# dns/trunk/DNSDB.pm # Abstraction functions for DNS administration ### # SVN revision info # $Date: 2011-07-15 18:52:30 +0000 (Fri, 15 Jul 2011) $ # SVN revision $Rev: 103 $ # Last update by $Author: kdeugau $ ### # Copyright (C) 2008 - Kris Deugau package DNSDB; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use DBI; use Net::DNS; use Crypt::PasswdMD5; #use Net::SMTP; #use NetAddr::IP qw( Compact ); #use POSIX; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 0.1; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( &initGlobals &initPermissions &getPermissions &changePermissions &comparePermissions &connectDB &finish &addDomain &delDomain &domainName &domainID &addGroup &delGroup &getChildren &groupName &addUser &updateUser &delUser &userFullName &userStatus &getUserData &getSOA &getRecLine &getDomRecs &getRecCount &addRec &updateRec &delRec &domStatus &importAXFR &export %typemap %reverse_typemap %permissions @permtypes $permlist ); @EXPORT = (); # Export nothing by default. %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( &initGlobals &initPermissions &getPermissions &changePermissions &comparePermissions &connectDB &finish &addDomain &delDomain &domainName &domainID &addGroup &delGroup &getChildren &groupName &addUser &updateUser &delUser &userFullName &userStatus &getUserData &getSOA &getRecLine &getDomRecs &getRecCount &addRec &updateRec &delRec &domStatus &importAXFR &export %typemap %reverse_typemap %permissions @permtypes $permlist )] ); our $group = 1; our $errstr = ''; # Halfway sane defaults for SOA, TTL, etc. # serial defaults to 0 for convenience. # value will be either YYYYMMDDNN for BIND/etc, or auto-internal for tinydns our %def = qw ( contact hostmaster.DOMAIN prins ns1.myserver.com serial 0 soattl 86400 refresh 10800 retry 3600 expire 604800 minttl 10800 ttl 10800 ); # Arguably defined wholly in the db, but little reason to change without supporting code changes our @permtypes = qw ( group_edit group_create group_delete user_edit user_create user_delete domain_edit domain_create domain_delete record_edit record_create record_delete self_edit admin ); our $permlist = join(',',@permtypes); # DNS record type map and reverse map. # loaded from the database, from http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters our %typemap; our %reverse_typemap; our %permissions; ## ## Initialization and cleanup subs ## ## DNSDB::connectDB() # Creates connection to DNS database. # Requires the database name, username, and password. # Returns a handle to the db. # Set up for a PostgreSQL db; could be any transactional DBMS with the # right changes. sub connectDB { $errstr = ''; my $dbname = shift; my $user = shift; my $pass = shift; my $dbh; my $DSN = "DBI:Pg:dbname=$dbname"; my $host = shift; $DSN .= ";host=$host" if $host; # Note that we want to autocommit by default, and we will turn it off locally as necessary. # We may not want to print gobbledygook errors; YMMV. Have to ponder that further. $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN, $user, $pass, { AutoCommit => 1, PrintError => 0 }) or return (undef, $DBI::errstr) if(!$dbh); # Return here if we can't select. Note that this indicates a # problem executing the select. my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select group_id from groups limit 1"); $sth->execute(); return (undef,$DBI::errstr) if ($sth->err); # See if the select returned anything (or null data). This should # succeed if the select executed, but... $sth->fetchrow(); return (undef,$DBI::errstr) if ($sth->err); $sth->finish; # If we get here, we should be OK. return ($dbh,"DB connection OK"); } # end connectDB ## DNSDB::finish() # Cleans up after database handles and so on. # Requires a database handle sub finish { my $dbh = $_[0]; $dbh->disconnect; } # end finish ## DNSDB::initGlobals() # Initialize global variables # NB: this does NOT include web-specific session variables! # Requires a database handle sub initGlobals { my $dbh = shift; # load system-wide site defaults and things from config file if (open SYSDEFAULTS, ") { next if /^\s*#/; $def{contact} = $1 if /contact ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; $def{prins} = $1 if /prins ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; $def{soattl} = $1 if /soattl ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; $def{refresh} = $1 if /refresh ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; $def{retry} = $1 if /retry ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; $def{expire} = $1 if /expire ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; $def{minttl} = $1 if /minttl ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; $def{ttl} = $1 if /ttl ?= ?([a-z0-9_.-]+)/i; ##fixme? load DB user/pass from config file? } } # load from database my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select val,name from rectypes"); $sth->execute; while (my ($recval,$recname) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { $typemap{$recval} = $recname; $reverse_typemap{$recname} = $recval; } } # end initGlobals ## DNSDB::initPermissions() # Set up permissions global # Takes database handle and UID sub initPermissions { my $dbh = shift; my $uid = shift; # %permissions = $(getPermissions($dbh,'user',$uid)); getPermissions($dbh, 'user', $uid, \%permissions); } # end initPermissions() ## DNSDB::getPermissions() # Get permissions from DB # Requires DB handle, group or user flag, ID, and hashref. sub getPermissions { my $dbh = shift; my $type = shift; my $id = shift; my $hash = shift; my $sql = qq( SELECT p.admin,p.self_edit, p.group_create,p.group_edit,p.group_delete, p.user_create,p.user_edit,p.user_delete, p.domain_create,p.domain_edit,p.domain_delete, p.record_create,p.record_edit,p.record_delete FROM permissions p ); if ($type eq 'group') { $sql .= qq( JOIN groups g ON g.permission_id=p.permission_id WHERE g.group_id=? ); } else { $sql .= qq( JOIN users u ON u.permission_id=p.permission_id WHERE u.user_id=? ); } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($id) or die "argh: ".