Changeset 117 for trunk

09/01/11 15:55:00 (14 years ago)
Kris Deugau


Add getParents (untested) and isParent (tested) subs
Add some supporting hashes for entity -> parent(entity)

relationships in the database - private to

Rename tmp_ruri to uri_self for clarity and reuse
Move uri_self munging from ##common area so that more

subs can use it

Update group tree to change the current group by clicking

the group name. Working comments need to be cleaned up
and choose-a-group dropdown removed from the menu

5 edited


  • trunk/

    r116 r117  
    3434        &getSOA &getRecLine &getDomRecs &getRecCount
    3535        &addRec &updateRec &delRec
    36         &isParent
     36        &getParents
     37        &isParent
    3738        &domStatus &importAXFR
    3839        &export
    5253                &getSOA &getRecLine &getDomRecs &getRecCount
    5354                &addRec &updateRec &delRec
    54                 &isParent
     55                &getParents
     56                &isParent
    5557                &domStatus &importAXFR
    5658                &export
     1326  # Reference hashes.
     1327  my %par_tbl = (
     1328                group   => 'groups',
     1329                user    => 'users',
     1330                defrec  => 'default_records',
     1331                domain  => 'domains',
     1332                record  => 'records'
     1333        );
     1334  my %id_col = (
     1335                group   => 'group_id',
     1336                user    => 'user_id',
     1337                defrec  => 'record_id',
     1338                domain  => 'domain_id',
     1339                record  => 'record_id'
     1340        );
     1341  my %par_col = (
     1342                group   => 'parent_group_id',
     1343                user    => 'group_id',
     1344                defrec  => 'group_id',
     1345                domain  => 'group_id',
     1346                record  => 'domain_id'
     1347        );
     1348  my %par_type = (
     1349                group   => 'group',
     1350                user    => 'group',
     1351                defrec  => 'group',
     1352                domain  => 'group',
     1353                record  => 'domain'
     1354        );
    13241356## DNSDB::getParents()
    13251357# Find out which entities are parent to the requested id
    13291361  my $id = shift;
    13301362  my $type = shift;
    1332   # Get immediate parent
    1333   $par_col = 'group_id';
    1335   if ($type eq 'user') {
    1336     $table = 'users';
    1337     $id_col = 'user_id';
    1338   }
    1339   if ($type eq 'defrec') {
    1340     $table = 'default_records';
    1341     $id_col = 'record_id';
    1342   }
    1343   if ($type eq 'domain') {
    1344     $table = 'domains';
    1345     $id_col = 'domain_id';
    1346   }
    1347   if ($type eq 'record') {
    1348     $table = 'records';
    1349     $id_col = 'record_id';
    1350     $par_col = 'domain_id';
    1351   }
    1353 $dbh->do("SELECT $par_col FROM $table WHERE $id_col = ?",
     1363  my $depth = shift || 'all';   # valid values:  'all', 'immed', <int> (stop at this group ID)
     1365  my @parlist;
     1367  while (1) {
     1368    my $result = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT $par_col{$type} FROM $par_tbl{$type} WHERE $id_col{$type} = ?",
     1369        undef, ($id) );
     1370    unshift @parlist, ($result->{$par_col{$type}} => $par_type{$type});
     1371    last if $result->{$par_col{$type}} == 1;    # group 1 is its own parent
     1372    $type = $par_type{$type};
     1373    $id = $result->{$par_col{$type}};
     1374  }
     1376  return \@parlist;
    13551378} # end getParents()
     1381## DNSDB::isParent()
     1382# Returns true if $id1 is a parent of $id2, false otherwise
     1383sub isParent {
     1384  my $dbh = shift;
     1385  my $id1 = shift;
     1386  my $type1 = shift;
     1387  my $id2 = shift;
     1388  my $type2 = shift;
     1389##todo:  immediate, secondary, full (default)
     1391  # Return false on impossible relations
     1392  return 0 if $type1 eq 'record';       # nothing may be a child of a record
     1393  return 0 if $type1 eq 'defrec';       # nothing may be a child of a record
     1394  return 0 if $type1 eq 'user';         # nothing may be child of a user
     1395  return 0 if $type1 eq 'domain' && $type2 ne 'record'; # domain may not be a parent of anything other than a record
     1397  # group 1 is the ultimate root parent
     1398  return 1 if $type1 eq 'group' && $id1 == 1;
     1400# almost the same loop as getParents() above
     1401  my $id = $id2;
     1402  my $type = $type2;
     1403  my $foundparent = 0;
     1404my $tmp = 0;
     1405  while (1) {
     1406my $sql = "SELECT $par_col{$type} FROM $par_tbl{$type} WHERE $id_col{$type} = ?";
     1407    my $result = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($sql,
     1408        undef, ($id) ) or warn $dbh->errstr." $sql";
     1409    if ($result->{$par_col{$type}} == $id1) {
     1410      $foundparent = 1;
     1411      last;
     1412    }
     1413    # group 1 is its own parent.  need this here more to break strange loops than for detecting a parent
     1414    last if $result->{$par_col{$type}} == 1;
     1415    $type = $par_type{$type};
     1416    $id = $result->{$par_col{$type}};
     1417last if $tmp++ > 10;
     1418  }
     1420  return $foundparent;
     1421} # end isParent()
  • trunk/dns.cgi

