1 | #!/usr/bin/perl
2 | # dnsadmin shell-based import tool for tinydns flatfiles
3 | ##
4 | # $Id: tiny-import.pl 358 2012-07-05 21:52:39Z kdeugau $
5 | # Copyright 2012 Kris Deugau <kdeugau@deepnet.cx>
6 | #
7 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 | # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 | # (at your option) any later version.
11 | #
12 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 | #
17 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 | # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 | ##
20 |
21 | # WARNING: This is NOT a heavy-duty validator; it is assumed that the data
22 | # being imported is more or less sane. Only minor structural validation will
23 | # be done to weed out the most broken records.
24 |
25 | use strict;
26 | use warnings;
27 |
28 | use lib '.';
29 | use DNSDB qw(:ALL);
30 |
31 | if (!loadConfig()) {
32 | warn "Using default configuration; unable to load custom settings: $DNSDB::errstr";
33 | }
34 |
35 | my $code;
36 | my ($dbh,$msg) = connectDB($config{dbname}, $config{dbuser}, $config{dbpass}, $config{dbhost});
37 | initGlobals($dbh) if $dbh;
38 |
39 | $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
40 | $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
41 |
42 | my %cnt;
43 | my @deferred;
44 | my $errstr = '';
45 |
46 | foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
47 | eval {
48 | import(file => $file);
49 | # import(file => $file, nosoa => 1);
50 | $dbh->rollback;
51 | # $dbh->commit;
52 | };
53 | if ($@) {
54 | print "bleh: $@\n";
55 | die "die harder: $errstr\n";
56 | }
57 | }
58 |
59 | foreach (keys %cnt) {
60 | print " $_ $cnt{$_}\n";
61 | }
62 |
63 | exit 0;
64 |
65 | sub import {
66 | our %args = @_;
67 | my $flatfile = $args{file};
68 | open FLAT, "<$flatfile";
69 |
70 | our $recsth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO records (domain_id,rdns_id,host,type,val,distance,weight,port,ttl) ".
71 | " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
72 |
73 | my %deleg;
74 |
75 | while (<FLAT>) {
76 | next if /^#/;
77 | next if /^\s*$/;
78 | chomp;
79 | recslurp($_);
80 | }
81 |
82 | # Try the deferred records again, once.
83 | foreach (@deferred) {
84 | # print "trying $_ again\n";
85 | recslurp($_, 1);
86 | }
87 |
88 | print scalar(@deferred)." deferred records in $flatfile\n";
89 |
90 | # Sub for various nonstandard types with lots of pure bytes expressed in octal
91 | # Takes a tinydns rdata string and count, returns a list of $count bytes as well
92 | # as trimming those logical bytes off the front of the rdata string.
93 | sub _byteparse {
94 | my $src = shift;
95 | my $count = shift;
96 | my @ret;
97 | for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
98 | if ($$src =~ /^\\/) {
99 | # we should have an octal bit
100 | my ($tmp) = ($$src =~ /^(\\\d{3})/);
101 | $tmp =~ s/\\/0/;
102 | push @ret, oct($tmp);
103 | $$src =~ s/^\\\d{3}//;
104 | } else {
105 | # we seem to have a byte expressed as an ASCII character
106 | my ($tmp) = ($$src =~ /^(.)/);
107 | push @ret, ord($tmp);
108 | $$src =~ s/^.//;
109 | }
110 | }
111 | return @ret;
112 | }
113 |
114 | # Convert octal-coded bytes back to something resembling normal characters, general case
115 | sub _deoctal {
116 | my $targ = shift;
117 | while ($$targ =~ /\\(\d{3})/) {
118 | my $sub = chr(oct($1));
119 | $$targ =~ s/\\$1/$sub/g;
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 | sub recslurp {
124 | my $rec = shift;
125 | my $nodefer = shift || 0;
126 |
127 | if ($rec =~ /^=/) {
128 | $cnt{APTR}++;
129 |
130 | ##fixme: do checks like this for all types
131 | if ($rec !~ /^=(?:\*|\\052)?[a-z0-9\._-]+:[\d\.]+:\d*/i) {
132 | print "bad A+PTR $rec\n";
133 | return;
134 | }
135 | my ($host,$ip,$ttl,$stamp,$loc) = split /:/, $rec, 5;
136 | $host =~ s/^=//;
137 | $host =~ s/\.$//;
138 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
139 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
140 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
141 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
142 | my $fparent = DNSDB::_hostparent($dbh, $host);
143 | my ($rparent) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet >> ?", undef, ($ip));
