1 | <!-- <TMPL_VAR NAME=sid> -->
2 | <table class="wholepage"><tr>
3 | <TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="menu.tmpl">
4 |
5 | <td align="center">
6 |
7 | <TMPL_IF del_failed>
8 | <div class='errmsg'>Error deleting domain <TMPL_VAR NAME=domain>: <TMPL_VAR NAME=errmsg></div>
9 | </TMPL_IF>
10 |
11 | <table width="98%">
12 | <tr><td colspan=3 align=center>Domain list</td></tr>
13 | <tr><td><TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="pgcount.tmpl"></td>
14 | <td>
15 | <TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="fpnla.tmpl">
16 | </td><td align=right>insert search box here</td></tr>
17 |
18 | <tr><td colspan=3 align=center>insert letter search here</td></tr>
19 |
20 | <tr><td colspan=3 align=right><a href="dns.cgi?sid=<TMPL_VAR NAME=sid>&page=newdomain">New Domain</a></td></tr>
21 | </table>
22 |
23 | <table border=0 cellspacing="5" cellpadding="3">
24 | <tr>
25 | <TMPL_IF NAME=foobarbaz>
26 | <!-- This block to be un-TMPL_IF'ed once we care about sort order - by default, we sort by domain, ascending -->
27 | <td class="underline" nowrap><a href="dns.cgi?sid=<TMPL_VAR NAME=sid>&page=domlist&offset=<TMPL_VAR NAME=offset>">Domain<TMPL_IF NAME=sortdomain> <img border=0 alt='<TMPL_VAR NAME=sortorder>' src="images/<TMPL_VAR NAME=sortorder>.png"></TMPL_IF></a></td>
28 | <td class="underline" nowrap><a href="dns.cgi?sid=<TMPL_VAR NAME=sid>&page=domlist&offset=<TMPL_VAR NAME=offset>">Status<TMPL_IF NAME=sortstatus> <img border=0 alt='<TMPL_VAR NAME=sortorder>' src="images/<TMPL_VAR NAME=sortorder>.png"></TMPL_IF></a></td>
29 | <td class="underline" align="center" nowrap><a href="dns.cgi?sid=<TMPL_VAR NAME=sid>&page=domlist&offset=<TMPL_VAR NAME=offset>">Group<TMPL_IF NAME=sortgroup> <img border=0 alt='<TMPL_VAR NAME=sortorder>' src="images/<TMPL_VAR NAME=sortorder>.png"></TMPL_IF></a></td>
30 | <TMPL_ELSE>
31 | <td class="underline" nowrap>Domain</td>
32 | <td class="underline" nowrap>Status</td>
33 | <td class="underline" align="center" nowrap>Group</td>
34 | </TMPL_IF>
35 | <td class="underline" align="center" nowrap>Change Status</td>
36 | <td class="underline" width="1%">Delete</td>
37 | </tr>
38 | <TMPL_IF name=domtable>
39 | <TMPL_LOOP name=domtable>
40 | <tr class="row<TMPL_VAR name=bg>">
41 | <td><a href="dns.cgi?sid=<TMPL_VAR NAME=sid>&page=reclist&id=<TMPL_VAR NAME=domainid>&defrec=n"><TMPL_VAR NAME=domain></a></td>
42 | <td width="1%" nowrap><TMPL_VAR name=status></td>
43 | <td width="1%" nowrap><TMPL_VAR name=group></td>
44 | <td width="1%" nowrap align=center><a href="dns.cgi?sid=<TMPL_VAR NAME=sid>&page=domlist<TMPL_IF NAME=offset>&offset=<TMPL_VAR NAME=offset></TMPL_IF>&id=<TMPL_VAR NAME=domainid>&action=<TMPL_IF NAME=mkactive>domon<TMPL_ELSE>domoff</TMPL_IF>"><TMPL_IF NAME=mkactive>activate<TMPL_ELSE>deactivate</TMPL_IF></a></td>
45 | <td width="1%" nowrap align=center><a href="dns.cgi?sid=<TMPL_VAR NAME=sid>&page=deldom&id=<TMPL_VAR NAME=domainid>"><img src="images/trash2.png" border=0></a></td>
46 | </tr>
47 | </TMPL_LOOP>
48 | <TMPL_ELSE>
49 | <tr><td colspan=5>No domains found</td></tr>
50 | </TMPL_IF>
51 | </table>
52 |
53 | </td>
54 | </tr>
55 | </table>