1 | #!/usr/bin/perl
2 | # Import a BIND zone file
3 | # Note we are not using Net:DNS::ZoneFile, because we want to convert $GENERATE
4 | # directives straight into PTR template or A+PTR template metarecords
5 | ##
6 | # Copyright 2020 Kris Deugau <kdeugau@deepnet.cx>
7 | #
8 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 | # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 | # (at your option) any later version.
12 | #
13 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 | #
18 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 | # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 | ##
21 |
22 | use strict;
23 | use warnings;
24 | use Getopt::Long;
25 |
26 | use Data::Dumper;
27 |
28 | ##fixme
29 | use lib '.';
30 | use DNSDB;
31 |
32 | my $dnsdb = new DNSDB;
33 | my $doimport = 1;
34 |
35 | #print Dumper(\%reverse_typemap);
36 |
37 | local $dnsdb->{dbh}->{AutoCommit} = 0;
38 | local $dnsdb->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1;
39 |
40 | # from tiny-import: arguably can't use -r, -c is irrelevant. others useful?
41 | # -r rewrite imported files to comment imported records
42 | # -c coerce/downconvert A+PTR = records to PTR
43 | # -l swallow A+PTR as-is
44 | # -m merge PTR and A/AAAA as possible
45 | # -t trial mode; don't commit to DB or actually rewrite flatfile (disables -r)
46 | # -g import to specified group (name or ID) instead of group 1
47 |
48 | ##fixme: command arguments/flags to set these to alternate values
49 | my $group = 1;
50 | my $status = 1;
51 | my $location = '';
52 | # we'll update this with the actual serial number from the SOA record later
53 | my $serial = time();
54 |
55 | my @skipdefs;
56 | my $skipfile;
57 |
58 | GetOptions(
59 | "skip=s" => \@skipdefs,
60 | "skipfile=s" => \$skipfile,
61 | "test|dry-run" => sub { $doimport = 0; },
62 | );
63 |
64 | my $usage = "usage: bind-import [--skip pattern [--skip pattern2 ...]] [--skipfile file]
65 | zonename [zonefile]
66 | --skip
67 | Specify a string to skip in the records. If an IP-like string is
68 | used, and the zone is a reverse zone, it will also search for the
69 | octet-reversed form. Specify multiple times to skip multiple
70 | different record patterns.
71 | --skipfile
72 | A file containing patterns to skip. Patterns from the file and
73 | any --skip arguments are merged.
74 | zonename
75 | The name of the zone to import. Required.
76 | zonefile
77 | Specify the zone file as an argument. If not specified, the zone
78 | data will be read from STDIN.
79 | ";
80 |
81 | my $zname = shift @ARGV;
82 | my $origzone = $zname;
83 | die $usage if !$zname;
84 |
85 | my $zonefile = shift @ARGV;
86 | if(!$zonefile) {
87 | $zonefile = '&STDIN';
88 | }
89 |
90 | my $rev = 'n';
91 | my $zid;
92 | my %foundtypes;
93 |
94 | if ($skipfile) {
95 | if (-f $skipfile) {
96 | open SKIP, "<$skipfile";
97 | while (<SKIP>) {
98 | push @skipdefs, $_;
99 | }
100 | } else {
101 | warn "skipfile $skipfile requested but it doesn't seem to exist. Continuing.\n";
102 | }
103 | }
104 |
105 | #sub setreplace {
106 | ## print "dbg1: $_[0]\ndbg2: $_[1]\n";
107 | ##($_[1] eq '' ? $replace = 1 : $replace = $_[1]);
108 | # if ($_[1] eq '') {
109 | # print "no arg value, setting 1\n";
110 | # $replace = 1;
111 | # } else {
112 | # print "arg value $_[1]\n";
113 | # $replace = $_[1];
114 | # }
115 | #}
116 |
117 |
118 | my %amap;
119 | my %namemap;
120 | my %cmap;
121 |
122 | # wrap all the DB stuff in eval{}, so the entire thing either succeeds or fails.