    r114 r117  
    9999my $footer = HTML::Template->new(filename => "$templatedir/footer.tmpl");
     101## set up "URL to self"
     102# @#$%@%@#% XHTML - & in a URL must be escaped.  >:(
     103my $uri_self = $ENV{REQUEST_URI};
     104$uri_self =~ s/\&([a-z])/\&amp\;$1/g;
     106# le sigh.  and we need to strip any previous action
     107$uri_self =~ s/\&amp;action=[^&]+//g;
     109# and search filter options.  these get stored in the session, but discarded
     110# as soon as you switch to a different page.
     111##fixme:  think about retaining these on a per-page basis, as well as offset;  same as the sort-order bits
     112no warnings qw(uninitialized);
     113$uri_self =~ s/\&amp;startwith=[a-z09-]*(\&)?/$1/g;
     114$uri_self =~ s/\&amp;searchsubs=[a-z09-]*(\&)?/$1/g;
     115$uri_self =~ s/\&amp;filter=[a-z09-]*(\&)?/$1/g;
     116use warnings qw(uninitialized);
    101118# default
    102119#my $perpage = 15;
    160177    # fiddle session-stored group data
    161178    # magic incantation to... uhhh...
     180    # ... and the "change group" bits...
     181    $uri_self =~ s/\&amp;group=[^&]*//g;
    162183    $session->param('curgroup', $webvar{group});
    163184    $curgroup = ($webvar{group} ? $webvar{group} : $session->param('curgroup'));
    12121233  $page->param(groupname => groupName($dbh,$curgroup));
    12131234  $page->param(logingrp => groupName($dbh,$logingroup));
     1235  $page->param(logingrp_num => $logingroup);
    12151237  $page->param(mayimport => $permissions{admin} || $permissions{domain_create});
    12251247  fill_grouplist("grouplist");
    1227 ## set up "URL to self"
    1228 # @#$%@%@#% XHTML - & in a URL must be escaped.  >:(
    1229   my $tmp_ruri = $ENV{REQUEST_URI};
    1230   $tmp_ruri =~ s/\&([a-z])/\&amp\;$1/g;
    1232 # le sigh.  and we need to strip any previous action
    1233   $tmp_ruri =~ s/\&amp;action=[^&]+//g;
    1235 # and search filter options.  these get stored in the session, but discarded
    1236 # as soon as you switch to a different page.
    1237 ##fixme:  think about retaining these on a per-page basis, as well as offset;  same as the sort-order bits
    1238   no warnings qw(uninitialized);
    1239   $tmp_ruri =~ s/\&amp;startwith=[a-z09-]*(\&)?/$1/g;
    1240   $tmp_ruri =~ s/\&amp;searchsubs=[a-z09-]*(\&)?/$1/g;
    1241   $tmp_ruri =~ s/\&amp;filter=[a-z09-]*(\&)?/$1/g;
    1242   use warnings qw(uninitialized);
    12441249# fill in the URL-to-self
    1245   $page->param(whereami => $tmp_ruri);
     1250  $page->param(whereami => $uri_self);
    12921297    my %row;
    12931298    $row{grpname} = groupName($dbh,$_);
     1299    $row{grpnum} = $_;
     1300    $row{whereami} = $uri_self;
    12941301        # for all that HTML::Template is supposed to keep the HTML out of the Perl, this is so much more compact...
    1295     $row{grpdisp} = ($_ == $cur ? "<b>$row{grpname}</b>" : $row{grpname});
     1302#    $row{grpdisp} = ($_ == $cur ? "<b>$row{grpname}</b>" : $row{grpname});
     1303$row{curgrp} = ($_ == $cur);
     1304$row{expanded} = isParent($dbh, $_, 'group', $cur, 'group');
     1305$row{expanded} = 1 if $_ == $cur;
    12961306    $row{subs} = fill_grptree($_,$cur,$indent.'    ');
    12971307    $row{indent} = $indent;
    16911701  my $childlist = join(',',@childgroups);
     1703##fixme:  need to reorder list so that we can display a pseudotree in group dropdowns
    16931705  # weesa gonna discard parent_group_id for now
    16941706  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT group_id,parent_group_id,group_name FROM groups ".
  • trunk/templates/dns.css