$sth->errstr; # my $permref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; # return $permref; # $hash = $permref; # Eww. Need to learn how to forcibly drop a hashref onto an existing hash. ($hash->{admin},$hash->{self_edit}, $hash->{group_create},$hash->{group_edit},$hash->{group_delete}, $hash->{user_create},$hash->{user_edit},$hash->{user_delete}, $hash->{domain_create},$hash->{domain_edit},$hash->{domain_delete}, $hash->{record_create},$hash->{record_edit},$hash->{record_delete}) = $sth->fetchrow_array; } # end getPermissions() ## DNSDB::changePermissions() # Update an ACL entry # Takes a db handle, type, owner-id, and hashref for the changed permissions. sub changePermissions { my $dbh = shift; my $type = shift; my $id = shift; my $newperms = shift; my $inherit = shift || 0; my $failmsg = ''; # see if we're switching from inherited to custom. for bonus points, # snag the permid and parent permid anyway, since we'll need the permid # to set/alter custom perms, and both if we're switching from custom to # inherited. my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT (u.permission_id=g.permission_id) AS was_inherited,u.permission_id,g.permission_id". " FROM ".($type eq 'user' ? 'users' : 'groups')." u ". " JOIN groups g ON u.".($type eq 'user' ? '' : 'parent_')."group_id=g.group_id ". " WHERE u.".($type eq 'user' ? 'user' : 'group')."_id=?"); $sth->execute($id); my ($wasinherited,$permid,$parpermid) = $sth->fetchrow_array; # hack phtoui # group id 1 is "special" in that it's it's own parent (err... possibly.) # may make its parent id 0 which doesn't exist, and as a bonus is Perl-false. $wasinherited = 0 if ($type eq 'group' && $id == 1); local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # Wrap all the SQL in a transaction eval { if ($inherit) { $dbh->do("UPDATE ".($type eq 'user' ? 'users' : 'groups')." SET inherit_perm='t',permission_id=? ". "WHERE ".($type eq 'user' ? 'user' : 'group')."_id=?", undef, ($parpermid, $id) ); $dbh->do("DELETE FROM permissions WHERE permission_id=?", undef, ($permid) ); } else { if ($wasinherited) { # munge new permission entry in if we're switching from inherited perms ##fixme: need to add semirecursive bit to properly munge inherited permission ID on subgroups and users # ... if'n'when we have groups with fully inherited permissions. # SQL is coo $dbh->do("INSERT INTO permissions ($permlist,".($type eq 'user' ? 'user' : 'group')."_id) ". "SELECT $permlist,? FROM permissions WHERE permission_id=?", undef, ($id,$permid) ); ($permid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT permission_id FROM permissions ". "WHERE ".($type eq 'user' ? 'user' : 'group')."_id=?", undef, ($id) ); $dbh->do("UPDATE ".($type eq 'user' ? 'users' : 'groups')." SET inherit_perm='f',permission_id=? ". "WHERE ".($type eq 'user' ? 'user' : 'group')."_id=?", undef, ($permid, $id) ); } # and now set the permissions we were passed foreach (@permtypes) { if (defined ($newperms->{$_})) { $dbh->do("UPDATE permissions SET $_=? WHERE permission_id=?", undef, ($newperms->{$_},$permid) ); } } } # (inherited->)? custom $dbh->commit; }; # end eval if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',"$failmsg: $msg ($permid)"); } else { return ('OK',$permid); } } # end changePermissions() ## DNSDB::comparePermissions() # Compare two permission hashes # Returns '>', '<', '=', '!' sub comparePermissions { my $p1 = shift; my $p2 = shift; my $retval = '='; # assume equality until proven otherwise no warnings "uninitialized"; foreach (@permtypes) { next if $p1->{$_} == $p2->{$_}; # equal is good if ($p1->{$_} && !$p2->{$_}) { if ($retval eq '<') { # if we've already found an unequal pair where $retval = '!'; # $p2 has more access, and we now find a pair last; # where $p1 has more access, the overall access } # is neither greater or lesser, it's unequal. $retval = '>'; } if (!$p1->{$_} && $p2->{$_}) { if ($retval eq '>') { # if we've already found an unequal pair where $retval = '!'; # $p1 has more access, and we now find a pair last; # where $p2 has more access, the overall access } # is neither greater or lesser, it's unequal. $retval = '<'; } } return $retval; } # end comparePermissions() ## DNSDB::_log() # Log an action # Internal sub # Takes a database handle, , sub _log { } # end _log ## ## Processing subs ## ## DNSDB::addDomain() # Add a domain # Takes a database handle, domain name, numeric group, and boolean(ish) state (active/inactive) # Returns a status code and message sub addDomain { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; return ('FAIL',"Need database handle") if !$dbh; my $domain = shift; return ('FAIL',"Domain must not be blank") if !$domain; my $group = shift; return ('FAIL',"Need group") if !defined($group); my $state = shift; return ('FAIL',"Need domain status") if !defined($state); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE domain=?"); my $dom_id; # quick check to start to see if we've already got one $sth->execute($domain); ($dom_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return ('FAIL', "Domain already exists") if $dom_id; # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # Wrap all the SQL in a transaction eval { # insert the domain... my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into domains (domain,group_id,status) values (?,?,?)"); $sth->execute($domain,$group,$state); # get the ID... $sth = $dbh->prepare("select domain_id from domains where domain='$domain'"); $sth->execute; ($dom_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); # ... and now we construct the standard records from the default set. NB: group should be variable. $sth = $dbh->prepare("select host,type,val,distance,weight,port,ttl from default_records where group_id=$group"); my $sth_in = $dbh->prepare("insert into records (domain_id,host,type,val,distance,weight,port,ttl)". " values ($dom_id,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $sth->execute; while (my ($host,$type,$val,$dist,$weight,$port,$ttl) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { $host =~ s/DOMAIN/$domain/g; $val =~ s/DOMAIN/$domain/g; $sth_in->execute($host,$type,$val,$dist,$weight,$port,$ttl); } # once we get here, we should have suceeded. $dbh->commit; }; # end eval if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',$msg); } else { return ('OK',$dom_id); } } # end addDomain ## DNSDB::delDomain() # Delete a domain. # for now, just delete the records, then the domain. # later we may want to archive it in some way instead (status code 2, for example?) sub delDomain { my $dbh = shift; my $domid = shift; # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $failmsg = ''; # Wrap all the SQL in a transaction eval { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from records where domain_id=?"); $failmsg = "Failure removing domain records"; $sth->execute($domid); $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from domains where domain_id=?"); $failmsg = "Failure removing domain"; $sth->execute($domid); # once we get here, we should have suceeded. $dbh->commit; }; # end eval if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',"$failmsg: $msg"); } else { return ('OK','OK'); } } # end delDomain() ## DNSDB::domainName() # Return the domain name based on a domain ID # Takes a database handle and the domain ID # Returns the domain name or undef on failure sub domainName { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $domid = shift; my ($domname) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT domain FROM domains WHERE domain_id=?", undef, ($domid) ); $errstr = $DBI::errstr if !