdir'\n" if $changedir; $prepscript .= ( $pkgdata{main}{source} =~ /\.tar\.gz$/ ? "/bin/gzip" : "" ). ( $pkgdata{main}{source} =~ /\.tar\.bz2$/ ? "/bin/bzip2" : "" ). ( $pkgdata{main}{source} =~ /\.tar\.xz$/ ? "/usr/bin/xz" : "" ). " -dc '$topdir/SOURCES/$pkgdata{main}{source}' | /bin/tar -x". ( $quietunpack ? '' : 'vv' )."f -\n". qq(STATUS=\$?\nif [ \$STATUS -ne 0 ]; then\n exit \$STATUS\nfi\n); } if ($altsource) { if ($altsource == 1) { # -a $prepscript .= "cd '$thistarballdir'\n"; $prepscript .= ( $pkgdata{sources}{$snum} =~ /\.tar\.gz$/ ? "/bin/gzip" : "" ). ( $pkgdata{sources}{$snum} =~ /\.tar\.bz2$/ ? "/bin/bzip2" : "" ). ( $pkgdata{sources}{$snum} =~ /\.tar\.xz$/ ? "/usr/bin/xz" : "" ). " -dc '$topdir/SOURCES/$pkgdata{sources}{$snum}' | /bin/tar -x". ( $quietunpack ? '' : 'vv' )."f -\n". qq(STATUS=\$?\nif [ \$STATUS -ne 0 ]; then\n exit \$STATUS\nfi\n); } # $altsource == 1 if ($altsource == 2) { # -b $prepscript .= ( $pkgdata{sources}{$snum} =~ /\.tar\.gz$/ ? "/bin/gzip" : "" ). ( $pkgdata{sources}{$snum} =~ /\.tar\.bz2$/ ? "/bin/bzip2" : "" ). ( $pkgdata{sources}{$snum} =~ /\.tar\.xz$/ ? "/usr/bin/xz" : "" ). " -dc '$topdir/SOURCES/$pkgdata{sources}{$snum}' | /bin/tar -x". ( $quietunpack ? '' : 'vv' )."f -\n". qq(STATUS=\$?\nif [ \$STATUS -ne 0 ]; then\n exit \$STATUS\nfi\n); $prepscript .= "cd '$thistarballdir'\n"; } # $altsource == 2 } # rpm doesn't seem to do the chowns any more # qq([ `/usr/bin/id -u` = '0' ] && /bin/chown -Rhf root .\n). # qq([ `/usr/bin/id -u` = '0' ] && /bin/chgrp -Rhf root .\n). $prepscript .= qq(/bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w .\n); } elsif ( my ($patchnum,$patchopts) = (/^\%patch([^\s]+)(\s+.+)?$/) ) { chomp $patchnum; $prepscript .= qq(echo "Patch #$patchnum ($pkgdata{main}{"patch$patchnum"}):"\n); # If there are options passed, use'em. # Otherwise, catch a bare %patch and ASS-U-ME it's '-p0'-able. # Will break on options that don't provide -pnn, but what the hell. # Need to decompress .bz2 and .gz patches on the fly. Not sure why one # would ever have such things, but there they are... and rpmbuild supports 'em # patch originally suggested by Lucian Cristian for .bz2 # reworked and expanded to support .Z/.gz/.xz as well if ( $pkgdata{main}{"patch$patchnum"} =~ /\.(?:Z|gz|bz2|xz)$/ ) { my $decompressor; $decompressor = 'gzip' if $pkgdata{main}{"patch$patchnum"} =~ /\.(?:Z|gz)$/; $decompressor = 'bzip2' if $pkgdata{main}{"patch$patchnum"} =~ /\.bz2$/; $decompressor = 'xz' if $pkgdata{main}{"patch$patchnum"} =~ /\.xz$/; $prepscript .= qq(/bin/$decompressor -d < $topdir/SOURCES/$pkgdata{main}{"patch$patchnum"} | patch ); $prepscript .= $patchopts if $patchopts; $prepscript .= "-p0" if !$patchopts; $prepscript .= qq( -s\nSTATUS=\$?\nif [ \$STATUS -ne 0 ]; then\n exit \$STATUS\nfi\n); } else { $prepscript .= "patch "; $prepscript .= $patchopts if $patchopts; $prepscript .= "-p0" if !$patchopts; $prepscript .= " -s <$topdir/SOURCES/".$pkgdata{main}{"patch$patchnum"}."\n"; } } else { $prepscript .= expandmacros($_,'gp'); } next LINE; } # prep if ($stage eq 'build') { # %build. This is pretty much just a shell script. There # aren't many local macros to deal with. if (/^\%configure/) { $buildscript .= expandmacros($_,'cgbp'); } elsif (/^\%\{__make\}/) { $buildscript .= expandmacros($_,'mgbp'); } else { $buildscript .= expandmacros($_,'gp'); } next LINE; } # build if ($stage eq 'install') { if (/^\%makeinstall/) { $installscript .= expandmacros($_,'igbp'); } else { $installscript .= expandmacros($_,'gp'); } next LINE; } # install if ($stage eq 'clean') { $cleanscript .= expandmacros($_,'gp'); next LINE; } # clean if ($stage eq 'prepost') { $pkgdata{$subname}{$scriptlet} .= expandmacros($_,'gp'); next LINE; } # prepost if ($stage eq 'files') { # need to deal with these someday next LINE if /^\%dir/; next LINE if /^\%defattr/; next LINE if /^\%verify/; # dunno what to do with this; not sure if there's space in Debian's package structure for it. next LINE if /^\%ghost/; # Debian dpkg doesn't speak "%docdir". Meh. next LINE if /^\%docdir/; # my $singleton = 0; # don't recall what this was for next LINE if /^\s*#/; next LINE if /^\s*$/; # create and initialize flags my ($perms, $owner, $group, $conf, $filesline); $perms = $owner = $group = $conf = '-'; $filesline = $_; # strip and flag %attr constructs if ($filesline =~ /\%attr\b/) { # Extract %attr... my ($args) = (/(\%attr\s*\(\s*[\d-]+\s*,\s*["a-zA-Z0-9-]+\s*,\s*["a-zA-Z0-9-]+\s*\))/); $args =~ s/\s+//g; $args =~ s/"//g; # don't think quotes are ever necessary, but they're *allowed* # ... and parse it ... ($perms,$owner,$group) = ($args =~ /\(([\d-]+),([a-zA-Z0-9-]+),([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/); # ... and wipe it when we're done. $filesline =~ s/\%attr\s*\(\s*[\d-]+\s*,\s*["a-zA-Z0-9-]+\s*,\s*["a-zA-Z0-9-]+\s*\)//; } # Conffiles. Note that Debian and RH have similar, but not # *quite* identical ideas of what constitutes a conffile. Nrgh. # Note that dpkg will always ask if you want to replace the file - noreplace # is more or less permanently enabled. ##fixme # also need to handle missingok (file that doesn't exist, but should be removed on uninstall) # hmm. not sure if such is **POSSIBLE** with Debian... maybe an addition to %post? if ($filesline =~ /\%config\b(?:\s*\(\s*noreplace\s*\)\s*)?/) { $pkgdata{$subname}{conffiles} = 1; # Flag it for later $conf = 'y'; $filesline =~ s/\%config\b(?:\s*\(\s*noreplace\s*\)\s*)?//; } # %doc needs extra processing, because it can be a space-separated list, and may # include both full and partial pathnames. The partial pathnames must be fiddled # into place in the %install script, because Debian doesn't really have the concept # of "documentation file" that rpm does. (Debian "documentation files" are files # in /usr/share/doc/.) ##fixme: unhandled case: %doc %defattr. Eeep. # don't really know what to do with %defattr, generally. :( if ($filesline =~ /\%doc\b/) { $filesline =~ s/\s*\%doc\s+//; # this could probably go elsewhere. my $pkgname = $pkgdata{$subname}{name}; $pkgname =~ tr/_/-/; # have to extract the partial pathnames that %doc installs automagically foreach (split /\s+/, $filesline) { if (! (/^\%/ or m|^/|) ) { $doclist{$subname} .