123 |
124 | eval {
125 |
126 | local $dnsdb->{dbh}->{AutoCommit} = 0;
127 | local $dnsdb->{dbh}->{RaiseError} = 1;
128 |
129 | ##fixme: this is wrong, BIND zone files are generally complete and we're adding. merging records is an entire fridge full of worms.
130 | ##fixme: for import, should arguably check for zone *non*existence
131 | if ($zname =~ /\.arpa\.?$/ || $zname =~ m,^[\d./]+$,) {
132 | $rev = 'y';
133 | $zname = _zone2cidr($zname) if $zname =~ /\.arpa\.?$/;
134 | $zid = $dnsdb->revID($zname,':ANY:');
135 | if ($zid) {
136 | die "zone $origzone already present, not merging records\n";
137 | $zname = new NetAddr::IP $zname;
138 | $zname = DNSDB::_ZONE($zname, 'ZONE', 'r', '.').($zname->{isv6} ? '.ip6.arpa' : '.in-addr.arpa');
139 | }
140 | $zid = $dnsdb->{dbh}->do("INSERT INTO revzones (revnet,group_id,status,default_location,zserial) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING rnds_id",
141 | undef, ($zname, $group, $status, $location, $serial));
142 |
143 | } else {
144 | print "dbg: forward zone\n";
145 | $zid = $dnsdb->domainID($zname,':ANY:');
146 | if ($zid) {
147 | # die "zone $origzone already present, not merging records\n";
148 | print "dbg: skip add domain\n";
149 | }
150 | else {
151 | $zid = $dnsdb->{dbh}->do("INSERT INTO domains (domain,group_id,status,default_location,zserial) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) RETURNING domain_id",
152 | undef, ($zname, $group, $status, $location, $serial));
153 | }
154 |
155 | }
156 |
157 | die "error creating zone stub for $zname: ".$dnsdb->{dbh}->errstr if !$zid;
158 |
159 |
160 | ##fixme: should probably make this a named argument so it doesn't get confused with the zone filename
161 | # still no sane way to expose a human-friendly view tag on the command line.
162 | my $view = shift @ARGV;
163 | $view = '' if !$view;
164 |
165 | ##fixme: retrieve defttl from SOA record
166 | my $zonettl = 900;
167 | my $defttl = $zonettl;
168 | my $origin = "$zname."; # to append to unqualified names
169 |
170 | # need to spin up a full state machine-ish thing, because BIND zone files are all about context
171 | # see ch4, p56-72 in the grasshopper book
172 | my $prevlabel = '';
173 | my $curlabel = '';
174 |
175 | my $i = 0;
176 |
177 | open ZONEDATA, "<$zonefile";
178 |
179 | while (my $rec = <ZONEDATA>) {
180 | chomp $rec;
181 | next if $rec =~ /^\s*$/;
182 | next if $rec =~ /^\s*;/; # comments
183 | next if $rec =~ /^\s*\)/; # SOA closing (possibly other records too?)
184 | # arguably should do some more targeted voodoo when parsing the SOA details
185 |
186 | ##fixme: use external skiplist
187 | # skip stale records that have no value
188 | next if /^ip-192-168-1(12|20)-\d+/;
189 | next if /ip.add.re.\d+\s*$/;
190 |
191 | $i++;
192 | last if $i > 7;
193 | #print "line $i: ($rec)\n";
194 | if (my ($macro,$mdetail) = ($rec =~ /^\s*\$(TTL|ORIGIN|INCLUDE|GENERATE)\s+(.+)/) ) {
195 | # macro sort of thing; $TTL and $ORIGIN most common. $INCLUDE is a thing, expect it to be rare in live use tho
196 | if ($macro eq 'TTL') {
197 | $mdetail =~ s/\s*;.+$//;
198 | if ($mdetail =~ /^\d+$/) {
199 | $defttl = $mdetail;
200 | } else {
201 | warn "invalid \$TTL: $rec\n";
202 | }
203 | } elsif ($macro eq 'ORIGIN') {
204 | ##fixme: going to skip the stupid case of "$ORIGIN com." and the like that lie
205 | # between . and the root domain we were told we're importing; anyone using such
206 | # a mess outside the root servers is clearly insane
207 |
208 | # $ORIGIN supports cascading/nesting, by watching for fully-qualified names vs partial names.
