1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w -T
2 | # Plaintext record list for DeepNet DNS Administrator
3 | ##
4 | # $Id: textrecs.cgi 546 2013-12-11 20:31:44Z kdeugau $
5 | # Copyright 2012 Kris Deugau <kdeugau@deepnet.cx>
6 | #
7 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | # (at your option) any later version.
11 | #
12 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | #
17 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | ##
20 |
21 | use strict;
22 | use warnings;
23 |
24 | use CGI::Carp qw (fatalsToBrowser);
25 | use CGI::Simple;
26 | use HTML::Template;
27 | use CGI::Session;
28 | use DBI;
29 |
30 | # don't remove! required for GNU/FHS-ish install from tarball
31 | use lib '.'; ##uselib##
32 |
33 | use DNSDB qw(:ALL);
34 |
35 | # Let's do these templates right...
36 | my $templatedir = "templates";
37 |
38 | # Set up the CGI object...
39 | my $q = new CGI::Simple;
40 | # ... and get query-string params as well as POST params if necessary
41 | $q->parse_query_string;
42 |
43 | # This is probably excessive fiddling, but it puts the parameters somewhere my fingers know about...
44 | my %webvar = $q->Vars;
45 |
46 | # shut up some warnings, in case we arrive somewhere we forgot to set this
47 | $webvar{defrec} = 'n' if !$webvar{defrec}; # non-default records
48 | #$webvar{revrec} = 'n' if !$webvar{revrec}; # non-reverse (domain) records
49 |
50 | # load some local system defaults (mainly DB connect info)
51 | # note this is not *absolutely* fatal, since there's a default dbname/user/pass in DNSDB.pm
52 | # we'll catch a bad DB connect string once we get to trying that
53 | ##fixme: pass params to loadConfig, and use them there, to allow one codebase to support multiple sites
54 | if (!loadConfig()) {
55 | warn "Using default configuration; unable to load custom settings: $DNSDB::errstr";
56 | }
57 |
58 | # Check the session and if we have a zone ID to retrieve. Call a failure sub if not.
59 | my $sid = ($webvar{sid} ? $webvar{sid} : undef);
60 | my $session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", $sid, {Directory => $config{sessiondir}})
61 | or die CGI::Session->errstr();
62 | do_not_pass_go() if !$sid;
63 | do_not_pass_go() if !$webvar{id};
64 |
65 | ##fixme: quit throwing the database handle around, and put all the SQL and direct DB fiddling into DNSDB.pm
66 | # dbname, user, pass, host (optional)
67 | my ($dbh,$msg) = connectDB($config{dbname}, $config{dbuser}, $config{dbpass}, $config{dbhost});
68 | # Load config pieces from the database. Ideally all but the DB user/pass/etc should be loaded here.
69 | initGlobals($dbh);
70 |
71 | my $zone;
72 | $zone = domainName($dbh, $webvar{id}) if $webvar{defrec} eq 'n';
73 | $zone = "group ".groupName($dbh, $webvar{id}) if $webvar{defrec} eq 'y';
74 |
75 | ##fixme: do we support both HTML-plain and true plaintext? could be done, with another $webvar{}
76 | # Don't die on bad parameters. Saves munging the return from getDomRecs.
77 | #my $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/textrecs.tmpl",
78 | # loop_context_vars => 1, global_vars => 1, die_on_bad_params => 0);
79 | #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
80 |
81 | print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
82 | print "Plaintext version of records for $zone.\n" if $webvar{defrec} eq 'n';
83 | print "Plaintext version of default records for $zone.\n" if $webvar{defrec} eq 'y';
84 | print qq(Press the "Back" button to return to the standard record list.\n\n);
85 |
86 | my $reclist = getDomRecs($dbh, $webvar{defrec}, $webvar{id}, 0, 'all', 'type,host', 'ASC');
87 |
88 | foreach my $rec (@$reclist) {
89 | $rec->{type} = $typemap{$rec->{type}};
90 | $rec->{val} .= '.' if $rec->{type} ne 'A' && $rec->{type} ne 'TXT' && $webvar{revrec} eq 'n' && $rec->{val} !~ /\.$/;
91 | $rec->{host} .= '.' if $webvar{revrec} eq 'y' && $rec->{val} !~ /\.$/;
92 | $rec->{val} = "$rec->{distance} $rec->{val}" if $rec->{type} eq 'MX';
93 | $rec->{val} = "$rec->{distance} $rec->{weight} $rec->{port} $rec->{val}" if $rec->{type} eq 'SRV';
94 | printf "%-45s\t%d\t%s\t%s\n", $rec->{host}, $rec->{ttl}, $rec->{type}, $rec->{val};
95 | }
96 | #$page->param(defrec => ($webvar{defrec} eq 'y'));
97 | #$page->param(revrec => ($webvar{revrec} eq 'y'));
98 | #$page->param(zone => $zone);
99 | #$page->param(reclist => $reclist);
100 | #$page->param(fwdzone => ($webvar{revrec} eq 'n'));
101 | #print $page->output;
102 |
103 | exit;
104 |
105 | sub do_not_pass_go {
106 | my $webpath = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
107 | $webpath =~ s|/[^/]+$|/|;
108 | print "Status: 302\nLocation: http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}$webpath\n\n";
109 | exit;
110 | }