= " $_"; my ($element) = m|([^/\s]+/?)$|; $filesline =~ s|$_|\%{_docdir}/$pkgname/$element|; } } } # $filesline =~ /\%doc\b/ $filesline =~ s/^\s*//; # Just In Case. For, uh, neatness. # due to Debian's total lack of real permissions-processing in its actual package # handling component (dpkg-deb), this can't really be done "properly". We'll have # to add chown/chmod commands to the postinst instead. Feh. $pkgdata{$subname}{'post'} .= "chown $owner $filesline\n" if $owner ne '-'; $pkgdata{$subname}{'post'} .= "chgrp $group $filesline\n" if $group ne '-'; $pkgdata{$subname}{'post'} .= "chmod $perms $filesline\n" if $perms ne '-'; ##fixme # need hackery to assure only one filespec per %config. NB: "*" is one filespec. push @{$pkgdata{$subname}{conflist}}, $filesline if $conf ne '-'; # now that we've got the specials out of the way, we can add things to the appropriate list of files. # ... and finally everything else $filelist{$subname} .= " $filesline"; next LINE; } # files if ($stage eq 'changelog') { # this is one of the few places we do NOT generally want to replace macros... $pkgdata{main}{changelog} .= $_; } if ($stage eq 'preamble') { if (/^summary:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{summary} = $1; } elsif (/^name:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{name} = expandmacros($1,'g'); } elsif (/^epoch:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{epoch} = expandmacros($1,'g'); } elsif (/^version:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{version} = expandmacros($1,'g'); } elsif (/^release:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{release} = expandmacros($1,'g'); } elsif (/^group:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{group} = $1; } elsif (/^copyright:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{copyright} = $1; } elsif (/^url:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{url} = $1; } elsif (/^packager:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{packager} = $1; } elsif (/^vendor:\s*(.+)/i) { $specglobals{vendor} = $1; } elsif (/^buildroot:\s*(.+)/i) { $specglobals{buildroot} = $1; } elsif (my ($sval) = /^source0?:\s*(.+)/i) { $sval =~ s/\s*$//; $pkgdata{main}{source} = $sval; # Do this here since we don't use any URL forms elsewhere (maybe some other time) $pkgdata{main}{source} =~ s|^.+/([^/]+)$|$1|; $pkgdata{sources}{0} = $pkgdata{main}{source}; # .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tgz, .xz die "Unknown Source: header format $sval\n" if $sval !~ /\.(?:tar(?:\.(?:gz|bz2|xz))?|tgz)$/; } elsif (my ($srcnum, $src) = (/^source([0-9]+):\s*(.+)/i)) { $src =~ s/\s*$//; $pkgdata{sources}{$srcnum} = $src; # Do this here since we don't use any URL forms elsewhere (maybe some other time) $pkgdata{sources}{$srcnum} =~ s|^.+/([^/]+)$|$1|; } elsif (/^patch([^:]+):\s*(.+)$/i) { my $patchname = "patch$1"; $pkgdata{main}{$patchname} = $2; if ($pkgdata{main}{$patchname} =~ /\//) { # URL-style patch. Rare but not unheard-of. my @patchbits = split '/', $pkgdata{main}{$patchname}; $pkgdata{main}{$patchname} = $patchbits[$#patchbits]; } chomp $pkgdata{main}{$patchname}; } elsif (/^buildarch(?:itecture)?:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{arch} = $1; $pkgdata{main}{arch} =~ s/^noarch$/all/; $buildarch = $pkgdata{main}{arch}; } elsif (/^buildrequires:\s*(.+)/i) { $buildreq .= ", $1"; } elsif (/^requires:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{requires} .= ", ".expandmacros("$1", 'gp'); } elsif (/^provides:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{provides} .= ", $1"; } elsif (/^conflicts:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{conflicts} .= ", $1"; } elsif (/^recommends:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{recommends} .= ", $1"; warn "Warning: Debian-specific 'Recommends:' outside \%if wrapper\n" if $iflevel == 0; # As of sometime between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7 or so, support was added for Recommends: and Enhances:, # along with shiny new tag Supplements:. We'll continue to warn about them for a while. } elsif (/^suggests:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{suggests} .= ", $1"; warn "Warning: 'Suggests:' outside \%if wrapper\n" if $iflevel == 0; } elsif (/^enhances:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{enhances} .= ", $1"; warn "Warning: 'Enhances:' outside \%if wrapper\n" if $iflevel == 0; } elsif (/^supplements:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{enhances} .= ", $1"; warn "Warning: 'Supplements:' is not natively supported by .deb packages. Downgrading relationship to Enhances:.\n"; } elsif (/^replaces:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{replaces} .= ", $1"; warn "Warning: 'Replaces:' outside \%if wrapper\n" if $iflevel == 0; } elsif (/^obsoletes:\s*(.+)/i) { $pkgdata{main}{replaces} .= ", $1"; } elsif (/^autoreq(?:prov)?:\s*(.+)/i) { # we don't handle auto-provides (yet) $NoAutoReq = 1 if $1 =~ /(?:no|0)/i; } next LINE; } # preamble } # while # Parse and replace some more macros. More will be replaced even later. # Expand macros as necessary. $scriptletbase = expandmacros($scriptletbase,'gp'); $cleanscript = expandmacros($cleanscript,'gp'); $specglobals{buildroot} = $cmdbuildroot if $cmdbuildroot; $specglobals{buildroot} = expandmacros($specglobals{buildroot},'gp'); close SPECFILE; } # end parse_spec() ## prep() # Writes and executes the %prep script (mostly) built while reading the spec file. sub prep { # Replace some things here just to make sure. $prepscript = expandmacros($prepscript,'gp'); # create script filename my $prepscriptfile = "$tmpdir/deb-tmp.prep.".int(rand(99998)+1); sysopen(PREPSCRIPT, $prepscriptfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW) or die "Can't open/create prep script file $prepscriptfile: $!\n"; print PREPSCRIPT $scriptletbase; print PREPSCRIPT $prepscript; close PREPSCRIPT; # execute print "Calling \%prep script $prepscriptfile...\n"; system("/bin/sh -e $prepscriptfile") == 0 or die "Can't exec: $!