1 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w -T
2 | # dns/cgi-bin/dns.cgi
3 | ###
4 | # SVN revision info
5 | # $Date: 2009-08-17 17:43:40 +0000 (Mon, 17 Aug 2009) $
6 | # SVN revision $Rev: 2 $
7 | # Last update by $Author: kdeugau $
8 | ###
9 | # Copyright (C) 2008 - Kris Deugau <kdeugau@deepnet.cx>
10 |
11 | use strict;
12 | use warnings;
13 |
14 | use CGI::Carp qw (fatalsToBrowser);
15 | use CGI::Simple;
16 | use HTML::Template;
17 | use CGI::Session;
18 | use DBI;
19 |
20 | use lib '.';
21 | # custom modules
22 | use DNSDB qw(:ALL);
23 |
24 | # Let's do these templates right...
25 | my $templatedir = "templates";
26 | my $sessiondir = "session";
27 |
28 | # Set up the CGI object...
29 | my $q = new CGI::Simple;
30 | # ... and get query-string params as well as POST params if necessary
31 | $q->parse_query_string;
32 |
33 | my %webvar;
34 | # This is probably excessive fiddling, but it puts the parameters somewhere my fingers know about...
35 | foreach ($q->param()) {
36 | $webvar{$_} = $q->param($_);
37 | }
38 |
39 | my $sid = ($webvar{sid} ? $webvar{sid} : undef);
40 | my $session = new CGI::Session("driver:File", $sid, {Directory => $sessiondir});
41 | #$sid = $session->id() if !$sid;
42 | if (!$sid) {
43 | # init stuff. can probably axe this down to just above if'n'when user manipulation happens
44 | $sid = $session->id();
45 | # need to know the "upper" group the user can deal with; may as well
46 | # stick this in the session rather than calling out to the DB every time.
47 | $session->param('logingroupid',1);
48 | $session->param('workinggroupid',1); # yes, we *do* need to track this too. er, probably.
49 | }
50 |
51 | # handle login redirect
52 | if ($webvar{action} && $webvar{action} eq 'login') {
53 | # handle user check
54 | my $newurl = "http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}$ENV{REQUEST_URI}?sid=$sid&page=domlist";
55 | print "Status: 302\nLocation: $newurl\n\n";
56 | exit;
57 | }
58 |
59 | my $header = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/header.tmpl");
60 | my $footer = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/footer.tmpl");
61 |
62 | print "Content-type: text/html\n\n", $header->output;
63 |
64 | # default
65 | my $perpage = 15;
66 | my $offset = ($webvar{offset} ? $webvar{offset} : 0);
67 |
68 | # NB: these must match the field name and SQL ascend/descend syntax respectively
69 | my $sortfield = "domains";
70 | my $sortorder = "asc";
71 |
72 | my ($dbh,$msg) = connectDB("dnsdb","dnsdb","secret");
73 | #my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=vegadns","vegadns","secret",
74 | # { AutoCommit => 0 }) or die $DBI::errstr;
75 |
76 | ##fixme. PLEASE! <G>
77 | print $msg if !$dbh;
78 |
79 | # fiddle hardcoded "defaults" as per system/user (?) prefs
80 | initGlobals($dbh);
81 |
82 | # Default page is a login page
83 | my $page; # to be initialized as an HTML::Template entity sooner or later
84 |
85 | # decide which page to spit out...
86 | if (!$webvar{page}) {
87 | $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/login.tmpl");
88 | } else {
89 | $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/$webvar{page}.tmpl");
90 | }
91 |
92 | $page->param(sid => $sid);
93 |
94 | if ($webvar{page} eq 'domlist' or $webvar{page} eq 'index') {
95 | my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from domains");
96 | $sth->execute;
97 | my ($count) = ($sth->fetchrow_array);
98 |
99 | if ($count > $perpage) {
100 | # if there are more results than the default, always show the "all" link
101 | $page->param(navall => 1);
102 |
103 | if ($offset > 0) {
104 | $page->param(navfirst => 1);
105 | $page->param(navprev => 1);
106 | $page->param(prevoffs => $offset-1);
107 | }
108 |
109 | # show "next" and "last" links if we're not on the last page of results
110 | if ( (($offset+1) * $perpage - $count) < 0 ) {
111 | $page->param(navnext => 1);
112 | $page->param(nextoffs => $offset+1);
113 | $page->param(navlast => 1);
114 | $page->param(lastoffs => int $count/$perpage);
115 | }
116 | }
117 |
118 | $page->param(ndomains => $count);
119 |
120 | my @domlist;
121 | $sth = $dbh->prepare("select domain_id,domain,status,groups.name from domains".