$domname; return $domname if $domname; } # end domainName() ## DNSDB::domainID() # Takes a database handle and domain name # Returns the domain ID number sub domainID { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $domain = shift; my ($domid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE domain=?", undef, ($domain) ); $errstr = $DBI::errstr if !$domid; return $domid if $domid; } # end domainID() ## DNSDB::addGroup() # Add a group # Takes a database handle, group name, parent group, hashref for permissions, # and optional template-vs-cloneme flag # Returns a status code and message sub addGroup { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $groupname = shift; my $pargroup = shift; my $permissions = shift; # 0 indicates "custom", hardcoded. # Any other value clones that group's default records, if it exists. my $inherit = shift || 0; ##fixme: need a flag to indicate clone records or ? # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT group_id FROM groups WHERE group_name=?"); my $group_id; # quick check to start to see if we've already got one $sth->execute($groupname); ($group_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return ('FAIL', "Group already exists") if $group_id; # Wrap all the SQL in a transaction eval { $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO groups (parent_group_id,group_name) VALUES (?,?)"); $sth->execute($pargroup,$groupname); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT group_id FROM groups WHERE group_name=?"); $sth->execute($groupname); my ($groupid) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); # Permissions if ($inherit) { } else { my @permvals; foreach (@permtypes) { if (!defined ($permissions->{$_})) { push @permvals, 0; } else { push @permvals, $permissions->{$_}; } } $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO permissions (group_id,$permlist) values (?".',?'x($#permtypes+1).")"); $sth->execute($groupid,@permvals); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT permission_id FROM permissions WHERE group_id=?"); $sth->execute($groupid); my ($permid) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $dbh->do("UPDATE groups SET permission_id=$permid WHERE group_id=$groupid"); } # done permission fiddling # Default records $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO default_records (group_id,host,type,val,distance,weight,port,ttl) ". "VALUES ($groupid,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); if ($inherit) { # Duplicate records from parent. Actually relying on inherited records feels # very fragile, and it would be problematic to roll over at a later time. my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT host,type,val,distance,weight,port,ttl FROM default_records WHERE group_id=?"); $sth2->execute($pargroup); while (my @clonedata = $sth2->fetchrow_array) { $sth->execute(@clonedata); } } else { ##fixme: Hardcoding is Bad, mmmmkaaaay? # reasonable basic defaults for SOA, MX, NS, and minimal hosting # could load from a config file, but somewhere along the line we need hardcoded bits. $sth->execute('ns1.example.com:hostmaster.example.com', 6, '10800:3600:604800:10800', 0, 0, 0, 86400); $sth->execute('DOMAIN', 1, '', 0, 0, 0, 7200); $sth->execute('DOMAIN', 15, 'mx.example.com', 10, 0, 0, 7200); $sth->execute('DOMAIN', 2, 'ns1.example.com', 0, 0, 0, 7200); $sth->execute('DOMAIN', 2, 'ns2.example.com', 0, 0, 0, 7200); $sth->execute('www.DOMAIN', 5, 'DOMAIN', 0, 0, 0, 7200); } # once we get here, we should have suceeded. $dbh->commit; }; # end eval if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',$msg); } else { return ('OK','OK'); } } # end addGroup() ## DNSDB::delGroup() # Delete a group. # Takes a group ID # Returns a status code and message sub delGroup { my $dbh = shift; my $groupid = shift; # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; ##fixme: locate "knowable" error conditions and deal with them before the eval # ... or inside, whatever. # -> domains still exist in group # -> ... my $failmsg = ''; # Wrap all the SQL in a transaction eval { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM domains WHERE group_id=?"); $sth->execute($groupid); my ($domcnt) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $failmsg = "Can't remove group ".groupName($dbh,$groupid); die "$domcnt domains still in group\n" if $domcnt; $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from default_records where group_id=?"); $failmsg = "Failed to delete default records for ".groupName($dbh,$groupid); $sth->execute($groupid); $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from groups where group_id=?"); $failmsg = "Failed to remove group ".groupName($dbh,$groupid); $sth->execute($groupid); # once we get here, we should have suceeded. $dbh->commit; }; # end eval if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',"$failmsg: $msg"); } else { return ('OK','OK'); } } # end delGroup() ## DNSDB::getChildren() # Get a list of all groups whose parent^n is group # Takes a database handle, group ID, reference to an array to put the group IDs in, # and an optional flag to return only immediate children or all children-of-children # default to returning all children # Calls itself sub getChildren { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $rootgroup = shift; my $groupdest = shift; my $immed = shift || 'all'; # special break for default group; otherwise we get stuck. if ($rootgroup == 1) { # by definition, group 1 is the Root Of All Groups my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT group_id FROM groups WHERE NOT (group_id=1)". ($immed ne 'all' ? " AND parent_group_id=1" : '')); $sth->execute; while (my @this = $sth->fetchrow_array) { push @$groupdest, @this; } } else { my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT group_id FROM groups WHERE parent_group_id=?"); $sth->execute($rootgroup); return if $sth->rows == 0; my @grouplist; while (my ($group) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { push @$groupdest, $group; getChildren($dbh,$group,$groupdest) if $immed eq 'all'; } } } # end getChildren() ## DNSDB::groupName() # Return the group name based on a group ID # Takes a database handle and the group ID # Returns the group name or undef on failure sub groupName { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $groupid = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT group_name FROM groups WHERE group_id=?"); $sth->execute($groupid); my ($groupname) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $errstr = $DBI::errstr if !