    r100 r117  
    242242        vertical-align: top;
     245/* Allow current group in list to be easily flagged */
     246/* For reasons of "CSS is stupid" you apparently can't apply the font to the <li> *eyeroll* */
     247label.curgrp {
     248        font-weight: bold;
     249        font-size: 1.2em;
     251span.curgrp {
     252        font-weight: bold;
     253        font-size: 1.2em;
  • trunk/templates/grptree.tmpl

    r99 r117  
    11<TMPL_VAR NAME=indent><ul class="grptree">
    22<TMPL_LOOP NAME=treelvl><TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>  <li class="<TMPL_IF NAME=subs>hassub<TMPL_ELSE>leaf</TMPL_IF>">
    3 <TMPL_IF name=subs><TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>    <label for="grp_<TMPL_VAR NAME=grpname>"><TMPL_VAR NAME=grpdisp></label>
    4 <TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>    <input type="checkbox" class="grptreebox" checked="checked" id="grp_<TMPL_VAR NAME=grpname>" /><TMPL_ELSE><TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>    <TMPL_VAR NAME=grpdisp></TMPL_IF>
     3<TMPL_IF name=subs><TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>    <label for="grp_<TMPL_VAR NAME=grpname>"<TMPL_IF curgrp> class="curgrp"</TMPL_IF>><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME=whereami>&group=<TMPL_VAR NAME=grpnum>&action=chgroup"><TMPL_VAR NAME=grpname></a></label>
     4<TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>    <input type="checkbox" class="grptreebox" <TMPL_IF expanded> checked="checked" </TMPL_IF>id="grp_<TMPL_VAR NAME=grpname>" /><TMPL_ELSE><TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>    <a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME=whereami>&group=<TMPL_VAR NAME=grpnum>&action=chgroup"><TMPL_IF curgrp><span class="curgrp"><TMPL_VAR NAME=grpname></span><TMPL_ELSE><TMPL_VAR NAME=grpname></TMPL_IF></a></TMPL_IF>
    55<TMPL_VAR NAME=subs><TMPL_VAR NAME=indent>  </li>
    66</TMPL_LOOP><TMPL_VAR NAME=indent></ul>
  • trunk/templates/menu.tmpl

    r111 r117  
    2727<ul class="grptree">
    2828  <li class="<TMPL_IF NAME=subs>hassub<TMPL_ELSE>leaf</TMPL_IF>">
    29 <TMPL_IF name=subs>    <label for="<TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp>"><TMPL_IF inlogingrp><b><TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp></b><TMPL_ELSE><TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp></TMPL_IF></label>
     29<TMPL_IF name=subs>    <label for="<TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp>"<TMPL_IF inlogingrp> class="curgrp"</TMPL_IF>><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME=whereami>&group=<TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp_num>&action=chgroup"><TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp></a></label>
    3030    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" id="<TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp>" /><TMPL_ELSE>
    31     <TMPL_IF inlogingrp><b><TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp></b><TMPL_ELSE><TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp></TMPL_IF></TMPL_IF>
     31    <!-- span<TMPL_IF inlogingrp> class="curgrp"</TMPL_IF> -->
     32<TMPL_VAR NAME=logingrp></TMPL_IF>
    3233<TMPL_VAR NAME=grptree>
    3334  </li>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.