122 | " inner join groups on domains.group_id=groups.group_id".
123 | " order by domain limit $perpage offset ".$offset*$perpage);
124 | $sth->execute;
125 | my $rownum = 0;
126 | while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
127 | my %row;
128 | $row{domainid} = $data[0];
129 | $row{domain} = $data[1];
130 | $row{status} = $data[2];
131 | $row{group} = $data[3];
132 | $row{bg} = ($rownum++)%2;
133 | $row{mkactive} = ($data[2] eq 'inactive' ? 1 : 0);
134 | $row{sid} = $sid;
135 | ##fixme: need to clean up status indicator/usage/inversion
136 | push @domlist, \%row;
137 | }
138 | $page->param(domtable => \@domlist);
139 |
140 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'reclist') {
141 |
142 | #} elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'domdetail') {
143 |
144 | $page->param(defrec => $webvar{defrec});
145 |
146 | ##fixme
147 | $page->param(domain => domainName($dbh,$webvar{id}));
148 | $page->param(grpid => 1);
149 | ##fixme
150 |
151 | if ($webvar{defrec} eq 'y') {
152 | $page->param(id => $webvar{grpid}); ##fixme, hack! hack!
153 | showdomain('y',1);
154 | } else {
155 | $page->param(id => $webvar{id});
156 | showdomain('n',$webvar{id});
157 | }
158 |
159 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'defrecs') {
160 |
161 | showdomain('def',1);
162 | $page->param(defrec => 'y');
163 |
164 | my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from default_records");
165 | $sth->execute;
166 | print "<pre>\n";
167 | while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
168 | foreach (@data) { print; print "\t" };
169 | print "\n";
170 | }
171 | print "</pre>\n";
172 |
173 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'newdomain') {
174 | # weesa gonna discard parent_group_id for now
175 | my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select group_id,parent_group_id,name from groups order by group_id");
176 | $sth->execute;
177 | my @grplist;
178 | while (my ($grpid,$pargrp,$grpname) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
179 | my %row;
180 | $row{grpname} = $grpname;
181 | $row{grpval} = $grpid;
182 | ##fixme: need magic
183 | # $row{defgrp} = '';
184 | push @grplist, \%row;
185 | }
186 |
187 | $page->param(grplist => \@grplist);
188 |
189 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'newrec') {
190 | print "whee!\n";
191 |
192 | newrec();
193 |
194 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'addrec') {
195 | print "wanna add<br>DEBUG: $webvar{parentid}<br>\n";
196 |
197 | my @recargs = ($dbh,$webvar{defrec},$webvar{parentid},$webvar{name},$webvar{type},$webvar{address},$webvar{ttl});
198 | if ($webvar{type} == $reverse_typemap{MX} or $webvar{type} == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) {
199 | push @recargs, $webvar{distance};
200 | if ($webvar{type} == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) {
201 | push @recargs, $webvar{weight};
202 | push @recargs, $webvar{port};
203 | }
204 | }
205 | push @recargs,
206 | my ($code,$msg) = addRec(@recargs);
207 |
208 | if ($code eq 'OK') {
209 | showdomain($webvar{defrec},$webvar{parentid});
210 | # NB: should **really** redirect here, in case of reload. >_< eyowch.
211 | } else {
212 | $page->param(add_failed => 1);
213 | $page->param(errmsg => $msg);
214 | newrec(); # populate the form... er, mostly.