$groupname; return $groupname if $groupname; } # end groupName ## DNSDB::addUser() # Add a user. # Takes a DB handle, username, group ID, password, state (active/inactive). # Optionally accepts: # user type (user/admin) - defaults to user # permissions string - defaults to inherit from group # three valid forms: # i - Inherit permissions # c: - Clone permissions from # C: - Set these specific permissions # first name - defaults to username # last name - defaults to blank # phone - defaults to blank (could put other data within column def) # Returns (OK,) on success, (FAIL,) on failure sub addUser { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $username = shift; my $group = shift; my $pass = shift; my $state = shift; return ('FAIL', "Missing one or more required entries") if !defined($state); return ('FAIL', "Username must not be blank") if !$username; my $type = shift || 'u'; # create limited users by default - fwiw, not sure yet how this will interact with ACLs my $permstring = shift || 'i'; # default is to inhert permissions from group my $fname = shift || $username; my $lname = shift || ''; my $phone = shift || ''; # not going format-check my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username=?"); my $user_id; # quick check to start to see if we've already got one $sth->execute($username); ($user_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return ('FAIL', "User already exists") if $user_id; # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $failmsg = ''; # Wrap all the SQL in a transaction eval { # insert the user... note we set inherited perms by default since # it's simple and cleans up some other bits of state my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO users ". "(group_id,username,password,firstname,lastname,phone,type,status,permission_id,inherit_perm) ". "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,(SELECT permission_id FROM permissions WHERE group_id=?),'t')"); $sth->execute($group,$username,unix_md5_crypt($pass),$fname,$lname,$phone,$type,$state,$group); # get the ID... ($user_id) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT currval('users_user_id_seq')"); # Permissions! Gotta set'em all! die "Invalid permission string $permstring" if $permstring !~ /^(?: i # inherit |c:\d+ # clone # custom. no, the leading , is not a typo |C:(?:,(?:group|user|domain|record|self)_(?:edit|create|delete))+ )$/x; # bleh. I'd call another function to do my dirty work, but we're in the middle of a transaction already. if ($permstring ne 'i') { # for cloned or custom permissions, we have to create a new permissions entry. my $clonesrc = $group; if ($permstring =~ /^c:(\d+)/) { $clonesrc = $1; } $dbh->do("INSERT INTO permissions ($permlist,user_id) ". "SELECT $permlist,? FROM permissions WHERE permission_id=". "(SELECT permission_id FROM permissions WHERE ".($permstring =~ /^c:/ ? 'user' : 'group')."_id=?)", undef, ($user_id,$clonesrc) ); $dbh->do("UPDATE users SET permission_id=". "(SELECT permission_id FROM permissions WHERE user_id=?) ". "WHERE user_id=?", undef, ($user_id, $user_id) ); } if ($permstring =~ /^C:/) { # finally for custom permissions, we set the passed-in permissions (and unset # any that might have been brought in by the clone operation above) my ($permid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT permission_id FROM permissions WHERE user_id=?", undef, ($user_id) ); foreach (@permtypes) { if ($permstring =~ /,$_/) { $dbh->do("UPDATE permissions SET $_='t' WHERE permission_id=?", undef, ($permid) ); } else { $dbh->do("UPDATE permissions SET $_='f' WHERE permission_id=?", undef, ($permid) ); } } } $dbh->do("UPDATE users SET inherit_perm='n' WHERE user_id=?", undef, ($user_id) ); ##fixme: add another table to hold name/email for log table? # once we get here, we should have suceeded. $dbh->commit; }; # end eval if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',$msg." $failmsg"); } else { return ('OK',$user_id); } } # end addUser ## DNSDB::checkUser() # Check user/pass combo on login sub checkUser { my $dbh = shift; my $user = shift; my $inpass = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT user_id,group_id,password,firstname,lastname FROM users WHERE username=?"); $sth->execute($user); my ($uid,$gid,$pass,$fname,$lname) = $sth->fetchrow_array; my $loginfailed = 1 if !defined($uid); if ($pass =~ m|^\$1\$([A-Za-z0-9/.]+)\$|) { $loginfailed = 1 if $pass ne unix_md5_crypt($inpass,$1); } else { $loginfailed = 1 if $pass ne $inpass; } # nnnngggg return ($uid, $gid); } # end checkUser ## DNSDB:: updateUser() # Update general data about user sub updateUser { my $dbh = shift; my $uid = shift; my $username = shift; my $group = shift; my $pass = shift; my $state = shift; my $type = shift || 'u'; my $fname = shift || $username; my $lname = shift || ''; my $phone = shift || ''; # not going format-check my $failmsg = ''; # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $sth; # Password can be left blank; if so we assume there's one on file. # Actual blank passwords are bad, mm'kay? if (!$pass) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT password FROM users WHERE user_id=?"); $sth->execute($uid); ($pass) = $sth->fetchrow_array; } else { $pass = unix_md5_crypt($pass); } eval { my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q( UPDATE users SET username=?, password=?, firstname=?, lastname=?, phone=?, type=?, status=? WHERE user_id=? ) ); $sth->execute($username, $pass, $fname, $lname, $phone, $type, $state, $uid); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',"$failmsg: $msg"); } else { return ('OK','OK'); } } # end updateUser() ## DNSDB::delUser() # sub delUser { my $dbh = shift; return ('FAIL',"Need database handle") if !