209 |
210 | print "origin ($mdetail)\n";
211 | if ($mdetail =~ /\.$/) {
212 | $origin = $mdetail;
213 | } else {
214 | # append current origin to unqualified origin
215 | $origin = "$mdetail.$origin";
216 | }
217 |
218 | # if ($mdetail eq '.' || $mdetail =~ /$zname\.$/ || $zname =~ /$mdetail\.$/) {
219 | # $origin = $mdetail;
220 | # } else {
221 | # # if we continue, we either use an $ORIGIN that's out of zone, or ignore it and potentially publish incorrect records.
222 | # die "bad \$ORIGIN: $_\n";
223 | # }
224 |
225 | }
226 | elsif ($macro eq 'GENERATE') {
227 | # needs to generate CIDR range(s) as needed to match the start/stop points
228 | }
229 | # not handling $INCLUDE or $GENERATE (altho the latter seems to be mostly a less-flexible version of the template types)
230 | next;
231 | }
232 |
233 | my $origrec = $rec;
234 |
235 | # leading whitespace indicates "same label as last record"
236 | if ($rec =~ /^\s/) {
237 | $curlabel = $prevlabel;
238 | print " found empty label, using previous label\n";
239 | } else {
240 | ($curlabel) = ($rec =~ /^([\w\@_.-]+)\s/);
241 | }
242 |
243 | print " found '$curlabel'\n";
244 |
245 | # magic name!
246 | $curlabel = "$zname." if $curlabel eq '@';
247 |
248 | # append $ORIGIN if name is not fully qualified.
249 | if ($curlabel !~ /\.$/) {
250 | $curlabel .= ($origin eq '.' ? '.' : ".$origin");
251 | }
252 | print " expanded '$curlabel'\n";
253 |
254 | # hack pthbptt
255 | #$curlabel =~ s/\.\.$/./;
256 | # check for zone scope. skip bad records.
257 | if ($curlabel !~ /$zname.$/) {
258 | warn "bad record $origrec, maybe bad \$ORIGIN?\n";
259 | # bweh? maybe this should die()?
260 | last;
261 | next;
262 | }
263 |
264 | # trim the label, if any
265 | $rec =~ s/^([\w\@_.-]*)\s+//;
266 |
267 | # # records must begin in the first column, no leading whitespace
268 | # my ($name) = /^([\w\@_.-]+)\s/;
269 |
270 | # foo IN A
271 | # IN A
272 | # =
273 | # foo.zone. IN A
274 | # foo.zone. IN A
275 |
276 | # # "empty" label records inherit the previous label
277 | # # RRs start in the first column by definition, so leading whitespace indicates an inherited label
278 | # if (/^\s+/) {
279 | # # fatal error. if there is no previous label, we can by definition not set
280 | # # the current label based on it. this can only happen on the very first
281 | # # record, following records will *ALWAYS* have a previous label
282 | # die "bad first record ($_): no previous label\n" if !$prevlabel;
283 | # $name = $prevlabel;
284 | # }
285 |
286 | #print "$i ($rec)\n";#\t$curlabel";
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 | # # append zone name to record name if missing AND not dot-terminated;
292 | # # this happens automagically for forward zones, but not reverse because Reasons. (fixme?)
293 | # # suck up and deal with the error if the dot-termiated name is out of zone; should be
294 | # # impossible with valid BIND zone file but...
295 | # if ($name !~ /\.$/) {
296 | # $name .= ".$zname" if $name !~ /$zname$/;
297 | # } else {
298 | # warn "skipping out-of-zone record:\n\t($_)\n" if $name !~ /$zname\.$/;
299 | # next;
300 | # }
301 |
302 |
303 | my $nc = 0;
304 | my $class = 'IN';
305 | my $type;
306 | my $ttl;
307 | my $distance;
308 | my $weight;
309 | my $port;
310 | my $badrec;
311 | my $curatom = 'class';
312 |
313 | # unpack the class, TTL, and type
314 | eval {
315 | for (; $nc < 3; $nc++) {
316 | my ($atom) = ($rec =~ /^([\w\d.]+)\s/);
317 | # should be safe?