215 | $page->param(name => $webvar{name});
216 | $page->param(address => $webvar{address});
217 | $page->param(distance => $webvar{distance})
218 | if ($webvar{type} == $reverse_typemap{MX} or $webvar{type} == $reverse_typemap{SRV});
219 | $page->param(weight => $webvar{weight}) if $webvar{type} == $reverse_typemap{SRV};
220 | $page->param(port => $webvar{port}) if $webvar{type} == $reverse_typemap{SRV};
221 | }
222 |
223 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'conf_del') {
224 |
225 | $page->param(id => $webvar{id});
226 | $page->param(defrec => $webvar{defrec});
227 |
228 | my @tmp = getrecdata($dbh,$webvar{id},$webvar{defrec});
229 |
230 |
231 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'delrec') {
232 |
233 | $page->param(id => $webvar{id});
234 | $page->param(defrec => $webvar{defrec});
235 | # first pass = confirm y/n (sorta)
236 | if (!defined($webvar{del})) {
237 | $page->param(del_getconf => 1);
238 | } else {
239 | # $page->param(
240 | }
241 | ##work
242 |
243 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'editsoa') {
244 |
245 | fillsoa($webvar{defrec},$webvar{recid});
246 |
247 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'updatesoa') {
248 | print "ooooo!\n";
249 |
250 | my $sth;
251 | my $sql = '';
252 | # no domain ID, so we're editing the default SOA for a group (we don't care which one here)
253 | # plus a bit of magic to update the appropriate table
254 | $sql = "update ".($webvar{domainid} eq '' ? "default_records" : "records").
255 | " set host='$webvar{prins}:$webvar{contact}',".
256 | " val='$webvar{refresh}:$webvar{retry}:$webvar{expire}:$webvar{minttl}',".
257 | " ttl=$webvar{ttl} where record_id=$webvar{recid}";
258 | $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
259 | $sth->execute;
260 | print "DEBUG: $sql<br>\n";
261 | #print "DEBUG: ".$DBI::errstr;
262 |
263 | if ($sth->err) {
264 | $page->param(update_failed => 1);
265 | $page->param(msg => $DBI::errstr);
266 | fillsoa($webvar{defrec},1);
267 | } else {
268 | $page->param(update_failed => 0);
269 | ##fixme! need to set group ID properly here
270 | showdomain('y',1);
271 | }
272 |
273 | } elsif ($webvar{page} eq 'adddomain') {
274 | # Need some magic here.
275 |
276 | ##fixme: Group should be variable
277 | my ($code,$msg) = addDomain($dbh,$webvar{domain},1,($webvar{makeactive} eq 'on' ? 1 : 0));
278 |
279 | # hokay, a bit of magic to decide which page we hit.
280 | if ($code eq 'OK') {
281 | $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/domlist.tmpl");
282 | } else {
283 | # oooh, yeah, this is supposed to be a redirect. er, maybe. whee.
284 | $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/newdomain.tmpl");
285 | $page->param(add_failed => 1);
286 | $page->param(domain => $webvar{domain});
287 | $page->param(errmsg => $msg);
288 | }
289 |
290 | # my $sth = $dbh->prepare("insert into domains (domain,group_id,status) values (?,?,?)");
291 | # $sth->execute($webvar{domain},1,($webvar{makeactive} ? 'active' : 'inactive')) or die $DBI::errstr;
292 | # $sth = $dbh->prepare("select domain_id from domains where domain='$webvar{domain}'");
293 | # $sth->execute;
294 | # my ($dom_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
295 | # $sth = $dbh->prepare("select host,type,val,distance,ttl from default_records where group_id=1");
296 | # my $sth_in = $dbh->prepare("insert into records (domain_id,host,type,val,distance,ttl)".