$dbh; my $userid = shift; return ('FAIL',"Missing userid") if !defined($userid); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from users where user_id=?"); $sth->execute($userid); return ('FAIL',"Couldn't remove user: ".$sth->errstr) if $sth->err; return ('OK','OK'); } # end delUser ## DNSDB::userFullName() # Return a pretty string! # Takes a user_id and optional printf-ish string to indicate which pieces where: # %u for the username # %f for the first name # %l for the last name # All other text in the passed string will be left as-is. ##fixme: need a "smart" option too, so that missing/null/blank first/last names don't give funky output sub userFullName { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $userid = shift; my $fullformat = shift || '%f %l (%u)'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select username,firstname,lastname from users where user_id=?"); $sth->execute($userid); my ($uname,$fname,$lname) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $errstr = $DBI::errstr if !$uname; $fullformat =~ s/\%u/$uname/g; $fullformat =~ s/\%f/$fname/g; $fullformat =~ s/\%l/$lname/g; return $fullformat; } # end userFullName ## DNSDB::userStatus() # Sets and/or returns a user's status # Takes a database handle, user ID and optionally a status argument # Returns undef on errors. sub userStatus { my $dbh = shift; my $id = shift; my $newstatus = shift; return undef if $id !~ /^\d+$/; my $sth; # ooo, fun! let's see what we were passed for status if ($newstatus) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("update users set status=? where user_id=?"); # ass-u-me caller knows what's going on in full if ($newstatus =~ /^[01]$/) { # only two valid for now. $sth->execute($newstatus,$id); } elsif ($newstatus =~ /^usero(?:n|ff)$/) { $sth->execute(($newstatus eq 'useron' ? 1 : 0),$id); } } $sth = $dbh->prepare("select status from users where user_id=?"); $sth->execute($id); my ($status) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return $status; } # end userStatus() ## DNSDB::getUserData() # Get misc user data for display sub getUserData { my $dbh = shift; my $uid = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT group_id,username,firstname,lastname,phone,type,status,inherit_perm ". "FROM users WHERE user_id=?"); $sth->execute($uid); return $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); } # end getUserData() ## DNSDB::getSOA() # Return all suitable fields from an SOA record in separate elements of a hash # Takes a database handle, default/live flag, and group (default) or domain (live) ID sub getSOA { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $def = shift; my $id = shift; my %ret; # (ab)use distance and weight columns to store SOA data my $sql = "SELECT record_id,host,val,ttl,distance from"; if ($def eq 'def' or $def eq 'y') { $sql .= " default_records WHERE group_id=? AND type=$reverse_typemap{SOA}"; } else { # we're editing a live SOA record; find based on domain $sql .= " records WHERE domain_id=? AND type=$reverse_typemap{SOA}"; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($id); my ($recid,$host,$val,$ttl,$serial) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my ($prins,$contact) = split /:/, $host; my ($refresh,$retry,$expire,$minttl) = split /:/, $val; $ret{recid} = $recid; $ret{ttl} = $ttl; $ret{serial} = $serial; $ret{prins} = $prins; $ret{contact} = $contact; $ret{refresh} = $refresh; $ret{retry} = $retry; $ret{expire} = $expire; $ret{minttl} = $minttl; return %ret; } # end getSOA() ## DNSDB::getRecLine() # Return all data fields for a zone record in separate elements of a hash # Takes a database handle, default/live flag, and record ID sub getRecLine { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $def = shift; my $id = shift; my $sql = "SELECT r.record_id,r.host,r.type,r.val,r.distance,r.weight,r.port,r.ttl,r.longrec_id,l.recdata". (($def eq 'def' or $def eq 'y') ? ',r.group_id FROM default_' : ',r.domain_id FROM '). "records r LEFT OUTER JOIN longrecs l ON r.longrec_id=l.longrec_id WHERE record_id=?"; my $ret = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($sql, undef, ($id) ) or warn $dbh->errstr; if ($dbh->err) { $errstr = $DBI::errstr; return undef; } $ret->{val} = $ret->{recdata} if $ret->{longrec_id}; # put the long data in the real value space delete $ret->{longrec_id}; # remove these since they shouldn't be exposed - the caller delete $ret->{recdata}; # should not care about "long records" vs normal ones. return $ret; } ##fixme: should use above (getRecLine()) to get lines for below? ## DNSDB::getDomRecs() # Return records for a domain # Takes a database handle, default/live flag, group/domain ID, start, # number of records, sort field, and sort order # Returns a reference to an array of hashes sub getDomRecs { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $type = shift; my $id = shift; my $nrecs = shift || 'all'; my $nstart = shift || 0; ## for order, need to map input to column names my $order = shift || 'host'; my $direction = shift || 'ASC'; $type = 'y' if $type eq 'def'; my $sql = "SELECT r.record_id,r.host,r.type,r.val,r.distance,r.weight,r.port,r.ttl,r.longrec_id,l.recdata FROM "; $sql .= "default_" if $type eq 'y'; $sql .= "records r "; $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN longrecs l ON r.longrec_id=l.longrec_id "; if ($type eq 'y') { $sql .= "WHERE r.group_id=?"; } else { $sql .= "WHERE r.domain_id=?"; } $sql .= " AND NOT r.type=$reverse_typemap{SOA} ORDER BY r.$order $direction"; $sql .= " LIMIT $nrecs OFFSET ".($nstart*$nrecs) if $nstart ne 'all'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or warn $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute($id) or warn "$sql: ".$sth->errstr; my @retbase; while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { $ref->{val} = $ref->{recdata} if $ref->{longrec_id}; # put the long data in the real value space delete $ref->{longrec_id}; # remove these since they shouldn't be exposed - the caller delete $ref->{recdata}; # should not care about "long records" vs normal ones. push @retbase, $ref; } my $ret = \@retbase; return $ret; } # end getDomRecs() ## DNSDB::getRecCount() # Return count of non-SOA records in domain (or default records in a group) # Takes a database handle, default/live flag and group/domain ID # Returns the count sub getRecCount { my $dbh = shift; my $defrec = shift; my $id = shift; my ($count) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM ". ($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records ". "WHERE ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'group' : 'domain')."