\n"; # and clean up unlink $prepscriptfile; } # end prep() ## build() # Writes and executes the %build script (mostly) built while reading the spec file. sub build { # Expand the macros $buildscript = expandmacros($buildscript,'cgbp'); # create script filename my $buildscriptfile = "$tmpdir/deb-tmp.build.".int(rand(99998)+1); sysopen(BUILDSCRIPT, $buildscriptfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW) or die "Can't open/create build script file $buildscriptfile: $!\n"; print BUILDSCRIPT $scriptletbase; print BUILDSCRIPT $buildscript; close BUILDSCRIPT; # execute print "Calling \%build script $buildscriptfile...\n"; system("/bin/sh -e $buildscriptfile") == 0 or die "Can't exec: $!\n"; # and clean up unlink $buildscriptfile; } # end build() ## install() # Writes and executes the %install script (mostly) built while reading the spec file. sub install { # munge %doc entries into place # rpm handles this with a separate executed %doc script, we're not going to bother. foreach my $docpkg (keys %doclist) { my $pkgname = $pkgdata{$docpkg}{name}; $pkgname =~ s/_/-/g; $installscript .= "DOCDIR=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT\%{_docdir}/$pkgname\nexport DOCDIR\n"; $installscript .= "mkdir -p \$DOCDIR\n"; $doclist{$docpkg} =~ s/^\s*//; foreach (split(' ',$doclist{$docpkg})) { $installscript .= "cp -pr $_ \$DOCDIR/\n"; } } # Expand the macros $installscript = expandmacros($installscript,'igbp'); # create script filename my $installscriptfile = "$tmpdir/deb-tmp.inst.".int(rand(99998)+1); sysopen(INSTSCRIPT, $installscriptfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW) or die "Can't open/create install script file $installscriptfile: $!\n"; print INSTSCRIPT $scriptletbase; print INSTSCRIPT $installscript; close INSTSCRIPT; # execute print "Calling \%install script $installscriptfile...\n"; system("/bin/sh -e $installscriptfile") == 0 or die "Can't exec: $!\n"; # and clean up unlink $installscriptfile; # final bit: compress manpages if present # done here cuz I don't grok shell well # should probably error-check all kinds of things. if (opendir MANROOT, "$specglobals{buildroot}/usr/share/man") { my @mansects = readdir MANROOT; closedir MANROOT; foreach my $mandir (@mansects) { next if $mandir !~ /^man/; opendir MANPAGES, "$specglobals{buildroot}/usr/share/man/$mandir"; my @pagelist = readdir MANPAGES; closedir MANPAGES; # Slightly safer to to this; no accidental recursion. O_o foreach my $manpage (@pagelist) { $manpage = "$specglobals{buildroot}/usr/share/man/$mandir/$manpage"; if ( -f $manpage) { if ($manpage =~ /^(.+)\.(?:Z|gz|bz2)\n?$/) { my $newpage = $1; `gunzip $manpage` if $manpage =~ /\.(?:Z|gz)$/; `bunzip2 $manpage` if $manpage =~ /\.bz2$/; $manpage = $newpage; } `gzip -9 -n $manpage`; } elsif ( -l $manpage) { my $linkdest = readlink $manpage; $linkdest =~ s/\.(?:Z|gz|bz2)//; unlink $manpage; $manpage =~ s/\.(?:Z|gz|bz2)//; symlink "$linkdest.gz", "$manpage.gz" or print "DEBUG: wibble: symlinking manpage failed: $!\n"; } } } } # if opendir MANROOT } # end install() ## binpackage() # Creates the binary .deb package from the installed tree in $specglobals{buildroot}. # Writes and executes a shell script to do so. # Creates miscellaneous files required by dpkg-deb to actually build the package file. # Should handle simple subpackages sub binpackage { foreach my $pkg (@pkglist) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{arch} = $hostarch if !$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}; # Just In Case. # Make sure we have somewhere to write the .deb file if (!-e "$topdir/DEBS/$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}") { mkdir "$topdir/DEBS/$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}"; } # Skip building a package that doesn't have any files or dependencies. True # metapackages don't have any files, but they depend on a bunch of things. # Packages with neither have, essentially, no content. next if (!$filelist{$pkg} or $filelist{$pkg} =~ /^\s*$/) && (!$pkgdata{$pkg}{requires}); $filelist{$pkg} = '' if !$filelist{$pkg}; # Gotta do this first, otherwise we don't have a place to move files from %files mkdir "$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg"; # Eliminate any lingering % macros $filelist{$pkg} = expandmacros $filelist{$pkg}, 'gp'; my @pkgfilelist = split ' ', $filelist{$pkg}; foreach my $pkgfile (@pkgfilelist) { $pkgfile = expandmacros($pkgfile, 'gp'); # Feh. Manpages don't **NEED** to be gzipped, but rpmbuild does, and so shall we. # ... and your little info page too! if ($pkgfile =~ m{/usr/share/(?:man/man|info)}) { # need to check to see if manpage is gzipped if (-e "$specglobals{buildroot}$pkgfile") { # if we've just been pointed to a manpage section with "many" pages, # we need to gzip them all. # fortunately, we do NOT need to explicitly track each file for the # purpose of stuffing them in the package... the original %files # entry will do just fine. if ( -d "$specglobals{buildroot}$pkgfile") { foreach my $globfile (glob("$specglobals{buildroot}$pkgfile/*")) { gzip $globfile if $globfile !~ m|\.gz$|; } } else { if ($pkgfile !~ m|\.gz$|) { qx { gzip $specglobals{buildroot}$pkgfile }; $pkgfile .= ".gz"; } } } else { if ($pkgfile !~ m|\.gz$|) { $pkgfile .= ".gz"; } else { $pkgfile =~ s/\.gz$//; qx { gzip $specglobals{buildroot}$pkgfile }; $pkgfile .= ".gz"; } } } my ($fpath,$fname) = ($pkgfile =~ m|(.+?/?)?([^/]+/?)$|); # We don't need $fname now, but we might. qx { mkdir -p $specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg$fpath } if $fpath && $fpath ne ''; qx { mv $specglobals{buildroot}$pkgfile $specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg$fpath }; } # Get the "Depends" (Requires) a la RPM. Ish. We strip the leading # comma and space here (if needed) in case there were "Requires" specified # in the spec file - those would precede these. $pkgdata{$pkg}{requires} .= getreqs("$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg") if ! $NoAutoReq; # magic needed to properly version dependencies... # only provided deps will really be included $pkgdata{$pkg}{requires} =~ s/^, //; # Still have to do this here. $pkgdata{$pkg}{requires} =~ s/\s+//g; my @deps = split /,/, $pkgdata{$pkg}{requires}; my $tmp = ''; foreach my $dep (@deps) { # Hack up the perl(Class::SubClass) deps into something dpkg can understand. # May or may not be versioned. # We do this first so the version rewriter can do its magic next. if (my ($mod,$ver) = ($dep =~ /^perl\(([A-Za-z0-9\:\-]+)\)([><=]+.