144 | if ($fparent && $rparent) {
145 | $recsth->execute($fparent, $rparent, $host, 65280, $ip, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
146 | } else {
147 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
148 | # print "$tmporig deferred; can't find both forward and reverse zone parents\n";
149 | }
150 |
151 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^C/) {
152 | $cnt{CNAME}++;
153 |
154 | my ($host,$targ,$ttl,$stamp,$loc) = split /:/, $rec, 5;
155 | $host =~ s/^C//;
156 | $host =~ s/\.$//;
157 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
158 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
159 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
160 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
161 | if ($host =~ /\.arpa$/) {
162 | ($code,$msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr($host);
163 | my ($rparent) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet >> ?", undef, ($msg));
164 | $recsth->execute(0, $rparent, $targ, 5, $msg->addr, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
165 |
166 | ##fixme: automagically convert manually maintained sub-/24 delegations
167 | # my ($subip, $zone) = split /\./, $targ, 2;
168 | # ($code, $msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr($zone);
169 | # push @{$deleg{"$msg"}{iplist}}, $subip;
170 | #print "$msg $subip\n";
171 |
172 | } else {
173 | my $fparent = DNSDB::_hostparent($dbh, $host);
174 | if ($fparent) {
175 | $recsth->execute($fparent, 0, $host, 5, $targ, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
176 | } else {
177 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
178 | # print "$tmporig deferred; can't find parent zone\n";
179 | }
180 | }
181 |
182 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^\&/) {
183 | $cnt{NS}++;
184 |
185 | my ($zone,$ip,$ns,$ttl,$stamp,$loc) = split /:/, $rec, 6;
186 | $zone =~ s/^\&//;
187 | $zone =~ s/\.$//;
188 | $ns =~ s/\.$//;
189 | $ns = "$ns.ns.$zone" if $ns !~ /\./;
190 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
191 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
192 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
193 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
194 | if ($zone =~ /\.arpa$/) {
195 | ($code,$msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr($zone);
196 | my ($rparent) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet >>= ?", undef, ("$msg"));
197 | ##fixme, in concert with the CNAME check for same; automagically
198 | # create "delegate" record instead for subzone NSes: convert above to use = instead of >>=
199 | # ($rparent) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet >> ?", undef, ("$msg"))
200 | # if !$rparent;
201 | if ($rparent) {
202 | $recsth->execute(0, $rparent, $ns, 2, $msg, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
203 | } else {
204 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
205 | }
206 | } else {
207 | my $fparent = DNSDB::_hostparent($dbh, $zone);
208 | if ($fparent) {
209 | $recsth->execute($fparent, 0, $zone, 2, $ns, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
210 | $recsth->execute($fparent, 0, $ns, 2, $ip, 0, 0, 0, $ttl) if $ip;
211 | } else {
212 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
213 | }
214 | }
215 |
216 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^\^/) {
217 | $cnt{PTR}++;
218 |
219 | my ($rip,$host,$ttl,$stamp,$loc) = split /:/, $rec, 5;
220 | $rip =~ s/^\^//;
221 | $rip =~ s/\.$//;
222 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
223 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
224 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
225 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
226 | my $rparent;
227 | if (my ($i, $z) = ($rip =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+-(?:\d+\.){4}in-addr.arpa)$/) ) {
228 | ($code,$msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr($z);
229 | # Exact matches only, because we're in a sub-/24 delegation
230 | ##fixme: flag the type of delegation (range, subnet-with-dash, subnet-with-slash)
231 | # somewhere so we can recover it on export. probably best to do that in the revzone data.