_id=? ". "AND NOT type=$reverse_typemap{SOA}", undef, ($id) ); return $count; } # end getRecCount() ## DNSDB::addRec() # Add a new record to a domain or a group's default records # Takes a database handle, default/live flag, group/domain ID, # host, type, value, and TTL # Some types require additional detail: "distance" for MX and SRV, # and weight/port for SRV # Returns a status code and detail message in case of error sub addRec { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $defrec = shift; my $id = shift; my $host = shift; my $rectype = shift; my $val = shift; my $ttl = shift; my $fields = ($defrec eq 'y' ? 'group_id' : 'domain_id').",host,type,val,ttl"; my $vallen = "?,?,?,?,?"; my @vallist = ($id,$host,$rectype,$val,$ttl); my $dist; if ($rectype == $reverse_typemap{MX} or $rectype == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) { $dist = shift; return ('FAIL',"Need distance for $typemap{$rectype} record") if !defined($dist); $fields .= ",distance"; $vallen .= ",?"; push @vallist, $dist; } my $weight; my $port; if ($rectype == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) { # check for _service._protocol. NB: RFC2782 does not say "MUST"... nor "SHOULD"... # it just says (paraphrased) "... is prepended with _ to prevent DNS collisions" return ('FAIL',"SRV records must begin with _service._protocol") if $host !~ /^_[A-Za-z]+\._[A-Za-z]+\.[a-z0-9-]+/; $weight = shift; $port = shift; return ('FAIL',"Need weight and port for SRV record") if !defined($weight) or !defined($port); $fields .= ",weight,port"; $vallen .= ",?,?"; push @vallist, ($weight,$port); } # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; eval { if (length($val) > 100 ) { # extralong records get an entry in a separate table. $dbh->do("INSERT INTO longrecs (recdata) VALUES (?)", undef, ($val) ); my ($longid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT longrec_id FROM longrecs WHERE recdata=?", undef, ($val) ); $fields .= ",longrec_id"; $vallen .= ",?"; push @vallist, $longid; $vallist[3] = ''; # so we don't barf when we insert the main record } $dbh->do("INSERT INTO ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records ($fields) VALUES ($vallen)", undef, @vallist); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',$msg); } return ('OK','OK'); } # end addRec() ## DNSDB::updateRec() # Update a record sub updateRec { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $defrec = shift; my $id = shift; # all records have these my $host = shift; my $type = shift; my $val = shift; my $ttl = shift; return('FAIL',"Missing standard argument(s)") if !defined($ttl); # only MX and SRV will use these my $dist = 0; my $weight = 0; my $port = 0; if ($type == $reverse_typemap{MX} || $type == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) { $dist = shift; return ('FAIL',"MX or SRV requires distance") if !defined($dist); if ($type == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) { $weight = shift; return ('FAIL',"SRV requires weight") if !defined($weight); $port = shift; return ('FAIL',"SRV requires port") if !defined($port); } } # my $sql = "SELECT r.record_id,r.host,r.type,r.val,r.distance,r.weight,r.port,r.ttl,r.longrec_id,l.recdata FROM "; # $sql .= "default_" if $type eq 'y'; # $sql .= "records r "; # $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN longrecs l ON r.longrec_id=l.longrec_id "; # get the long record ID, if any my ($longid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT longrec_id FROM ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records ". "WHERE record_id=?", undef, ($id) ); local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; eval { # there's really no tidy way to squash this down. :/ if (length($val) > 100) { if ($longid) { $dbh->do("UPDATE longrecs SET recdata=? WHERE longrec_id=?", undef, ($val, $longid) ); } else { ##fixme: has to be a better way to be sure we get the right recid back once inserted... $dbh->do("INSERT INTO longrecs (recdata) VALUES (?)", undef, ($val) ); my ($newlongid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT currval('longrecs_longrec_id_seq')"); $dbh->do("UPDATE ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records SET val=?,longrec_id=? ". "WHERE record_id=?", undef, ('', $newlongid, $id) ); } } else { if ($longid) { $dbh->do("DELETE FROM longrecs WHERE longrec_id=?", undef, ($longid) ); $dbh->do("UPDATE ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records SET val=?,longrec_id=NULL ". "WHERE record_id=?", undef, ($val, $id) ); } else { $dbh->do("UPDATE ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records SET val=? ". "WHERE record_id=?", undef, ($val, $id) ); } } $dbh->do("UPDATE ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records ". "SET host=?,type=?,ttl=?,distance=?,weight=?,port=? ". "WHERE record_id=?", undef, ($host, $type, $ttl, $dist, $weight, $port, $id) ); }; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; $dbh->rollback; return ('FAIL', $msg); } # return ('FAIL',$sth->errstr."
\n") if $sth->err; return ('OK','OK'); } # end updateRec() ## DNSDB::delRec() # Delete a record. sub delRec { $errstr = ''; my $dbh = shift; my $defrec = shift; my $id = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records WHERE record_id=?"); $sth->execute($id); return ('FAIL',"Couldn't remove record: ".$sth->errstr) if $sth->err; return ('OK','OK'); } # end delRec() ## DNSDB::domStatus() # Sets and/or returns a domain's status # Takes a database handle, domain ID and optionally a status argument # Returns undef on errors. sub domStatus { my $dbh = shift; my $id = shift; my $newstatus = shift; return undef if $id !~ /^\d+$/; my $sth; # ooo, fun! let's see what we were passed for status if ($newstatus) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("update domains set status=? where domain_id=?"); # ass-u-me caller knows what's going on in full if ($newstatus =~ /^[01]$/) { # only two valid for now. $sth->execute($newstatus,$id); } elsif ($newstatus =~ /^domo(?:n|ff)$/) { $sth->execute(($newstatus eq 'domon' ? 