+)?/) ) { $mod =~ s/^perl\(//; $mod =~ s/\)$//; $mod =~ s/::/-/g; $mod =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $mod = "lib$mod-perl"; $mod .= $ver if $ver; $dep = $mod; } if (my ($name,$rel,$value) = ($dep =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)([><=]+)([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)$/)) { $tmp .= ", $name ($rel $value)"; } else { $tmp .= ", $dep"; } } ($pkgdata{$pkg}{requires} = $tmp) =~ s/^, //; # Do this here since we're doing {depends}... if (defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{provides})) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{provides} =~ s/^, //; $pkgdata{$pkg}{provides} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{provides},'gp'); } if (defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{conflicts})) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{conflicts} =~ s/^, //; $pkgdata{$pkg}{conflicts} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{conflicts},'gp'); } # These are Debian-specific! if (defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{recommends})) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{recommends} =~ s/^, //; $pkgdata{$pkg}{recommends} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{recommends},'gp'); } if (defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{suggests})) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{suggests} =~ s/^, //; $pkgdata{$pkg}{suggests} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{suggests},'gp'); } if (defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{enhances})) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{enhances} =~ s/^, //; $pkgdata{$pkg}{enhances} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{enhances},'gp'); } if (defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{replaces})) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{replaces} =~ s/^, //; $pkgdata{$pkg}{replaces} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{replaces},'gp'); } # Gotta do this next, otherwise the control file has nowhere to go. >:( mkdir "$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN"; # Hack the filename for the package into a Debian-tool-compatible format. GRRRRRR!!!!! # Have I mentioned I hate Debian Policy? $pkgdata{$pkg}{name} =~ tr/_/-/; # create script filename my $debscriptfile = "$tmpdir/deb-tmp.pkg.".int(rand(99998)+1); sysopen(DEBSCRIPT, $debscriptfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW) or die "Can't open/create package-creation script file $debscriptfile: $!\n"; print DEBSCRIPT $scriptletbase; print DEBSCRIPT "fakeroot -- dpkg-deb -b $specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg $topdir/DEBS/$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}/". "$pkgdata{$pkg}{name}_". (defined($pkgdata{main}{epoch}) ? "$pkgdata{main}{epoch}:" : ''). "$pkgdata{$pkg}{version}-$pkgdata{main}{release}_$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}.deb\n"; # %$&$%@#@@#%@@@ Debian and their horrible ugly package names. >:( close DEBSCRIPT; $pkgdata{$pkg}{summary} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{summary}, 'gp'); my $control = "Package: $pkgdata{$pkg}{name}\n". "Version: ".(defined($pkgdata{main}{epoch}) ? "$pkgdata{main}{epoch}:" : ''). "$pkgdata{$pkg}{version}-$pkgdata{main}{release}\n". "Section: ".($pkgdata{$pkg}{group} ? $pkgdata{$pkg}{group} : $pkgdata{main}{group})."\n". "Priority: optional\n". "Architecture: $pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}\n". "Maintainer: $pkgdata{main}{packager}\n". ( $pkgdata{$pkg}{requires} ne '' ? "Depends: $pkgdata{$pkg}{requires}\n" : '' ). ( defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{provides}) ? "Provides: $pkgdata{$pkg}{provides}\n" : '' ). ( defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{conflicts}) ? "Conflicts: $pkgdata{$pkg}{conflicts}\n" : '' ). ( defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{recommends}) ? "Recommends: $pkgdata{$pkg}{recommends}\n" : '' ). ( defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{suggests}) ? "Suggests: $pkgdata{$pkg}{suggests}\n" : '' ). ( defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{enhances}) ? "Enhances: $pkgdata{$pkg}{enhances}\n" : '' ). ( defined($pkgdata{$pkg}{replaces}) ? "Replaces: $pkgdata{$pkg}{replaces}\n" : '' ). "Description: $pkgdata{$pkg}{summary}\n"; $pkgdata{$pkg}{desc} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{desc}, 'gp'); # Munge things so that Debian tools don't choke on errant blank lines $pkgdata{$pkg}{desc} =~ s/\s+$//g; # Trim trailing blanks $pkgdata{$pkg}{desc} =~ s/^ $/ ./mg; # Replace lines consisting of " \n" with " .\n" $control .= "$pkgdata{$pkg}{desc}\n"; open CONTROL, ">$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/control"; print CONTROL $control; close CONTROL; # Iff there are conffiles (as specified in the %files list(s), add'em # in so dpkg-deb can tag them. if ($pkgdata{$pkg}{conffiles}) { open CONFLIST, ">$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/conffiles"; foreach my $conffile (@{$pkgdata{$pkg}{conflist}}) { $conffile = expandmacros($conffile, 'g'); my @tmp = glob "$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/$conffile"; foreach (@tmp) { s|$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/||g; # nrgl. gotta be a better way to do this... s/\s+/\n/g; # Not gonna support spaces in filenames. Ewww. print CONFLIST "$_\n"; } } close CONFLIST; } # found the point of scripts on subpackages. if ($pkgdata{$pkg}{'pre'}) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{'pre'} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{'pre'},'gp'); open PREINST, ">$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/preinst"; print PREINST "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n\n"; print PREINST $pkgdata{$pkg}{'pre'}; close PREINST; chmod 0755, "$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/preinst"; } if ($pkgdata{$pkg}{'post'}) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{'post'} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{'post'},'gp'); open POSTINST, ">$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/postinst"; print POSTINST "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n\n"; print POSTINST $pkgdata{$pkg}{'post'}; close POSTINST; chmod 0755, "$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/postinst"; } if ($pkgdata{$pkg}{'preun'}) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{'pre'} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{'preun'},'gp'); open PREUNINST, ">$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/prerm"; print PREUNINST "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n\n"; print PREUNINST $pkgdata{$pkg}{'preun'}; close PREUNINST; chmod 0755, "$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/prerm"; } if ($pkgdata{$pkg}{'postun'}) { $pkgdata{$pkg}{'postun'} = expandmacros($pkgdata{$pkg}{'postun'},'gp'); open POSTUNINST, ">$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/postrm"; print POSTUNINST "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n\n"; print POSTUNINST $pkgdata{$pkg}{'postun'}; close POSTUNINST; chmod 0755, "$specglobals{buildroot}/$pkg/DEBIAN/postrm"; } # execute print "Calling package creation script $debscriptfile for $pkgdata{$pkg}{name}...\n"; system("/bin/sh -e $debscriptfile") == 0 or die "Can't exec: $!\n"; $finalmessages .= "Wrote binary package ". "$pkgdata{$pkg}{name}_". (defined($pkgdata{main}{epoch}) ? "$pkgdata{main}{epoch}:" : ''). "$pkgdata{$pkg}{version}-$pkgdata{main}{release}_$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}.deb". " in $topdir/DEBS/$pkgdata{$pkg}{arch}\n"; # and clean up unlink $debscriptfile; } # subpackage loop } # end binpackage() ## srcpackage() # Builds a .src.deb source package. Note that Debian's idea of # a "source package" is seriously flawed IMO, because you can't # easily copy it as-is. # Not quite identical to RPM, but Good Enough (TM). sub srcpackage { # In case we were called with -bs. $pkgdata{main}{name} =~ tr/_/-/; my $pkgsrcname = "$pkgdata{main}{name}-". (defined($pkgdata{main}{epoch}) ? "$pkgdata{main}{epoch}:" : ''). "$pkgdata{main}{version}-$pkgdata{main}{release}.sdeb"; my $paxcmd; # We'll definitely need this later, and *may* need it sooner. (my $barespec = $specfile) =~ s|.+/([^/]+)$|$1|; # Copy the specfile to the build tree, but only if it's not there already. ##buglet: need to deal with silly case where silly user has put the spec # file in a subdir of %{_topdir}/SPECS. Ewww. Silly user! if (abs_path($specfile) !~ /^$topdir\/SPECS/) { $paxcmd .= "cp $specfile %{_topdir}/SPECS/; \n" } # use pax -w [file] [file] ... >outfile.sdeb $paxcmd = "cd $topdir; pax -w "; # some packages may not have a "main" source. $paxcmd .= "SOURCES/$pkgdata{main}{source} " if $pkgdata{main}{source}; # create file list: Source[nn], Patch[nn] foreach my $specbit (keys %{$pkgdata{main}} ) { next if $specbit eq 'source'; $paxcmd .= "SOURCES/$pkgdata{main}{$specbit} " if $specbit =~ /^patch/; ##buglet: need to deal with case where patches are listed as URLs? # or other extended pathnames? Silly !@$%^&!%%!%!! user! } foreach my $source (keys %{$pkgdata{sources}}) { # Skip Source0, since it's also $pkgdata{main}{source}. Could arguably # just remove that instead, but I think that might backfire. next if $source eq '0'; $paxcmd .= "SOURCES/$pkgdata{sources}{$source} "; } # add the spec file, source package destination, and cd back where we came from. $paxcmd .= "SPECS/$barespec > $topdir/SDEBS/$pkgsrcname; cd -"; # In case of %-macros... $paxcmd = expandmacros($paxcmd,'gp'); system "$paxcmd"; $finalmessages .= "Wrote source package $pkgsrcname in $topdir/SDEBS.\n"; } # end srcpackage() ## clean() # Writes and executes the %clean script (mostly) built while reading the spec file. sub clean { # Replace some things here just to make sure. $cleanscript = expandmacros($cleanscript,'gp'); # create script filename my $cleanscriptfile = "$tmpdir/deb-tmp.clean.".int(rand(99998)+1); sysopen(CLEANSCRIPT, $cleanscriptfile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW) or die $!; print CLEANSCRIPT $scriptletbase; print CLEANSCRIPT $cleanscript; close CLEANSCRIPT; # execute print "Calling \%clean script $cleanscriptfile...\n"; system("/bin/sh -e $cleanscriptfile") == 0 or die "Can't exec: $!\n"; # and clean up unlink $cleanscriptfile; } # end clean() ## checkbuildreq() # Checks the build requirements (if any) # Spits out a rude warning and returns a true-false error if any # requirements are not met. sub checkbuildreq { return 1 if $buildreq eq ''; # No use doing extra work. # expand macros $buildreq = expandmacros($buildreq,'gp'); if ( ! -e "/usr/bin/dpkg-query" ) { print "**WARNING** dpkg-query not found. Can't check build-deps.\n". " Required for sucessful build:\n".$buildreq."\n". " Continuing anyway.\n"; return 1; } my $reqflag = 1; # unset iff a buildreq is missing $buildreq =~ s/^, //; # Strip the leading comma and space my @reqlist = split /,\s+/, $buildreq; my @missinglist; foreach my $req (@reqlist) { # from rpmbuild error message # Dependency tokens must begin with alpha-numeric, '_' or '/' ##fixme: check for suitable whitespace around $rel my ($pkg,$rel,$ver); # We have two classes of requirements - versioned and unversioned. if ($req =~ /[><=]/) { # Pick up the details of versioned buildreqs ($pkg,$rel,$ver) = ($req =~ /([a-z0-9._-]+)\s+([><=]+)\s+([a-z0-9._-]+)/); } else { # And the unversioned ones. $pkg = $req; $rel = '>='; $ver = 0; } ## Apparently a package that has been installed, then uninstalled, has a "known" dpkg status of ## "unknown ok not-installed" vs a package that has never been installed which returns nothing. O_o ## Virtual packages, of course, *also* show as "not installed" like this (WTF?) ## This causes real packages to be misdetected as installed "possible virtual packages" instead of "missing ## packages". I don't think there's really a solution until/unless Debian's tools properly register virtual ## packages as installed. my @pkglist = qx { dpkg-query --showformat '\${status}\t\${version}\n' -W $pkg }; if (!$pkglist[0]) { print " * Missing build-dependency $pkg!