1 | #!/usr/bin/perl
2 | # Convert a BIND zone file to a hosts file
3 | ##
4 | # Copyright 2020 Kris Deugau <kdeugau@deepnet.cx>
5 | #
6 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 | # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 | # (at your option) any later version.
10 | #
11 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
15 | #
16 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 | ##
19 |
20 | use strict;
21 | use warnings;
22 | use Getopt::Long;
23 |
24 | use Data::Dumper;
25 |
26 | # push "the directory the script is in" into @INC
27 | use FindBin;
28 | use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/";
29 |
30 | use DNSDB;
31 |
32 | my @skipdefs;
33 | my $skipfile;
34 | my $dryrun = 0;
35 |
36 | GetOptions(
37 | "skip=s" => \@skipdefs,
38 | "skipfile=s" => \$skipfile,
39 | "test|dry-run" => \$dryrun,
40 | );
41 |
42 | my $zname = shift @ARGV;
43 |
44 | my $usage = "usage: bind2hosts zone [--skip pattern [--skip pattern2 ...]] [--skipfile file]
45 | zonename < zonefile
46 |
47 | --skip
48 | Specify a string to skip in the records. If an IP-like string is
49 | used, and the zone is a reverse zone, it will also search for the
50 | octet-reversed form. Specify multiple times to skip multiple
51 | different record patterns.
52 | --skip-file
53 | A file containing patterns to skip. Patterns from the file and
54 | any --skip arguments are merged.
55 | zonename
56 | The name of the zone to import. Required.
57 |
58 | Zone data will be read from STDIN.
59 | ";
60 | if (!$zname) {
61 | die $usage;
62 | }
63 |
64 | if ($skipfile) {
65 | if (-f $skipfile) {
66 | open SKIP, "<$skipfile";
67 | while (<SKIP>) {
68 | chomp;
69 | push @skipdefs, $_;
70 | }
71 | close SKIP;
72 | } else {
73 | warn "skipfile $skipfile requested but it doesn't seem to exist. Continuing.\n";
74 | }
75 | }
76 |
77 | my $rev = 'n';
78 | my $zid;
79 |
80 | my %amap;
81 | my %namemap;
82 | my %cmap;
83 |
84 | my $dnsdb = new DNSDB;
85 |
86 | ##fixme: retrieve defttl from SOA record
87 | #my $zonettl = 900;
88 | #my $defttl = $zonettl;
89 | # need an ultimate fallback for this one
90 | my $defttl = 900;
91 | my $origin = "$zname."; # to append to unqualified names
92 | my $curlabel;
93 | my $prevlabel;
94 |
95 | my $i = 0;
96 |
97 | # need to spin up a full state machine-ish thing, because BIND zone files are all about context
98 | while (my $rec = <>) {
99 | chomp $rec;
100 | next if $rec =~ /^\s*$/;
101 | next if $rec =~ /^\s*;/;
102 | next if $rec =~ /^\s*\)/; # SOA closing (possibly other records too?)
103 | # arguably should do some more targeted voodoo when parsing the SOA details
104 | #print "$i: ($rec)\n";
105 | #last if ++$i > 5;
106 |
107 | my $skipflag = 0;
108 | foreach (@skipdefs) {
109 | #print "skipdbg: $_ =~ $rec\n" if $rec =~ /207/;
110 | if ($rec =~ /\Q$_\E/) {
111 | $skipflag = 1;
112 | # print "skip: $rec\n";
113 | }
114 | }
115 | next if $skipflag;
116 |
117 | if (my ($macro,$mdetail) = ($rec =~ /^\s*\$(TTL|ORIGIN|INCLUDE)\s+(.+)/) ) {
118 | # macro sort of thing; $TTL and $ORIGIN most common. $INCLUDE is a thing, expect it to be rare in live use tho
119 | if ($macro eq 'TTL') {
120 | # irrelevant for a hosts file
121 | } elsif ($macro eq 'ORIGIN') {
122 | # $ORIGIN supports cascading/nesting, by watching for fully-qualified names vs partial names.
123 | if ($mdetail =~ /\.$/) {
124 | $origin = $mdetail;
125 | } else {
126 | # append current origin to unqualified origin
127 | $origin = "$mdetail.$origin";
128 | }
129 | }
130 | ##fixme: should arguably handle $INCLUDE
131 | # probably NOT going to handle $GENERATE, since that type of record set is best handled in DNS
132 | next;
133 | }
134 |
135 | # yay for special cases
136 | $origin = '' if $origin eq '.';
137 |
138 | my $origrec = $rec;
139 |
140 | ##fixme: convert to optional skipfile?