1 : 0),$id); } } $sth = $dbh->prepare("select status from domains where domain_id=?"); $sth->execute($id); my ($status) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return $status; } # end domStatus() ## DNSDB::importAXFR # Import a domain via AXFR # Takes AXFR host, domain to transfer, group to put the domain in, # and optionally: # - active/inactive state flag (defaults to active) # - overwrite-SOA flag (defaults to off) # - overwrite-NS flag (defaults to off, doesn't affect subdomain NS records) # Returns a status code (OK, WARN, or FAIL) and message - message should be blank # if status is OK, but WARN includes conditions that are not fatal but should # really be reported. sub importAXFR { my $dbh = shift; my $ifrom_in = shift; my $domain = shift; my $group = shift; my $status = shift || 1; my $rwsoa = shift || 0; my $rwns = shift || 0; ##fixme: add mode to delete&replace, merge+overwrite, merge new? my $nrecs = 0; my $soaflag = 0; my $nsflag = 0; my $warnmsg = ''; my $ifrom; # choke on possible bad setting in ifrom # IPv4 and v6, and valid hostnames! ($ifrom) = ($ifrom_in =~ /^([0-9a-f\:.]+|[0-9a-z_.-]+)$/i); return ('FAIL', "Bad AXFR source host $ifrom") unless ($ifrom) = ($ifrom_in =~ /^([0-9a-f\:.]+|[0-9a-z_.-]+)$/i); # Allow transactions, and raise an exception on errors so we can catch it later. # Use local to make sure these get "reset" properly on exiting this block local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE domain=?"); my $dom_id; # quick check to start to see if we've already got one $sth->execute($domain); ($dom_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return ('FAIL', "Domain already exists") if $dom_id; eval { # can't do this, can't nest transactions. sigh. #my ($dcode, $dmsg) = addDomain(dbh, domain, group, status); ##fixme: serial my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO domains (domain,group_id,status) VALUES (?,?,?)"); $sth->execute($domain,$group,$status); ## bizarre DBI<->Net::DNS interaction bug: ## sometimes a zone will cause an immediate commit-and-exit (sort of) of the while() ## fixed, apparently I was doing *something* odd, but not certain what it was that ## caused a commit instead of barfing # get domain id so we can do the records $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE domain=?"); $sth->execute($domain); ($dom_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; $res->nameservers($ifrom); $res->axfr_start($domain) or die "Couldn't begin AXFR\n"; while (my $rr = $res->axfr_next()) { my $type = $rr->type; my $sql = "INSERT INTO records (domain_id,host,type,ttl,val"; my $vallen = "?,?,?,?,?"; $soaflag = 1 if $type eq 'SOA'; $nsflag = 1 if $type eq 'NS'; my @vallist = ($dom_id, $rr->name, $reverse_typemap{$type}, $rr->ttl); # "Primary" types: # A, NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR(warn in forward), MX, TXT, AAAA, SRV, A6(ob), SPF # maybe KEY # nasty big ugly case-like thing here, since we have to do *some* different # processing depending on the record. le sigh. if ($type eq 'A') { push @vallist, $rr->address; } elsif ($type eq 'NS') { # hmm. should we warn here if subdomain NS'es are left alone? next if ($rwns && ($rr->name eq $domain)); push @vallist, $rr->nsdname; $nsflag = 1; } elsif ($type eq 'CNAME') { push @vallist, $rr->cname; } elsif ($type eq 'SOA') { next if $rwsoa; $vallist[1] = $rr->mname.":".$rr->rname; push @vallist, ($rr->refresh.":".$rr->retry.":".$rr->expire.":".$rr->minimum); $soaflag = 1; } elsif ($type eq 'PTR') { # hmm. PTR records should not be in forward zones. } elsif ($type eq 'MX') { $sql .= ",distance"; $vallen .= ",?"; push @vallist, $rr->exchange; push @vallist, $rr->preference; } elsif ($type eq 'TXT') { ##fixme: Net::DNS docs say this should be deprecated for rdatastr() or char_str_list(), ## but don't really seem enthusiastic about it. push @vallist, $rr->txtdata; } elsif ($type eq 'SPF') { ##fixme: and the same caveat here, since it is apparently a clone of ::TXT push @vallist, $rr->txtdata; } elsif ($type eq 'AAAA') { push @vallist, $rr->address; } elsif ($type eq 'SRV') { $sql .= ",distance,weight,port" if $type eq 'SRV'; $vallen .= ",?,?,?" if $type eq 'SRV'; push @vallist, $rr->target; push @vallist, $rr->priority; push @vallist, $rr->weight; push @vallist, $rr->port; } elsif ($type eq 'KEY') { # we don't actually know what to do with these... push @vallist, ($rr->flags.":".$rr->protocol.":".$rr->algorithm.":".$rr->key.":".$rr->keytag.":".$rr->privatekeyname); } else { push @vallist, $rr->rdatastr; # Finding a different record type is not fatal.... just problematic. # We may not be able to export it correctly. $warnmsg .= "Unusual record ".$rr->name." ($type) found\n"; } # BIND supports: # A CNAME HINFO MB(ex) MD(ob) MF(ob) MG(ex) MINFO(ex) MR(ex) MX NS NULL # PTR SOA TXT WKS AFSDB(ex) ISDN(ex) RP(ex) RT(ex) X25(ex) PX # ... if one can ever find the right magic to format them correctly # Net::DNS supports: # RRSIG SIG NSAP NS NIMLOC NAPTR MX MR MINFO MG MB LOC ISDN IPSECKEY HINFO # EID DNAME CNAME CERT APL AFSDB AAAA A DS NXT NSEC3PARAM NSEC3 NSEC KEY # DNSKEY DLV X25 TXT TSIG TKEY SSHFP SRV SPF SOA RT RP PX PTR NULL APL::AplItem $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql.") VALUES (".$vallen.")") or die "problem preparing record insert SQL\n"; $sth->execute(@vallist) or die "failed to insert ".$rr->string.": ".$sth->errstr."\n"; $nrecs++; } # while axfr_next # Overwrite SOA record if ($rwsoa) { $soaflag = 1; my $sthgetsoa = $dbh->prepare("SELECT host,val,ttl FROM default_records WHERE group_id=? AND type=?"); my $sthputsoa = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO records (domain_id,host,type,val,ttl) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); $sthgetsoa->execute($group,$reverse_typemap{SOA}); while (my ($host,$val,$ttl) = $sthgetsoa->fetchrow_array()) { $host =~ s/DOMAIN/$domain/g; $val =~ s/DOMAIN/$domain/g; $sthputsoa->execute($dom_id,$host,$reverse_typemap{SOA},$val,$ttl); } } # Overwrite NS records if ($rwns) { $nsflag = 1; my $sthgetns = $dbh->prepare("SELECT host,val,ttl FROM default_records WHERE group_id=? AND type=?"); my $sthputns = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO records (domain_id,host,type,val,ttl) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); $sthgetns->execute($group,$reverse_typemap{NS}); while (my ($host,$val,$ttl) = $sthgetns->fetchrow_array()) { $host =~ s/DOMAIN/$domain/g; $val =~ s/DOMAIN/$domain/g; $sthputns->execute($dom_id,$host,$reverse_typemap{NS},$val,$ttl); } } die "No records found; either $ifrom is not authoritative or doesn't allow transfers\n" if !