# dns/trunk/DNSDB/ExportBIND.pm # BIND data export/publication # Call through DNSDB.pm's export() sub ## # $Id: ExportBIND.pm 866 2022-09-20 21:58:38Z kdeugau $ # Copyright 2022 Kris Deugau # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ## package DNSDB::ExportBIND; use strict; use warnings; sub export { # expected to be a DNSDB object my $dnsdb = shift; # to be a hash of views/locations, containing lists of zones my %viewzones; # allow for future exports of subgroups of records my $viewlist = $dnsdb->getLocList(curgroup => 1); my $soasth = $dnsdb->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT host,type,val,distance,weight,port,ttl,record_id,location ". "FROM records WHERE rdns_id=? AND type=6"); my $recsth = $dnsdb->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT host,type,val,distance,weight,port,ttl,record_id,location,extract(epoch from stamp),expires,stampactive ". "FROM records WHERE rdns_id=? AND NOT type=6 ". "ORDER BY masklen(inetlazy(val)) DESC, inetlazy(val)"); # Fetch active zone list my $revsth = $dnsdb->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT rdns_id,revnet,status,changed,default_location FROM revzones WHERE status=1 ". "ORDER BY masklen(revnet) DESC, rdns_id"); # Unflag changed zones, so we can maybe cache the export and not redo everything every time my $zonesth = $dnsdb->{dbh}->prepare("UPDATE revzones SET changed='n' WHERE rdns_id=?"); $revsth->execute(); my %recflags; # need this to be independent for forward vs reverse zones, as they're not merged while (my ($revid,$revzone,$revstat,$changed,$defloc) = $revsth->fetchrow_array) { my $cidr = NetAddr::IP->new($revzone); my $zfile = $cidr->network->addr."-".$cidr->masklen; # my $cachefile = "$dnsdb->{exportcache}/$zfile"; # my $tmpcache = "$dnsdb->{exportcache}/tmp.$zfile.$$"; my $tmpcache = "tmp.$zfile.$$"; # safety net. don't overwrite a previous known-good file ##fixme: convert logical revzone into .arpa name? maybe take a slice of showrev_arpa? ##fixme: need to bodge logical non-octet-boundary revzones into octet-boundary revzones ##fixme: do we do cache files? views balloon the file count stupidly ## foreach $octetzone $cidr->split(octet-boundary) ## loclist = SELECT DISTINCT location FROM records WHERE rdns_id = $zid AND inetlazy(val) <<= $octetzone #printf "non-octet? %s, %i\n", $cidr->masklen, $cidr->masklen % 8; eval { my $arpazone = DNSDB::_ZONE($cidr, 'ZONE', 'r', '.').($cidr->{isv6} ? '.ip6.arpa' : '.in-addr.arpa'); # write fresh records if: # - we are not using the cache # - force_refresh is set # - the zone has changed # - the cache file does not exist # - the cache file is empty if (!$dnsdb->{usecache} || $dnsdb->{force_refresh} || $changed || !-e $cachefile || -z $cachefile) { if ($dnsdb->{usecache}) { open ZONECACHE, ">$tmpcache" or die "Error creating temporary file $tmpcache: $!\n"; $zonefilehandle = *ZONECACHE; } # fetch a list of views/locations present in the zone. we need to publish a file for each one. # in the event that no locations are present (~~ $viewlist is empty), /%view collapses to nothing in the zone path my (@loclist) = $dnsdb->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT DISTINCT location FROM records WHERE rdns_id = ?", undef, $revid); push @loclist, $defloc unless grep /$defloc/, @loclist; my $zonepath = $dnsdb->{bind_export_reverse_zone_path}; my %zonefiles; # to be a hash of file handles. ##fixme: need to open separate zone files for aggregated metazones eg /22 or /14 foreach my $loc (@loclist) { my $zfilepath = $zonepath; $zfilepath =~ s/\%view/$loc/; $zfilepath =~ s/\%zone/$revzone/; $zfilepath =~ s/\%arpazone/$arpazone/; # Just In Case(TM) $zfilepath =~ s,[^\w./-],_,g; open $zonefiles{$loc}, ">", $zfilepath; printf {$zonefiles{$loc}} "; %s in view %s exported %s\n", $arpazone, $loc, scalar(localtime); print "open zonefile for '$loc', '$zfilepath'\n"; } # need to fetch this separately since the rest of the records all (should) have real IPs in val $soasth->execute($revid); my (@zsoa) = $soasth->fetchrow_array(); ##fixme: do we even need @loclist passed in? printrec_bind(\%zonefiles, $zsoa[7], 'y', \%recflags, $revzone, $zsoa[0],$zsoa[1],$zsoa[2],$zsoa[3],$zsoa[4],$zsoa[5],$zsoa[6],$zsoa[8],''); $recsth->execute($revid); my $fullzone = _ZONE($tmpzone, 'ZONE', 'r', '.').