232 | ($rparent) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet = ?", undef, ("$msg"));
233 | $z =~ s/^[\d-]+//;
234 | ($code,$msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr("$i.$z"); # Get the actual IP and normalize
235 | } else {
236 | ($code,$msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr($rip);
237 | ($rparent) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet >> ?", undef, ("$msg"));
238 | }
239 | if ($rparent) {
240 | $recsth->execute(0, $rparent, $host, 12, $msg->addr, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
241 | } else {
242 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
243 | }
244 |
245 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^\+/) {
246 | $cnt{A}++;
247 |
248 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^Z/) {
249 | $cnt{SOA}++;
250 |
251 | my ($zone,$master,$contact,$serial,$refresh,$retry,$expire,$minttl,$ttl,$stamp,$loc) = split /:/, $rec, 11;
252 | $zone =~ s/^Z//;
253 | $zone =~ s/\.$//;
254 | $master =~ s/\.$//;
255 | $contact =~ s/\.$//;
256 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
257 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
258 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
259 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
260 | if ($zone =~ /\.arpa$/) {
261 | ($code,$msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr($zone);
262 | $dbh->do("INSERT INTO revzones (revnet,group_id,status) VALUES (?,1,1)", undef, ($msg));
263 | my ($rdns) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT currval('revzones_rdns_id_seq')");
264 | $recsth->execute(0, $rdns, "$contact:$master", 6, "$refresh:$retry:$expire:$minttl", 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
265 | } else {
266 | $dbh->do("INSERT INTO domains (domain,group_id,status) VALUES (?,1,1)", undef, ($zone));
267 | my ($domid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT currval('domains_domain_id_seq')");
268 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, "$contact:$master", 6, "$refresh:$retry:$expire:$minttl", 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
269 | }
270 |
271 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^\@/) {
272 | $cnt{MX}++;
273 |
274 | my ($zone,$ip,$host,$dist,$ttl,$stamp,$loc) = split /:/, $rec, 7;
275 | $zone =~ s/^\.//;
276 | $zone =~ s/\.$//;
277 | $host =~ s/\.$//;
278 | $host = "$host.mx.$zone" if $host !~ /\./;
279 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
280 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
281 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
282 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
283 |
284 | # note we don't check for reverse domains here, because MX records don't make any sense in reverse zones.
285 | # if this really ever becomes an issue for someone it can be expanded to handle those weirdos
286 |
287 | # allow for subzone MXes, since it's perfectly legitimate to simply stuff it all in a single parent zone
288 | my $domid = DNSDB::_hostparent($dbh, $zone);
289 | if ($domid) {
290 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, $zone, 15, $host, $dist, 0, 0, $ttl);
291 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, $host, 1, $ip, 0, 0, 0, $ttl) if $ip;
292 | } else {
293 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
294 | }
295 |
296 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^'/) {
297 | $cnt{TXT}++;
298 |
299 | my ($fqdn, $rdata, $ttl, $stamp, $loc) = split /:/, $rec, 5;
300 | $fqdn =~ s/^'//;
301 | _deoctal(\$rdata);
302 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
303 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
304 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
305 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
306 |
307 | my $domid = DNSDB::_hostparent($dbh, $fqdn);
308 | if ($domid) {
309 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, $fqdn, 16, $rdata, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
310 | } else {
311 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
312 | }
313 |
314 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^\./) {
315 | $cnt{NSASOA}++;
316 |
317 | my ($fqdn, $ip, $ns, $ttl, $stamp, $loc) = split /:/, $rec, 6;
318 | $fqdn =~ s/^\.//;
319 | $fqdn =~ s/\.$//;
320 | $ns =~ s/\.$//;
321 | $ns = "$ns.ns.$fqdn" if $ns !~ /\./;
322 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
323 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
324 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
325 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
326 |
327 | if ($fqdn =~ /\.arpa$/) {
328 | ($code,$msg) = DNSDB::_zone2cidr($fqdn);
329 | my ($rdns) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet = ?", undef, ($msg));
330 | if (!$rdns) {
331 | $errstr = "adding revzone $msg";
332 | $dbh->do("INSERT INTO revzones (revnet,group_id,status) VALUES (?,1,1)", undef, ($msg));
333 | ($rdns) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT currval('revzones_rdns_id_seq')");
334 | # this would probably make a lot more sense to do hostmaster.$config{admindomain}
335 | $recsth->execute(0, $rdns, "hostmaster.$fqdn:$ns", 6, "16384:2048:1048576:2560", 0, 0, 0, "2560");
336 | }
337 | $recsth->execute(0, $rdns, $ns, 2, "$msg", 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
338 | ##fixme: (?) implement full conversion of tinydns . records?