318 | last if !$atom;
319 | last if $type;
320 | #print "nc:$nc: $atom\n";
321 | if ($atom =~ /^\d+$/) {
322 | if (defined($ttl)) {
323 | die "bad record ($origrec)\n";
324 | # warn "bad record ($origrec)\n";
325 | # $badrec = 1;
326 | # last;
327 | } else {
328 | if ($curatom ne 'class' && $curatom ne 'ttl') {
329 | die "bad record ($origrec)\n";
330 | # warn "bad record ($origrec)\n";
331 | # $badrec = 1;
332 | # last;
333 | }
334 | $curatom = 'ttl';
335 | $ttl = $atom;
336 | }
337 | }
338 |
339 | elsif ($atom =~ /^IN|CS|CH|HS$/) {
340 | #print "a$nc: d2: atom [$atom]\n $rec\n" if $i == $debugid;
341 | if ($atom =~ /CS|CH|HS/) {
342 | die "unsupported class $atom in record ($origrec)\n";
343 | # warn "unsupported class $atom in record ($origrec)\n";
344 | # $badrec = 1;
345 | # last;
346 | }
347 | $curatom = 'class';
348 | $class = $atom;
349 | }
350 |
351 | elsif ($atom =~ /^[A-Z]+/) {
352 | # print "dbg: type $atom\n";
353 | if ($reverse_typemap{$atom}) {
354 | $type = $atom;
355 | } else {
356 | die "unknown type $atom in record ($origrec)\n";
357 | }
358 | }
359 | $rec =~ s/^$atom\s*//;
360 | }
361 | }; # record class/type/TTL parse
362 | if ($@) {
363 | warn $@;
364 | next;
365 | }
366 |
367 | ##todo: BIND conflates a repeated label with repeating the TTL too. Matter of opinion whether that's really correct or not.
368 | # set default TTL here so we can detect a TTL in the loop above
369 | $ttl = $defttl if !defined($ttl);
370 |
371 | #next if $badrec;
372 |
373 | $prevlabel = $curlabel;
374 |
375 |
376 | ## by convention the optional TTL leads the optional class, but they're apparently swappable.
377 | # my ($ttl) = /^(\d+)?\s/;
378 | # if (defined $ttl) {
379 | # # TTL may be zero
380 | # s/(\d+)?\s+//;
381 | # } else {
382 | # # Fall back to zone default TTL
383 | # $ttl = $zonettl;
384 | # }
385 | # my ($class) = /^(IN|CS|CH|HS|\d+)\s/;
386 | # if (defined $class) {
387 | # if ($class =~ /\d+/) {
388 | #
389 | # }
390 | # if ($class ne 'IN') {
391 | # warn "Non-Internet class ($class) records not supported:\n\t$origrec\n";
392 | # next;
393 | # }
394 | # s/(IN|CS|CH|HS)\s+//;
395 | # } else {
396 | # $class = 'IN';
397 | # }
398 | # my ($type) = /([A-Z-]+)\s/;
399 | # if (!$reverse_typemap{$type}) {
400 | # warn "Unknown type $type, skipping\n\t($rec)\n";
401 | # next;
402 | # }
403 | # s/([A-Z-]+)\s+//;
404 | # chomp;
405 |
406 |
407 | my $itype = $reverse_typemap{$type};
408 | my $rdata = $rec;
409 |
410 | # SOA is the only type that may span multiple lines. Probably. Note even AXFRed zones write multiline SOA records:
411 | #@ IN SOA test.example.invalid. test.example.invalid. (2020082500 7200 900 604800 3600)
412 | # IN NS olddns.example.com.
413 | # IN MX 1 fred.foo.bar.invalid.