($tmpzone->{isv6} ? '.ip6.arpa' : '.in-addr.arpa'); while (my ($host, $type, $val, $dist, $weight, $port, $ttl, $recid, $loc, $stamp, $expires, $stampactive) = $recsth->fetchrow_array) { next if $recflags{$recid}; # Check for out-of-zone data if ($val =~ /\.arpa$/) { # val is non-IP if ($val !~ /$fullzone$/) { warn "Not exporting out-of-zone record $val $typemap{$type} $host, $ttl (zone $tmpzone)\n"; next; } } else { my $ipval = new NetAddr::IP $val; if (!$tmpzone->contains($ipval)) { warn "Not exporting out-of-zone record $val $typemap{$type} $host, $ttl (zone $tmpzone)\n"; next; } } # is $val a raw .arpa name? # Spaces are evil. $val =~ s/^\s+//; $val =~ s/\s+$//; if ($typemap{$type} ne 'TXT') { # Leading or trailng spaces could be legit in TXT records. $host =~ s/^\s+//; $host =~ s/\s+$//; } printrec_bind($zonefilehandle, $recid, 'y', \%recflags, $revzone, $host, $type, $val, $dist, $weight, $port, $ttl, $loc, $stamp, $expires, $stampactive); $recflags{$recid} = 1; } # while ($recsth) if ($dnsdb->{usecache}) { close ZONECACHE; # force the file to be written # catch obvious write errors that leave an empty temp file if (-s $tmpcache) { rename $tmpcache, $cachefile or die "Error overwriting cache file $cachefile with temporary file: $!\n"; } } } # if $changed or cache filesize is 0 }; if ($@) { die "error writing ".($dnsdb->{usecache} ? 'new data for ' : '')."$revzone: $@\n"; # error! something borked, and we should be able to fall back on the old cache file # report the error, somehow. } else { # mark zone as unmodified. Only do this if no errors, that way # export failures should recover a little more automatically. $zonesth->execute($revid); } # if ($dnsdb->{usecache}) { # # We've already made as sure as we can that a cached zone file is "good", # # although possibly stale/obsolete due to errors creating a new one. # eval { # open CACHE, "<$cachefile" or die $!; # print $datafile $_ or die "error copying cached $revzone to master file: $!" while ; # close CACHE; # }; # die $@ if $@; # } } # revsth->fetch # Write the view configuration last, because otherwise we have to be horribly inefficient # at figuring out which zones are visible/present in which views if ($viewlist) { my $tmpconf = "$dnsdb->{bind_zone_conf}.$$"; ##fixme: split filename for prefixing open BINDCONF, ">", $tmpconf; foreach my $view (@{$viewlist}) { #print Dumper($view); print BINDCONF "view $view->{location} {\n"; # print "view $view->{location} {\n"; # could also use an acl { ... }; statement, then match-clients { aclname; };, but that gets hairy # note that some semantics of data visibility need to be handled by the record export, since it's # not 100% clear if the semantics of a tinydns view with an empty IP list (matches anyone) are the # same as a BIND view with match-clients { any; }; if ($view->{iplist}) { print BINDCONF " match-clients { ".join("; ", $view->iplist)."; };\n"; # print " match-clients { ".join("; ", split(/[\s,]+/, $view->{iplist}))."; };\n"; } else { print BINDCONF " match-clients { any; };\n"; # print " match-clients { any; };\n"; } foreach my $zone (@{$viewzones{$view->{location}}}) { ##fixme: notify settings, maybe per-zone? print qq( zone "$zone" IN {\n\ttype master;\n\tnotify no;\n\tfile "db.$zone";\n };\n); } print "};\n\n"; } # foreach @$viewlist rename $tmpconf, $dnsdb->{bind_zone_conf}; } # if $viewlist } # export() # Print individual records in BIND format sub printrec_bind { my $dnsdb = shift; # my ($zonefiles, $recid, $revrec, $loclist, $zone, $host, $type, $val, $distance, $weight, $port, $ttl, my ($zonefiles, $recid, $revrec, $recflags, $zone, $host, $type, $val, $distance, $weight, $port, $ttl, $loc, $stamp, $expires, $stampactive) = @_; # Just In Case something is lingering in the DB $loc = '' if !