

12:11 debbuild-doc edited by kdeugau
12:08 WikiStart edited by kdeugau
12:08 Changeset [187] by kdeugau
/trunk Add some missing documentation in the POD about debbuild -i
11:55 Changeset [186] by kdeugau
/trunk Bump version for patch release
11:50 Changeset [185] by kdeugau
/trunk Allow empty packages, as long as they have something in the …
11:49 Changeset [184] by kdeugau
/trunk Don't add "Source0" to the .sdeb twice; this surfaced with …
11:47 Changeset [183] by kdeugau
/trunk Handle trailing whitespace on Sourcenn: header
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.