414 | #foo IN A
415 | # AXFR'ed zone file gets written as
416 | #$ORIGIN .
417 | #$TTL 3600 ; 1 hour
418 | #example.invalid IN SOA test.example.invalid. test.example.invalid. (
419 | # 2020082500 ; serial
420 | # 7200 ; refresh (2 hours)
421 | # 900 ; retry (15 minutes)
422 | # 604800 ; expire (1 week)
423 | # 3600 ; minimum (1 hour)
424 | # )
425 | # NS olddns.example.com.
426 | # MX 1 fred.foo.bar.invalid.
427 | #$ORIGIN example.invalid.
428 | #foo A
429 | $foundtypes{$type}++;
430 |
431 | ##fixme: strip trailing . here? dnsadmin's normalized internal format omits it, some validation fails or may go funky
432 |
433 | if ($type eq 'SOA') {
434 | my ($ns, $adminmail) = ($rdata =~ /([\w.]+)\s+([\w.]+)\s+\(/);
435 | die "Can't parse gibberish SOAish record: $rec\n" if !$ns;
436 | $rdata =~ s/([\w.]+)\s+([\w.]+)\s+\(\s*//;
437 |
438 | # There are probably more efficient ways to do this but the SOA record
439 | # format is essentially character based, not line-based.
440 | # In theory the SOA serial etc may be spread over up to 5 lines, in any combination.
441 |
442 | # Parse fields from $rdata if present
443 | my @soabits;
444 | my @soafirst = split /\s+/, $rdata;
445 | while (my $f = shift @soafirst) {
446 | last if $f !~ /^\d/;
447 | push @soabits, $f;
448 | }
449 |
450 | # Read more lines if we don't have enough SOA fields filled
451 | while (scalar(@soabits) < 5) {
452 | my $tmp = <ZONEDATA>;
453 | $tmp =~ s/^\s*//;
454 | my @tmpsoa = split /\s+/, $tmp;
455 | while (my $f = shift @tmpsoa) {
456 | last if $f !~ /^\d/;
457 | push @soabits, $f;
458 | }
459 | if (scalar(@soabits) == 5) {
460 | last;
461 | }
462 | }
463 | my @soavals = ($zid, "$adminmail:$ns", 6, join(':', @soabits), $ttl, $location);
464 | # host = $adminmail:$ns
465 | # val = join(':', @soabits);
466 |
467 | if ($rev eq 'y') {
468 | $dnsdb->{dbh}->do("UPDATE revzones SET zserial = ? WHERE rdns_id = ?", undef, $soabits[0], $zid);
469 | $dnsdb->{dbh}->do("INSERT INTO records (rdns_id,host,type,val,ttl,location) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", undef, @soavals);
470 | } else {
471 | $dnsdb->{dbh}->do("UPDATE domains SET zserial = ? WHERE domain_id = ?", undef, $soabits[0], $zid);
472 | $dnsdb->{dbh}->do("INSERT INTO records (domain_id,host,type,val,ttl,location) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", undef, @soavals);
473 | }
474 | # $dnsdb->{dbh}->do("INSERT INTO records () VALUES ()");
475 | # next;
476 | #Zfqdn:mname:rname:ser:ref:ret:exp:min:ttl:timestamp:lo
477 | #print "Z$zname:$ns:$adminmail:$soabits[0]:$soabits[1]:$soabits[2]:$soabits[3]:$soabits[4]:$ttl\n";
478 | } # SOA
479 |
480 |
481 | # we're using DNSDB::addrec(), so we'll skip detailed validation of other records. Most won't need further breakdown
482 |
483 | elsif ($type eq 'A') {
484 | #print "+$curlabel:$rdata:$ttl\n";
485 | }
486 |
487 | elsif ($type eq 'NS') {
488 | #print "\&$curlabel::$rdata:$ttl\n";
489 | }
490 |
491 | elsif ($type eq 'CNAME') {
492 | #print "C$curlabel:$rdata:$ttl\n";
493 | }
494 |
495 | elsif ($type eq 'PTR') {
496 | }
497 |