141 | # skip stale records that have no value
142 | #next if /^ip-\d+-\d+-\d+/;
143 | #next if /^ip.pre.fix.\d+.static.colo/;
144 |
145 | # leading whitespace indicates "same label as last record"
146 | if ($rec =~ /^\s/) {
147 | $curlabel = $prevlabel;
148 | } else {
149 | ($curlabel) = ($rec =~ /^([\w\@_.-]+)\s/);
150 | }
151 |
152 | # magic name!
153 | $curlabel = "$zname." if $curlabel eq '@';
154 |
155 | # append $ORIGIN if name is not fully qualified.
156 | if ($curlabel !~ /\.$/) {
157 | $curlabel .= ".$origin";
158 | }
159 |
160 | # check for zone scope. skip bad records.
161 | if ($curlabel !~ /$zname.$/) {
162 | warn "bad record $origrec, maybe bad \$ORIGIN?\n";
163 | next;
164 | }
165 |
166 | # trim the label, if any
167 | $rec =~ s/^([\w\@_.-]*)\s+//;
168 |
169 | my $nc = 0;
170 | my %seenatoms;
171 | # we don't actually use these but we have to recognize them
172 | my $class = 'IN';
173 | # not preset as we need to detect whether it's present in the record
174 | my $ttl;
175 | my $type;
176 | my $badrec;
177 | my $curatom = 'class';
178 |
179 | # now that we've collected and trimmed off the record's label, unpack the class, TTL, and type.
180 | # class and TTL may be omitted, and may appear in either class,TTL or TTL,class order.
181 | eval {
182 | for (; $nc < 3; $nc++) {
183 | last if $type; # short-circuit if we've got a type, further data is record-specific.
184 | my ($atom) = ($rec =~ /^([\w\d.]+)\s/);
185 | # should be safe?
186 | last if !$atom;
187 | if ($atom =~ /^\d+$/) {
188 | if (defined($ttl)) {
189 | # we already have a TTL, so another all-numeric field is invalid.
190 | die "bad record ($origrec)\n";
191 | } else {
192 | if ($curatom ne 'class' && $curatom ne 'ttl') {
193 | die "bad record ($origrec)\n";
194 | }
195 | $curatom = 'ttl';
196 | $ttl = $atom;
197 | }
198 | }
199 | elsif ($atom =~ /^IN|CS|CH|HS$/) {
200 | if ($atom =~ /CS|CH|HS/) {
201 | die "unsupported class $atom in record ($origrec)\n";
202 | }
203 | $curatom = 'class';
204 | $class = $atom;
205 | }
206 | elsif ($atom =~ /^[A-Z]+/) {
207 | # check against dnsadmin's internal list of known DNS types.
208 | if ($reverse_typemap{$atom}) {
209 | $type = $atom;
210 | } else {
211 | die "unknown type $atom in record ($origrec)\n";
212 | }
213 | $curatom = 'type';
214 | }
215 | $rec =~ s/^$atom\s*//;
216 | } # class/type/TTL loop
217 | };
218 | if ($@) {
219 | warn $@;
220 | next;
221 | }
222 |
223 |
224 | $ttl = $defttl if !defined($ttl);
225 |
226 | my $itype = $reverse_typemap{$type};
227 | my $rdata = $rec;
228 |
229 | $prevlabel = $curlabel;
230 |
231 | ##fixme: squish this down for this script since SOA records are irrelevant
232 | if ($type eq 'SOA') {
233 | my ($ns, $adminmail) = ($rdata =~ /([\w.]+)\s+([\w.]+)\s+\(/);
234 | die "Can't parse gibberish SOAish record: '$rdata'/'$origrec'\n" if !$ns;
235 | $rdata =~ s/([\w.]+)\s+([\w.]+)\s+\(\s*//;
236 |
237 | # There are probably more efficient ways to do this but the SOA record
238 | # format is essentially character based, not line-based.
239 | # In theory the SOA serial etc may be spread over up to 5 lines, in any combination.