$nrecs; die "Bad zone: No SOA record!\n" if !$soaflag; die "Bad zone: No NS records!\n" if !$nsflag; $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { $dbh->rollback; }; return ('FAIL',$msg." $warnmsg"); } else { return ('WARN', $warnmsg) if $warnmsg; return ('OK',"Imported OK"); } # it should be impossible to get here. return ('WARN',"OOOK!"); } # end importAXFR() ## DNSDB::export() # Export the DNS database, or a part of it # Takes database handle, export type, optional arguments depending on type # Writes zone data to targets as appropriate for type sub export { my $dbh = shift; my $target = shift; if ($target eq 'tiny') { __export_tiny($dbh,@_); } # elsif ($target eq 'foo') { # __export_foo($dbh,@_); #} # etc } # end export() ## DNSDB::__export_tiny # Internal sub to implement tinyDNS (compatible) export # Takes database handle, filehandle to write export to, optional argument(s) # to determine which data gets exported sub __export_tiny { my $dbh = shift; my $datafile = shift; ##fixme: slurp up further options to specify particular zone(s) to export ## Convert a bare number into an octal-coded pair of octets. # Take optional arg to indicate a decimal or hex input. Defaults to hex. sub octalize { my $tmp = shift; my $srctype = shift || 'h'; # default assumes hex string $tmp = sprintf "%0.4x", hex($tmp) if $srctype eq 'h'; # 0-pad hex to 4 digits $tmp = sprintf "%0.4x", $tmp if $srctype eq 'd'; # 0-pad decimal to 4 hex digits my @o = ($tmp =~ /^(..)(..)$/); # split into octets return sprintf "\\%0.3o\\%0.3o", hex($o[0]), hex($o[1]);; } ##fixme: fail if $datafile isn't an open, writable file # easy case - export all evarything # not-so-easy case - export item(s) specified # todo: figure out what kind of list we use to export items my $domsth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT domain_id,domain,status FROM domains WHERE status=1"); my $recsth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT r.host,r.type,r.val,r.distance,r.weight,r.port,r.ttl,l.recdata ". "FROM records r LEFT OUTER JOIN longrecs l ON r.longrec_id=l.longrec_id WHERE domain_id=?"); $domsth->execute(); while (my ($domid,$dom,$domstat) = $domsth->fetchrow_array) { $recsth->execute($domid); while (my ($host,$type,$val,$dist,$weight,$port,$ttl,$lval) = $recsth->fetchrow_array) { $val = $lval if $lval; # raw packet in unknown format: first byte indicates length # of remaining data, allows up to 255 raw bytes ##fixme? append . to all host/val hostnames if ($typemap{$type} eq 'SOA') { # host contains pri-ns:responsible # val is abused to contain refresh:retry:expire:minttl ##fixme: "manual" serial vs tinydns-autoserial print $datafile "Z$host"."::$val:$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'A') { print $datafile "+$host:$val:$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'NS') { print $datafile "\&$host"."::$val:$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'AAAA') { print $datafile ":$host:28:"; my $altgrp = 0; my @altconv; # Split in to up to 8 groups of hex digits (allows for :: 0-collapsing) foreach (split /:/, $val) { if (/^$/) { # flag blank entry; this is a series of 0's of (currently) unknown length $altconv[$altgrp++] = 's'; } else { # call sub to convert 1-4 hex digits to 2 string-rep octal bytes $altconv[$altgrp++] = octalize($_) } } foreach my $octet (@altconv) { # if not 's', output print $datafile $octet unless $octet =~ /^s$/; # if 's', output (9-array length)x literal '\000\000' print $datafile '\000\000'x(9-$altgrp) if $octet =~ /^s$/; } print $datafile ":$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'MX') { print $datafile "\@$host"."::$val:$dist:$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'TXT') { ##fixme: split v-e-r-y long TXT strings? will need to do so for BIND export, at least $val =~ s/:/\\072/g; # may need to replace other symbols print $datafile "'$host:$val:$ttl\n"; # by-hand TXT #:deepnet.cx:16:2v\075spf1\040a\040a\072bacon.deepnet.cx\040a\072home.deepnet.cx\040-all:3600 #@ IN TXT "v=spf1 a a:bacon.deepnet.cx a:home.deepnet.cx -all" #'deepnet.cx:v=spf1 a a\072bacon.deepnet.cx a\072home.deepnet.cx -all:3600 #txttest IN TXT "v=foo bar:bob kn;ob' \" !@#$%^&*()-=_+[]{}<>?" #:txttest.deepnet.cx:16:\054v\075foo\040bar\072bob\040kn\073ob\047\040\042\040\041\100\043\044\045\136\046\052\050\051-\075\137\053\133\135\173\175\074\076\077:3600 # very long TXT record as brought in by axfr-get # note tinydns does not support >512-byte RR data, need axfr-dns (for TCP support) for that # also note, tinydns does not seem to support <512, >256-byte RRdata from axfr-get either. :/ #:longtxt.deepnet.cx:16: #\170this is a very long txt record. it is really long. long. very long. really very long. this is a very long txt record. #\263 it is really long. long. very long. really very long. this is a very long txt record. it is really long. long. very long. really very long. this is a very long txt record. #\351 it is really long. long. very long. really very long.this is a very long txt record. it is really long. long. very long. really very long. this is a very long txt record. it is really long. long. very long. really very long. #:3600 } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'CNAME') { print $datafile "C$host:$val:$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'SRV') { # data is two-byte values for priority, weight, port, in that order, # followed by length/string data print $datafile ":$host:33:".octalize($dist,'d').octalize($weight,'d').octalize($port,'d'); $val .= '.' if $val !~ /\.$/; foreach (split /\./, $val) { printf $datafile "\\%0.3o%s", length($_), $_; } print $datafile "\\000:$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'RP') { # RP consists of two mostly free-form strings. # The first is supposed to be an email address with @ replaced by . (as with the SOA contact) # The second is the "hostname" of a TXT record with more info. print $datafile ":$host:17:"; my ($who,$what) = split /\s/, $val; foreach (split /\./, $who) { printf $datafile "\\%0.3o%s", length($_), $_; } print $datafile '\000'; foreach (split /\./, $what) { printf $datafile "\\%0.3o%s", length($_), $_; } print $datafile "\\000:$ttl\n"; } elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'PTR') { # must handle both IPv4 and IPv6 ##work } # record type if-else } # while ($recsth) } # while ($domsth) } # end __export_tiny() # shut Perl up 1;