\n $pkglist[0]"; $reqflag = 0; push @missinglist, $pkg; } else { # real package, installed #kdeugau:~$ dpkg-query --showformat '${status}\t${version}\n' -W libc-client2007e-dev 2>&1 #install ok installed 8:2007f~dfsg-1 # virtual package, provided by ??? #kdeugau:~$ dpkg-query --showformat '${status}\t${version}\n' -W libc-client-dev 2>&1 #unknown ok not-installed # real package or virtual package not installed or provided #kdeugau:~$ dpkg-query --showformat '${status}\t${version}\n' -W libdb4.8-dbg 2>&1 #dpkg-query: no packages found matching libdb4.8-dbg my ($reqstat,undef,undef,$reqver) = split /\s+/, $pkglist[0]; if ($reqstat =~ /^unknown/) { # this seems to be a virtual package. print " * Warning: $pkg is probably installed but seems to be a virtual package.\n"; } elsif ($reqstat =~ /^install/) { my ($resp) = qx { dpkg --compare-versions $reqver '$rel' $ver && echo "ok" }; if ($resp !~ /^ok/) { $reqflag = 0; print " * Buildreq $pkg is installed, but wrong version ($reqver): Need $ver\n" } } else { # whatever state it's in, it's not completely installed, therefore it's missing. print " * Missing build-dependency $pkg!\n $pkglist[0]"; $reqflag = 0; push @missinglist, $pkg; } # end not installed/installed check } } # end req loop print "To install all missing dependencies, run 'apt-get install ".join(' ', @missinglist)."'.\n" unless $reqflag; return $reqflag; } # end checkbuildreq() ## getreqs() # Find out which libraries/packages are required for any # executables and libs in a given file tree. # (Debian doesn't have soname-level deps; just package-level) # Returns an empty string if the tree contains no binaries. # Doesn't work well on shell scripts. but those *should* be # fine anyway. (Yeah, right...) sub getreqs() { my $pkgtree = $_[0]; print "Checking library requirements...\n"; my @binlist = qx { find $pkgtree -type f -perm 755 }; if (scalar(@binlist) == 0) { return ''; } my @reqlist; foreach (@binlist) { push @reqlist, qx { LANG=C ldd $_ }; } # Get the list of libs provided by this package. Still doesn't # handle the case where the lib gets stuffed into a subpackage. :/ my @intprovlist = qx { find $pkgtree -type f -name "*.so*" }; my $provlist = ''; foreach (@intprovlist) { s/$pkgtree//; $provlist .= "$_"; } my %reqs; my $reqlibs = ''; my %reqliblist; foreach (@reqlist) { next if /^$pkgtree/; next if /not a dynamic executable/; next if m|/lib(?:64)?/ld-linux|; # Hack! Hack! PTHBTT! (libc suxx0rz) next if /linux-gate.so/; # Kernel hackery for teh W1n!!1!1eleventy-one!1 (Don't ask. Feh.) next if /linux-vdso.so/; # More kernel hackery. Whee! # Whee! more hackery to detect provided-here libs. Some apparently return from ldd as "not found". my ($a,$b) = split / => /; $a =~ s/\s*//g; if ($b =~ /not found/) { next if qx { find $specglobals{buildroot} -name "*$a" }; } my ($req) = (m|=\>\s+([a-zA-Z0-9._/+-]+)|); # dig out the actual library (so)name. # And feh, we need the *path*, since I've discovered a new edge case where # the same libnnn.1.2.3 *file*name is found across *several* lib dirs. >:( # Ignore libs provided by this package. Note that we don't match # on word-boundary at the *end* of the lib we're looking for, as the # looked-for lib may not have the full soname version. (ie, it may # "just" point to one of the symlinks that get created somewhere.) next if $provlist =~ /\b$req/; $reqlibs .= " $req"; $reqliblist{$req} = 1; } if (%reqliblist) { foreach my $rlib (keys %reqliblist) { my $libpkg = qx { dpkg -S $rlib }; ($libpkg,undef) = split /:/, $libpkg; $reqs{$libpkg} = 1; } } my $deplist = ''; foreach (keys %reqs) { $deplist .= ", $_"; } # For now, we're done. We're not going to meddle with versions yet. # Among other things, it's messier than handling "simple" yes/no "do # we have this lib?" deps. >:( return $deplist; } # end getreqs() ## install_sdeb() # Extracts .sdeb contents to %_topdir as appropriate sub install_sdeb { $srcpkg = abs_path($srcpkg); my $paxcmd = "cd $topdir; pax -r <$srcpkg; cd -"; # In case of %-macros... $paxcmd = expandmacros($paxcmd,'gp'); system "$paxcmd"; print "Extracted source package $srcpkg to $topdir.\n"; } # end install_sdeb() ## expandmacros() # Expands all %{blah} macros in the passed string # Split up a bit with some sections so we don't spend time trying to # expand macros that are only used in a few specific places. sub expandmacros { my $macrostring = shift; my $section = shift; # To allow the FHS-ish %configure and %makeinstall to work The Right Way. # (Without clobbering the global $specglobals{buildroot}.) my $prefix = ''; if ($section =~ /c/) { # %configure macro # Don't know what it's for, don't have a useful default replacement # --program-prefix=%{_program_prefix} \ $macrostring =~ s'%configure'./configure --host=$DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE \ --build=$DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} \ --bindir=%{_bindir} \ --sbindir=%{_sbindir} \ --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \ --datadir=%{_datadir} \ --includedir=%{_includedir} \ --libdir=%{_libdir} \ --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \ --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \ --sharedstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} \ --mandir=%{_mandir} \ --infodir=%{_infodir} '; } # done %configure if ($section =~ /m/) { $macrostring =~ s'%{__make}'make '; } # done make # %makeinstall expands with recursive macros in rpm. whee. if ($section =~ /i/) { # This is where we need to mangle $prefix. $macrostring =~ s'%makeinstall'make \ prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_prefix} \ exec_prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_exec_prefix} \ bindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_bindir} \ sbindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sbindir} \ sysconfdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sysconfdir} \ datadir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_datadir} \ includedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_includedir} \ libdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libdir} \ libexecdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libexecdir} \ localstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_localstatedir} \ sharedstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sharedstatedir} \ mandir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_mandir} \ infodir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_infodir} \ install '; $prefix = $specglobals{buildroot}; } # done %install and/or %makeinstall # Build data # Note that these are processed in reverse order to get the substitution order right if ($section =~ /b/) { # $macrostring =~ s'%{fhs}'host=$DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE \ # build=$DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE \ $macrostring =~ s'%{fhs}'prefix=%{_prefix} \ exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} \ bindir=%{_bindir} \ sbindir=%{_sbindir} \ sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \ datadir=%{_datadir} \ includedir=%{_includedir} \ libdir=%{_libdir} \ libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \ localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \ sharedstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} \ mandir=%{_mandir} \ infodir=%{_infodir} \ '; # Note that the above regex terminates with the extra space # "Just In Case" of user additions, which will then get neatly # tagged on the end where they take precedence (supposedly) # over the "default" ones. # Now we cascade the macros introduced above. >_< # Wot ot to go theah: $macrostring =~ s|%{_mandir}|%{_datadir}/man|g; #/usr/share/man $macrostring =~ s|%{_infodir}|%{_datadir}/info|g; #/usr/share/info $macrostring =~ s|%{_oldincludedir}|/usr/include|g; #/usr/include $macrostring =~ s|%{_includedir}|%{_prefix}/include|g; #/usr/include $macrostring =~ s|%{_libdir}|%{_exec_prefix}/%{_lib}|g; #/usr/lib $macrostring =~ s|%{_lib}|lib|g; #? $macrostring =~ s|%{_localstatedir}|/var|g; #/var $macrostring =~ s|%{_sharedstatedir}|%{_prefix}/com|g; #/usr/com WTF? $macrostring =~ s|%{_sysconfdir}|/etc|g; #/etc $macrostring =~ s|%{_datadir}|%{_prefix}/share|g; #/usr/share $macrostring =~ s|%{_libexecdir}|%{_exec_prefix}/libexec|g; #/usr/libexec $macrostring =~ s|%{_sbindir}|%{_exec_prefix}/sbin|g; #/usr/sbin $macrostring =~ s|%{_bindir}|%{_exec_prefix}/bin|g; #/usr/bin $macrostring =~ s|%{_exec_prefix}|%{_prefix}|g; #/usr $macrostring =~ s|%{_prefix}|/usr|g; #/usr } # done with config section # Package data if ($section =~ /p/) { $macrostring =~ s/\%\{buildroot\}/$specglobals{buildroot}/gi; $macrostring =~ s/\%\{source0?}/$topdir\/SOURCES\/$pkgdata{main}{source}/gi; foreach my $source (keys %{$pkgdata{sources}}) { $macrostring =~ s/\%\{source$source\}/$topdir\/SOURCES\/$pkgdata{sources}{$source}/gi; } $macrostring =~ s/\%\{name\}/$pkgdata{main}{name}/gi; $macrostring =~ s/\%\{version\}/$pkgdata{main}{version}/gi; $macrostring =~ s/\%\{release\}/$pkgdata{main}{release}/gi; } # Globals, and not-so-globals if ($section =~ /g/) { $macrostring =~ s|%{_builddir}|%{_topdir}/BUILD|g; # no longer a valid macro/tag # $macrostring =~ s|%{buildsubdir}|$tarballdir|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{_topdir}|$topdir|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{_tmppath}|$tmpdir|g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_docdir}'%{_datadir}/doc'g; # Standard FHS locations. More or less. $macrostring =~ s'%{_bindir}'/usr/bin'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_sbindir}'/usr/sbin'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_mandir}'%{_datadir}/man'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_infodir}'%{_datadir}/info'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_includedir}'/usr/include'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_libdir}'/usr/lib'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_sysconfdir}'/etc'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_localstatedir}'/var'g; $macrostring =~ s'%{_prefix}'/usr'g; # FHS-ish locations that aren't quite actually FHS-specified. $macrostring =~ s'%{_datadir}'/usr/share'g; # special %define's. Handle the general case where we eval anything. # Even more general: %(...) is a spec-parse-time shell code wrapper. # Prime example: #%define perl_vendorlib %(eval "`perl -V:installvendorlib`"; echo $installvendorlib) if ($macrostring =~ /\%\((.+)\)/) { my $shellstr = $1; # Oy vey this gets silly for the perl bits. Executing a shell to # call Perl to get the vendorlib/sitelib/whatever "core" globals. # This can do more, but... eww. $shellstr = qx { /bin/sh -c '$shellstr' }; # Yay! ' characters apparently get properly exscapededed. $macrostring =~ s/\%\(.+\)/$shellstr/; } # support for **some** %if constructs. Note that this breaks somewhat if # there's no value specified... but so does rpm. my $tmpcount = 0; # runaway shutdown. Not really sure how else to avoid getting stuck. while ($macrostring =~ m/\%\{([?!]+)([a-z0-9_.-]+)(?:\:([a-z0-9_.\/\-\\]+)?)?\}/g) { #Whew.... my $qex = $1; my $macro = $2; my $value = (defined($3) ? $3 : ''); my $neg = '1' if $qex =~ /\!/; if ($specglobals{$macro}) { $value = '' if $neg; } else { $value = '' if !$neg; } $macrostring =~ s/\%\{[?!]+[a-z0-9_.-]+(?:\:([a-z0-9_.\/\-\\]+)?)?\}/$value/; # not certain about this, but I don't want to run away. It *can* happen if planned carefully. :/ $tmpcount++; # %makeinstall has 13 occurrences. D'Oh! die "excessive recursive macro replacement; dying.\n" if $tmpcount > 14; } # while() # Misc expansions $macrostring =~ s|%{_arch}|$hostarch|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{optflags}|$optflags{$hostarch}|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{_vendor}|$specglobals{'_vendor'}|g; # system programs. RPM uses a global config file for these; we'll just # ASS-U-ME and make life a little simpler. if ($macrostring =~ /\%\{\_\_([a-z0-9_-]+)\}/) { # see /usr/lib/rpm/macros for most of the list. we should arguably just parse that file, but.. ow. $macrostring =~ s|%{__([a-z0-9_-]+)}|$1|g; } # should probably stick a "no runaway" flag in here... Just In Case... # %define's # note to self: find out valid chars for %define name/label so we can parse them while (my ($key) = ($macrostring =~ /%{([a-z0-9_]+)}/i) ) { # hrm. This needs thinking. #die "A horrible death! \%{$key}, '$macrostring'\n" if !