498 | elsif ($type eq 'MX') {
499 | ($distance) = ($rdata =~ /^(\d+)\s+/);
500 | if (!defined($distance)) {
501 | warn "malformed MX record: $origrec, skipping\n";
502 | next;
503 | }
504 | $rdata =~ s/^\d+\s+//;
505 | }
506 |
507 | elsif ($type eq 'TXT') {
508 | # Quotes may arguably be syntactically required, but they're not actually part of the record data
509 | $rdata =~ s/^"//;
510 | $rdata =~ s/"$//;
511 | #print "'$curlabel:$rdata:$ttl\n";
512 | }
513 |
514 | elsif ($type eq 'RP') {
515 | }
516 |
517 | elsif ($type eq 'AAAA') {
518 | }
519 |
520 | elsif ($type eq 'SRV') {
521 | ($distance, $weight, $port) = ($rdata =~ /^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+/);
522 | if ( !defined($distance) || !defined($weight) || !defined($port) ) {
523 | warn "malformed SRV record: $origrec, skipping\n";
524 | next;
525 | }
526 | $rdata =~ s/^\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+//;
527 | }
528 |
529 | # basically a dedicated clone of TXT, not sure anything actually looks up type SPF.
530 | # BIND autogenerates them from SPF TXT records.
531 | elsif ($type eq 'SPF') {
532 | # Quotes may arguably be syntactically required, but they're not actually part of the record data
533 | $rdata =~ s/^"//;
534 | $rdata =~ s/"$//;
535 | }
536 |
537 | # elsif ($type eq 'TXT') {
538 | # elsif ($type eq 'TXT') {
539 |
540 | else {
541 | warn "unsupported type $type, may not import correctly\n";
542 | }
543 |
544 | no warnings qw(uninitialized);
545 | #print "parsed: '$curlabel' '$class' '$ttl' '$type'->'$itype' '$rdata'\n";
546 | #print;
547 | #;imap IN 900 CNAME deepnet.cx.
548 | ##fixme: not sure how to handle the case where someone leaves off the class.
549 | if ($doimport) {
550 | my ($code, $msg);
551 | if ($rev eq 'n') {
552 | ($code,$msg) = $dnsdb->addRec('n', $rev, $zid, \$curlabel, \$itype, \$rdata, $ttl,
553 | $location, undef, undef, $distance, $weight, $port);
554 | } else {
555 | ($code,$msg) = $dnsdb->addRec('y', $rev, $zid, \$rdata, \$itype, \$curlabel, $ttl,
556 | $location, undef, undef, $distance, $weight, $port);
557 | }
558 | print "$code: $msg\n";
559 | }
560 | # $i++;
561 | }
562 |
563 | };
564 | if ($@) {
565 | warn "Error parsing zonefile: $@\n";
566 | $dnsdb->{dbh}->rollback;
567 | exit;
568 | }
569 |
570 | #print Dumper \%amap;
571 | #print Dumper \%namemap;
572 | #print Dumper \%cmap;
573 |
574 | #foreach my $n (keys %amap) {
575 | # foreach my $ip (@{$amap{$n}}) {
576 | ##print "$ip $n\n";
577 | # push @{$namemap{$ip}}, $n unless grep $n, @{$namemap{$ip}};
578 | # }
579 | #}
580 |
581 | #foreach my $c (keys %cmap) {
582 | # if ($amap{$c}) {
583 | # print Dumper(\@{$amap{$c}});
584 | # }
585 | ## print $amap{$c};
586 | #}
587 |
588 | # cname targ -> IP
589 |
590 | #foreach my $ip (sort keys %namemap) {
591 | # print "$ip ".join(' ', @{$namemap{$ip}})."\n";
592 | #}
593 |
594 | ##fixme: might not be sane, addRec() above does a commit() internally.
595 | #$dnsdb->{dbh}->rollback;
596 | $dnsdb->{dbh}->commit;
597 |
598 | foreach my $t (keys %foundtypes) {
599 | print "found $t: $foundtypes{$t}\n";
600 | }