$loc; ## And now to the records! if ($typemap{$type} eq 'SOA') { # host contains pri-ns:responsible # val is abused to contain refresh:retry:expire:minttl # let's be explicit about abusing $host and $val my ($email, $primary) = (split /:/, $host)[0,1]; my ($refresh, $retry, $expire, $min_ttl) = (split /:/, $val)[0,1,2,3]; my $serial = 0; # fail less horribly than leaving it empty? # just snarfing the right SOA serial for the zone type if ($revrec eq 'y') { ($serial) = $dnsdb->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT zserial FROM revzones WHERE revnet=?", undef, $zone); } else { ($serial) = $dnsdb->{dbh}->selectrow_array("SELECT zserial FROM domains WHERE domain=?", undef, $zone); } # revrec <> 'y' # suppress a "uninitialized value" warning. should be impossible but... # abuse hours as the last digit pair of the serial for simplicity ##fixme?: alternate SOA serial schemes? $serial = strftime("%Y%m%d%H", localtime()) if !$serial; $primary .= "." if $primary !~ /\.$/; $email .= "." if $email !~ /\.$/; # print *{$zonefiles->{$loc}} "Z$zone:$primary:$email:$serial:$refresh:$retry:$expire:$min_ttl:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" # or die $!; print *{$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$zone $ttl IN SOA $primary $email ( $serial $refresh $retry $expire $min_ttl )\n" or die "couldn't write $zone SOA: $!"; } # SOA elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'A') { # ($host,$val) = __revswap($host,$val) if $revrec eq 'y'; # print $datafile "+$host:$val:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" or die $!; print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$host $ttl IN A $val\n" or die $!; } # A elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'NS') { if ($revrec eq 'y') { $val = NetAddr::IP->new($val); ##fixme: conversion for sub-/24 delegations in reverse zones? # if (!$val->{isv6} && ($val->masklen > 24)) { # } # print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$zone $ttl IN NS $host\n"; print "$zone $ttl IN NS $host\n" or die $!; } else { # print $datafile "\&$host"."::$val:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" or die $!; } } # NS elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'AAAA') { # ($host,$val) = __revswap($host,$val) if $revrec eq 'y'; print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$host $ttl IN AAAA $val\n" or die $!; } # AAAA elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'TXT') { # ($host,$val) = __revswap($host,$val) if $revrec eq 'y'; print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$host $ttl IN TXT \"$val\"\n" or die $!; } # TXT elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'CNAME') { # ($host,$val) = __revswap($host,$val) if $revrec eq 'y'; print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$host $ttl IN CNAME $val\n" or die $!; } # CNAME elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'SRV') { # ($host,$val) = __revswap($host,$val) if $revrec eq 'y'; print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$host $ttl IN SRV $distance $weight $port $val\n" or die $!; } # SRV elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'RP') { # ($host,$val) = __revswap($host,$val) if $revrec eq 'y'; print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$host $ttl IN RP $val\n" or die $!; } # RP elsif ($typemap{$type} eq 'PTR') { $$recflags{$val}++; if ($revrec eq 'y') { if ($val =~ /\.arpa$/) { # someone put in the formal .arpa name. humor them. print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$val $ttl IN PTR $host\n" or die $!; } else { $zone = NetAddr::IP->new($zone); if (!$zone->{isv6} && $zone->masklen > 24) { # sub-octet v4 zone ($val) = ($val =~ /\.(\d+)$/); print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "$val.".DNSDB::_ZONE($zone, 'ZONE', 'r', '.').'.in-addr.arpa'. " $ttl IN PTR $host\n" or die $!; } else { # not going to care about strange results if $val is not an IP value and is resolveable in DNS $val = NetAddr::IP->new($val); print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} DNSDB::_ZONE($val, 'ZONE', 'r', '.').