$specglobals{$key}; $macrostring =~ s|%{$key}|$specglobals{$key}|g; # wanna limit this to "... if $specglobals{$key}", but need more magic } # Perl @INC/...lib locations, and other related bits. $macrostring =~ s|%{perl_archlib}|$Config{installarchlib}|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{perl_sitelib}|$Config{installsitelib}|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{perl_sitearch}|$Config{installsitearch}|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{perl_vendorlib}|$Config{installvendorlib}|g; $macrostring =~ s|%{perl_vendorarch}|$Config{installvendorarch}|g; } # done with globals section return $macrostring; } # end expandmacros() __END__ =head1 NAME debbuild - Build Debian-compatible .deb packages from RPM .spec files =head1 SYNOPSIS debbuild {-ba|-bb|-bp|-bc|-bi|-bl|-bs} [build-options] file.spec debbuild {-ta|-tb|-tp|-tc|-ti|-tl|-ts} [build-options] file.tar.{gz|bz2|xz} debbuild --rebuild file.{src.rpm|sdeb} debbuild --showpkgs debbuild -i foo.sdeb =head1 DESCRIPTION debbuild attempts to build Debian-friendly semi-native packages from RPM spec files, RPM-friendly tarballs, and RPM source packages (.src.rpm files). It accepts I of the options rpmbuild does, and should be able to interpret most spec files usefully. Perl modules should be handled via CPAN+dh-make-perl instead as it's simpler than even tweaking a .spec template. As far as possible, the command-line options are identical to those from rpmbuild, although several rpmbuild options are not supported: --recompile --showrc --buildroot --clean --nobuild --rmsource --rmspec --sign --target Some of these could probably be trivially added. Feel free to send me a patch. ;) Complex spec files will most likely not work well, if at all. Rewrite them from scratch - you'll have to make heavy modifications anyway. If you see something you don't like, mail me. Send a patch if you feel inspired. I don't promise I'll do anything other than say "Yup, that's broken" or "Got your message". The source package container I invented for debbuild, the .sdeb file, can be "installed" with debbuild -i exactly the same way as a .src.rpm can be installed with "rpm -i". Both will unpack the file and place the source(s) and .spec file in the appropriate places in %_topdir/SOURCES and %_topdir/SPECS respectively. =head1 ASSUMPTIONS As with rpmbuild, debbuild makes some assumptions about your system. =over 4 =item * Either you have rights to do as you please under /usr/src/debian, or you have created a file ~/.debmacros containing a suitable %_topdir definition. Both rpmbuild and debbuild require the directories %_topdir/{BUILD,SOURCES,SPECS}. However, where rpmbuild requires the %_topdir/{RPMS,SRPMS} directories, debbuild requires %_topdir/{DEBS,SDEBS} instead. Create them in advance; some subdirectories are created automatically as needed, but most are not. =item * /var/tmp must allow script execution - rpmbuild and debbuild both rely on creating and executing shell scripts for much of their functionality. By default, debbuild also creates install trees under /var/tmp - however this is (almost) entirely under the control of the package's .spec file. =item * If you wish to --rebuild a .src.rpm, your %_topdir for both debbuild and rpmbuild must either match, or be suitably symlinked one direction or another so that both programs are effectively working in the same tree. (Or you could just manually wrestle files around your system.) You could symlink ~/.rpmmacros to ~/.debmacros (or vice versa) and save yourself some hassle if you need to rebuild .src.rpm packages on a regular basis. Currently debbuild only uses the %_topdir macro definition, although there are many more things that rpmbuild can use from ~/.rpmmacros. =back =head1 ERRATA debbuild deliberately does a few things differently from rpm. =head2 BuildArch or BuildArchitecture rpm takes the last BuildArch entry it finds in the .spec file, whatever it is, and runs with that for all packages. Debian's repository system is fairly heavily designed around the assumption that a single source package may generate small binary (executable) packages for each arch, and large binary arch-all packages containing shared data. debbuild allows this by using the architecture specified by (in order of preference): =over 4 =item * Host architecture =item * BuildArch specified in .spec file preamble =item * "Last specified" BuildArch for packages with several subpackages =item * BuildArch specified in the %package section for that subpackage =back =head2 Finding out what packages should be built (--showpkgs) rpmbuild does not include any convenient method I know of to list the packages a spec file will produce. Since I needed this ability for another tool, I added it. It requires the .spec file for the package, and produces a list of full package filenames (without path data) that would be generated by one of --rebuild, -ta, -tb, -ba, or -bb. This includes the .sdeb source package. =head1 AUTHOR debbuild was written by Kris Deugau . A version that approximates current is available at http://www.deepnet.cx/debbuild/. =head1 BUGS Funky Things Happen if you forget a command-line option or two. I've been too lazy to bother fixing this. Many macro expansions are unsupported or incompletely supported. The generated scriptlets don't quite match those from rpmbuild exactly. There are extra environment variables and preprocessing that I haven't needed (yet). Dcumentation, such as it is, will likely remain perpetually out of date. %_topdir and the five "working" directories under %_topdir could arguably be created by debbuild. However, rpmbuild doesn't create these directories either. debbuild's %setup -q is arguably less buggy than rpmbuild's implementation; with rpmbuild it must appear before -a or -b at least to be effective. debbuild does not care. %setup -c, -a, and -b should arguably throw errors if specified together; otherwise the results are almost certainly not what you want to happen. =head1 SEE ALSO rpm(8), rpmbuild(8), and pretty much any document describing how to write a .spec file. =cut