240 |
241 | # Parse fields from $rdata if present
242 | my @soabits;
243 | my @soafirst = split /\s+/, $rdata;
244 | while (my $f = shift @soafirst) {
245 | last if $f !~ /^\d/;
246 | push @soabits, $f;
247 | }
248 |
249 | # Read more lines if we don't have enough SOA fields filled
250 | while (scalar(@soabits) < 5) {
251 | my $tmp = <>;
252 | $tmp =~ s/^\s*//;
253 | my @tmpsoa = split /\s+/, $tmp;
254 | while (my $f = shift @tmpsoa) {
255 | last if $f !~ /^\d/;
256 | push @soabits, $f;
257 | }
258 | if (scalar(@soabits) == 5) {
259 | last;
260 | }
261 | }
262 | } # SOA
263 |
264 | ##fixme: trim dupes if possible
265 |
266 | elsif ($type eq 'A') {
267 | # need the name->IP map so we can reverse-map the CNAMEs on output
268 | # $amap{$curlabel}{$rdata}++;
269 | push @{$amap{$curlabel}}, $rdata;
270 | # why doesn't this work? causes ALL cases of multi-named IPs to get skipped, not just duplicates. O_o
271 | # push @{$namemap{$rdata}}, $curlabel unless grep $curlabel, @{$namemap{$rdata}};
272 | # push @{$namemap{$rdata}}, $curlabel;# unless grep $curlabel, @{$namemap{$rdata}};
273 | $namemap{$rdata}{$curlabel}++;
274 |
275 | } # A record
276 |
277 | elsif ($type eq 'CNAME') {
278 | ##todo: expand $rdata with $origin if unqualified
279 | $cmap{$curlabel} = $rdata.($rdata =~ /\./ ? '' : ".$origin");
280 | } # CNAME record
281 |
282 | # all other record types are irrelevant for a hosts file
283 |
284 | } # <STDIN>
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 | #print Dumper \%cmap;
290 |
291 | while (my ($cn, $targ) = each %cmap) {
292 | #print "dbg: ".Dumper($targ);
293 | if (!$amap{$targ}) {
294 | if ($cmap{$targ}) {
295 | warn "chained cname $cn => $targ\n";
296 | my $tmpcn = $targ;
297 | $targ = $cmap{$tmpcn};
298 | warn " chain target $cn => $tmpcn => $targ\n";
299 | # next if !$amap{$targ};
300 | if (!$amap{$targ}) {
301 | if ($cmap{$targ}) {
302 | #print " second chain?\n";
303 | $tmpcn = $targ;
304 | $targ = $cmap{$tmpcn};
305 | } else {
306 | #print "not found\n";
307 | next;
308 | }
309 | }
310 | } else {
311 | # skip depth-3 (?) CNAMES; any such zone does not belong as a hosts file anyway
312 | warn "CNAME $cn => $targ not found\n";
313 | next;
314 | }
315 | }
316 | # print Dumper (\%{$amap{$cmap{$cn}}});
317 | # print "$cn -> $cmap{$cn}\n";
318 | # $amap{$cmap{$cn}}{$cn}++ if $cmap{$cn} =~ /$zname.$/ && $amap{$cmap{$cn}};
319 | # print "dangling CNAME $cn\n" if !$namemap{$cmap{$cn}};
320 | # print "$cn -> $cmap{$cn}\n";
321 | # warn "CNAME $cn out of zone\n" if !$namemap{$cn};
322 | my $targip = $amap{$targ}[0];
323 | #print "$cn => $targ\n" if $targ =~ /(webftp|landing)/;
324 | #print $targip;
325 | # push @{$namemap{$targip}}, $targ unless grep $targ, @{$namemap{$targip}};
326 | $namemap{$targip}{$cn}++;# unless grep $targ, @{$namemap{$targip}};
327 | }
328 |
329 | #print Dumper \%amap;
330 | #foreach my $n (keys %amap) {
331 | # foreach my $ip (keys %{$amap{$n}}) {
332 | #print "$ip\t$n\n";
333 | # push @{$namemap{$ip}}, $n unless grep $n, @{$namemap{$ip}};
334 | # $namemap{$ip}{$n}++;
335 | # }
336 | #}
337 |
338 | #print Dumper \%namemap;
339 | foreach my $ip (sort keys %namemap) {
340 | print "$ip\t".join(' ', sort keys %{$namemap{$ip}})."\n";
341 | }