297 | # " values ($dom_id,?,?,?,?,?)");
298 | # $sth->execute;
299 | # while (my ($host,$type,$val,$dist,$ttl) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
300 | # $host =~ s/DOMAIN/$webvar{domain}/g;
301 | # $sth_in->execute($host,$type,$val,$dist,$ttl);
302 | # }
303 | # $dbh->commit or print "failed to add $webvar{domain}: ".$DBI::errstr."\n";
304 |
305 | # $page->param(add_failed => 1);
306 | }
307 |
308 |
309 | # spit it out
310 | print $page->output;
311 |
312 | print "<div id=debug>webvar keys: <pre>\n";
313 | foreach my $key (keys %webvar) {
314 | print "key: $key\tval: $webvar{$key}\n";
315 | }
316 | print "</pre>\nENV:\n<pre>\n";
317 | foreach my $key (keys %ENV) {
318 | print "key: $key\tval: $ENV{$key}\n";
319 | }
320 | print "</pre></div>\n";
321 |
322 | print $footer->output;
323 |
324 |
325 | exit 0;
326 |
327 |
328 | sub fillsoa {
329 | my $def = shift;
330 | my $id = shift;
331 | my $domname;
332 |
333 | if ($webvar{domain} == 0) {
334 | $domname = "DOMAIN";
335 | } else {
336 | my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select domain from domains where domain_id=$webvar{domain}");
337 | $sth->execute();
338 | ($domname) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
339 | }
340 |
341 | $page->param(domain => $domname);
342 | $page->param(defrec => !$webvar{domain});
343 | $page->param(group => $DNSDB::group);
344 |
345 | # defaults
346 | $page->param(defcontact => $DNSDB::def{contact});
347 | $page->param(defns => $DNSDB::def{prins});
348 | $page->param(defsoattl => $DNSDB::def{soattl});
349 | $page->param(defrefresh => $DNSDB::def{refresh});
350 | $page->param(defretry => $DNSDB::def{retry});
351 | $page->param(defexpire => $DNSDB::def{expire});
352 | $page->param(defminttl => $DNSDB::def{minttl});
353 |
354 | # there are probably better ways to do this. TMTOWTDI.
355 | my %soa = getSOA($dbh,$def,$id);
356 |
357 | $page->param(domainid => $webvar{domain});
358 | $page->param(recid => $soa{recid});
359 | $page->param(prins => ($soa{prins} ? $soa{prins} : $DNSDB::def{prins}));
360 | $page->param(contact => ($soa{contact} ? $soa{contact} : $DNSDB::def{contact}));
361 | $page->param(refresh => ($soa{refresh} ? $soa{refresh} : $DNSDB::def{refresh}));
362 | $page->param(retry => ($soa{retry} ? $soa{retry} : $DNSDB::def{retry}));
363 | $page->param(expire => ($soa{expire} ? $soa{expire} : $DNSDB::def{expire}));
364 | $page->param(minttl => ($soa{minttl} ? $soa{minttl} : $DNSDB::def{minttl}));
365 | $page->param(ttl => ($soa{ttl} ? $soa{ttl} : $DNSDB::def{soattl}));
366 | }
367 |
368 | sub showdomain {
369 | my $def = shift;
370 | my $id = shift;
371 |
372 | # get the SOA first
373 | my %soa = getSOA($dbh,$def,$id);
374 |
375 | $page->param(recid => $soa{recid});
376 | $page->param(contact => $soa{contact});
377 | $page->param(prins => $soa{prins});
378 | $page->param(refresh => $soa{refresh});
379 | $page->param(retry => $soa{retry});
380 | $page->param(expire => $soa{expire});
381 | $page->param(minttl => $soa{minttl});
382 | $page->param(ttl => $soa{ttl});
383 |
384 | # my @foo2 = getDomRecs($dbh,'def',1);
385 | my $foo2 = getDomRecs($dbh,$def,$id);
386 |
387 | my $row = 0;
388 | foreach my $rec (@$foo2) {
389 | $rec->{type} = $typemap{$rec->{type}};
390 | $rec->{row} = $row % 2;
391 | # Feh.
392 | $rec->{defrec} = $webvar{defrec};
393 | # And **FEH!!**
394 | $rec->{sid} = $webvar{sid};
395 | $row++;
396 | }
397 | $page->param(reclist => $foo2);
398 | }
399 |
400 | sub newrec {
401 | my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select val,name from rectypes where stdflag=1 order by listorder");
402 | $sth->execute;
403 |
404 | my @typelist;
405 | while (my ($rval,$rname) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
406 | my %row = ( recval => $rval, recname => $rname );
407 | $row{tselect} = 1 if $rval == $webvar{type};
408 | push @typelist, \%row;
409 | }
410 | $page->param(typelist => \@typelist);
411 | $page->param(domain => domainName($dbh,$webvar{domainid}));
412 | $page->param(parentid => $webvar{parentid});
413 | $page->param(defrec => $webvar{defrec});
414 | $page->param(ttl => ($webvar{ttl} ? $webvar{ttl} : $DNSDB::def{minttl}));
415 | }