339 | # -> problem: A record for NS must be added to the appropriate *forward* zone, not the reverse
340 | #$recsth->execute(0, $rdns, $ns, 1, $ip, 0, 0, 0, $ttl)
341 | # ... auto-A-record simply does not make sense in reverse zones. Functionally
342 | # I think it would work, sort of, but it's a nasty mess and anyone hosting reverse
343 | # zones has names for their nameservers already.
344 | # Even the auto-nameserver-fqdn comes out... ugly.
345 |
346 | } else {
347 | my ($domid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT domain_id FROM domains WHERE lower(domain) = lower(?)",
348 | undef, ($fqdn));
349 | if (!$domid) {
350 | $errstr = "adding domain $fqdn";
351 | $dbh->do("INSERT INTO domains (domain,group_id,status) VALUES (?,1,1)", undef, ($fqdn));
352 | ($domid) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT currval('domains_domain_id_seq')");
353 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, "hostmaster.$fqdn:$ns", 6, "16384:2048:1048576:2560", 0, 0, 0, "2560");
354 | }
355 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, $fqdn, 2, $ns, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
356 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, $ns, 1, $ip, 0, 0, 0, $ttl) if $ip;
357 | }
358 |
359 |
360 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^\%/) {
361 | $cnt{VIEWS}++;
362 |
363 | } elsif ($rec =~ /^:/) {
364 | $cnt{NCUST}++;
365 | # Big section. Since tinydns can publish anything you can encode properly, but only provides official
366 | # recognition and handling for the core common types, this must deal with the leftovers.
367 | # :fqdn:type:rdata:ttl:time:loc
368 |
369 | my (undef, $fqdn, $type, $rdata, $ttl, $stamp, $loc) = split /:/, $rec, 7;
370 | $ttl = 0 if !$ttl;
371 | $stamp = '' if !$stamp;
372 | $loc = '' if !$loc;
373 | $loc = '' if $loc =~ /^:+$/;
374 |
375 | if ($type == 33) {
376 | # SRV
377 | my ($prio, $weight, $port, $target) = (0,0,0,0);
378 |
379 | my @tmp = _byteparse(\$rdata, 2);
380 | $prio = $tmp[0] * 256 + $tmp[1];
381 | @tmp = _byteparse(\$rdata, 2);
382 | $weight = $tmp[0] * 256 + $tmp[1];
383 | @tmp = _byteparse(\$rdata, 2);
384 | $port = $tmp[0] * 256 + $tmp[1];
385 |
386 | $rdata =~ s/\\\d{3}/./g;
387 | ($target) = ($rdata =~ /^\.(.+)\.$/);
388 | # hmm. the above *should* work, but What If(TM) we have ASCII-range bytes
389 | # representing the target's fqdn part length(s)? axfr-get doesn't seem to,
390 | # probably because dec. 33->63 includes most punctuation and all the numbers
391 | # while ($rdata =~ /(\\\d{3})/) {
392 | # my $cnt = $1;
393 | # $rdata =~ s/^$cnt//;
394 | # $cnt =~ s/^\\/0/;
395 | # $cnt = oct($cnt);
396 | # my ($seg) = ($rdata =~ /^(.{$cnt})/);
397 | # $target .=
398 | # }
399 |
400 | my $domid = DNSDB::_hostparent($dbh, $fqdn);
401 | if ($domid) {
402 | $recsth->execute($domid, 0, $fqdn, 33, $target, $prio, $weight, $port, $ttl) if $domid;
403 | } else {
404 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
405 | }
406 |
407 | } elsif ($type == 28) {
408 | # AAAA
409 | my @v6;
410 |
411 | for (my $i=0; $i < 8; $i++) {
412 | my @tmp = _byteparse(\$rdata, 2);
413 | push @v6, sprintf("%0.4x", $tmp[0] * 256 + $tmp[1]);
414 | }
415 | my $val = NetAddr::IP->new(join(':', @v6));
416 |
417 | my ($rdns) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT rdns_id FROM revzones WHERE revnet >> ?", undef, ("$val"));
418 | if ($rdns) {
419 | $recsth->execute(0, $rdns, $fqdn, 28, $val->addr, 0, 0, 0, $ttl);
420 | } else {
421 | push @deferred, $rec unless $nodefer;
422 | }
423 |
424 | } else {
425 | # ... uhhh, dunno
426 | }
427 |
428 | } else {
429 | $cnt{other}++;
430 | print " $_\n";
431 | }
432 | }
433 |
434 | close FLAT;
435 | }