($val->{isv6} ? '.ip6.arpa' : '.in-addr.arpa'). " $ttl IN PTR $host\n" or die $!; } } # non-".arpa" $val } else { # PTRs in forward zones are less bizarre and insane than some other record types # in reverse zones... OTOH we can't validate them any which way, so we cross our # fingers and close our eyes and make it Someone Else's Problem. print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "^$host:$val:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" or die $!; } } # PTR elsif ($type == 65280) { # A+PTR # Recurse to PTR or A as appropriate because BIND et al don't share # the tinydns concept of merged forward/reverse records $$recflags{$val}++; if ($revrec eq 'y') { printrec_bind($zonefiles, $recid, $revrec, $recflags, $zone, $host, 12, $val, $distance, $weight, $port, $ttl, $loc, $stamp, $expires, $stampactive); #print {$zonefiles->{$loc}} "=$host:$val:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" or die $!; # printrec_bind(\%zonefiles, $recid, 'y', \@loclist, $revzone, # $host, $type, $val, $dist, $weight, $port, $ttl, $loc, $stamp, $expires, $stampactive); # my ($zonefiles, $recid, $revrec, $loclist, $zone, $host, $type, $val, $distance, $weight, $port, $ttl, # $loc, $stamp, $expires, $stampactive) = @_; } else { printrec_bind($zonefiles, $recid, $revrec, $recflags, $zone, $host, 1, $val, $distance, $weight, $port, $ttl, $loc, $stamp, $expires, $stampactive); } } # A+PTR elsif ($type == 65282) { # PTR template # only useful for v4 with standard DNS software, since this expands all # IPs in $zone (or possibly $val?) with autogenerated records $val = NetAddr::IP->new($val); return if $val->{isv6}; if ($val->masklen <= 16) { foreach my $sub ($val->split(16)) { __publish_template_bind($sub, $recflags, $host, $zonefiles->{$loc}, $ttl, $stamp, $loc, $zone, 1); } } else { __publish_template_bind($val, $recflags, $host, $zonefiles->{$loc}, $ttl, $stamp, $loc, $zone, 1); } } # PTR template elsif ($type == 65283) { # A+PTR template $val = NetAddr::IP->new($val); # Just In Case. An A+PTR should be impossible to add to a v6 revzone via API. return if $val->{isv6}; if ($val->masklen < 16) { foreach my $sub ($val->split(16)) { __publish_template_bind($sub, $recflags, $host, $zonefiles->{$loc}, $ttl, $stamp, $loc, $zone, 0); } } else { __publish_template_bind($val, $recflags, $host, $zonefiles->{$loc}, $ttl, $stamp, $loc, $zone, 0); } } # A+PTR template elsif ($type == 65284) { # AAAA+PTR template # Stub for completeness. Could be exported to DNS software that supports # some degree of internal automagic in generic-record-creation # (eg http://search.cpan.org/dist/AllKnowingDNS/ ) } # AAAA+PTR template } # printrec_bind() sub __publish_template_bind { my $sub = shift; my $recflags = shift; my $hpat = shift; my $fh = shift; my $ttl = shift; my $stamp = shift; my $loc = shift; my $zone = new NetAddr::IP shift; my $ptrflag = shift || 0; ##fixme: default to PTR instead of A record for the BIND variant of this sub? # do this conversion once, not (number-of-ips-in-subnet) times my $arpabase = _ZONE($zone, 'ZONE.in-addr.arpa', 'r', '.'); my $iplist = $sub->splitref(32); my $ipindex = -1; foreach (@$iplist) { my $ip = $_->addr; $ipindex++; # make as if we split the non-octet-aligned block into octet-aligned blocks as with SOA my $lastoct = (split /\./, $ip)[3]; # Allow smaller entries to override longer ones, eg, a specific PTR will # always publish, overriding any template record containing that IP. # %blank% also needs to be per-IP here to properly cascade overrides with # multiple nested templates next if $$recflags{$ip}; # && $self->{skip_bcast_255} $$recflags{$ip}++; next if $hpat eq '%blank%'; my $rec = $hpat; # start fresh with the template for each IP ##fixme: there really isn't a good way to handle sub-/24 zones here. This way at least # seems less bad than some alternatives. $dnsdb->_template4_expand(\$rec, $ip, \$sub, $ipindex); # _template4_expand may blank $rec; if so, don't publish a record next if !$rec; ##fixme: trim merged record type voodoo. "if ($ptrflag) {} else {}" ? if ($ptrflag || $zone->masklen > 24) { # print $fh "^$lastoct.$arpabase:$rec:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" or die $!; print $fh "$lastoct.$arpabase $ttl IN PTR $rec\n" or die $!; if (!$ptrflag) { # print a separate A record. Arguably we could use an = record here instead. # print $fh "+$rec:$ip:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" or die $!; } } else { # A record, not merged # print $fh "=$rec:$ip:$ttl:$stamp:$loc\n" or die $!; print $fh "$rec $ttl IN A $ip\n" or die $!; } } } # __publish_template_bind() 1;