Changeset 272

03/09/12 18:03:29 (13 years ago)
Kris Deugau


Checkpoint; update record mostly patched up for reverse records.
See #26

2 edited


  • trunk/

    r270 r272  
    391391    my $pcsth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec})." WHERE val = ?");
    392392    foreach my $checkme (@checkvals) {
    393       my $ptrcount;
    394       ($ptrcount) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
    395         " WHERE val = ?", undef, ($checkme));
    396       return ('WARN', "PTR record for $checkme already exists;  adding another will probably not do what you want")
    397         if $ptrcount;
     393      if ($args{update}) {
     394        # Record update.  There should usually be an existing PTR (the record being updated)
     395        my @ptrs = @{ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT record_id FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
     396                " WHERE val = ?", undef, ($checkme)) };
     397        return ('WARN', "PTR record for $checkme already exists;  adding another will probably not do what you want")
     398                unless (grep /^$args{update}$/, @ptrs);
     399      } else {
     400        # New record.  Always warn if a PTR exists
     401        my ($ptrcount) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
     402                " WHERE val = ?", undef, ($checkme));
     403        return ('WARN', "PTR record for $checkme already exists;  adding another will probably not do what you want")
     404                if $ptrcount;
     405      }
    398406    }
    399408  } else {
    400409    # Not absolutely true but only useful if you hack things up for sub-/24 v4 reverse delegations
    519528      # Check if the reqested domain exists.  If not, coerce the type down to PTR and warn.
    520529      if (!(${$args{domid}} = _hostparent($dbh, ${$args{host}}))) {
    521         my $addmsg = "Record added as PTR instead of $typemap{${$args{rectype}}};  domain not found for ${$args{host}}";
     530        my $addmsg = "Record ".($args{update} ? 'updated' : 'added').
     531                " as PTR instead of $typemap{${$args{rectype}}};  domain not found for ${$args{host}}";
    522532        $msg .= "\n$addmsg" if $code eq 'WARN';
    523533        $msg = $addmsg if $code eq 'OK';
    541551        " ORDER BY masklen(revnet) DESC", undef, (${$args{val}}));
    542552      if (!$revid) {
    543         $msg = "Record added as ".(${$args{rectype}} == 65280 ? 'A' : 'AAAA').
     553        $msg = "Record ".($args{update} ? 'updated' : 'added')." as ".(${$args{rectype}} == 65280 ? 'A' : 'AAAA').
    544554                " instead of $typemap{${$args{rectype}}};  reverse zone not found for ${$args{val}}";
    545555        ${$args{rectype}} = (${$args{rectype}} == 65280 ? $reverse_typemap{A} : $reverse_typemap{AAAA});
    549559      # Check for duplicate PTRs.  Note we don't have to play games with $code and $msg, because
    550560      # by definition there can't be duplicate PTRs if the reverse zone isn't managed here.
    551       my ($ptrcount) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
    552         " WHERE val = ?", undef, ${$args{val}});
    553       if ($ptrcount) {
    554         $msg = "PTR record for ${$args{val}} already exists;  adding another will probably not do what you want";
    555         $code = 'WARN';
     561      if ($args{update}) {
     562        # Record update.  There should usually be an existing PTR (the record being updated)
     563        my @ptrs = @{ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT record_id FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
     564                " WHERE val = ?", undef, (${$args{val}})) };
     565        unless (grep /^$args{update}$/, @ptrs) {
     566          $msg = "PTR record for ${$args{val}} already exists;  adding another will probably not do what you want";
     567          $code = 'WARN';
     568        }
     569      } else {
     570        # New record.  Always warn if a PTR exists
     571        my ($ptrcount) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
     572                " WHERE val = ?", undef, (${$args{val}}));
     573        $msg = "PTR record for ${$args{val}} already exists;  adding another will probably not do what you want"
     574                if $ptrcount;
     575        $code = 'WARN' if $ptrcount;
    556576      }
     578#      my ($ptrcount) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count(*) FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
     579#       " WHERE val = ?", undef, ${$args{val}});
     580#      if ($ptrcount) {
     581#        my $curid = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT record_id FROM "._rectable($args{defrec},$args{revrec}).
     582#               " WHERE val = ?
     583#       $msg = "PTR record for ${$args{val}} already exists;  adding another will probably not do what you want";
     584#       $code = 'WARN';
     585#      }
    558587      ${$args{fields}} .= "rdns_id,";
    22852314  # of types.  Other things may also be added to validate default records of several flavours.
    22862315  return ('FAIL', "Hostnames may not contain anything other than (0-9 a-z . _)")
    2287         if $defrec eq 'n' && $$host !~ /^[0-9a-z_%.]+$/i;
     2316        if $defrec eq 'n' && $$host !~ /^[0-9a-z_%.-]+$/i;
    22892318  # Collect these even if we're only doing a simple A record so we can call *any* validation sub
    23362365  my $dbh = shift;
    23372366  my $defrec = shift;
     2367  my $revrec = shift;
    23382368  my $id = shift;
     2369  my $parid = shift;    # immediate parent entity that we're descending from to update the record
    23402371# all records have these
    23412372  my $host = shift;
    2342   my $type = shift;
     2373  my $hostbk = $$host;  # Keep a backup copy of the original, so we can WARN if the update mangles the domain
     2374  my $rectype = shift;
    23432375  my $val = shift;
    23442376  my $ttl = shift;
    2346   return('FAIL',"Missing standard argument(s)") if !defined($ttl);
     2378  # prep for validation
     2379  my $addr = NetAddr::IP->new($$val);
     2380  $$host =~ s/\.+$//;   # FQDNs ending in . are an internal detail, and really shouldn't be exposed in the UI.
     2382  my $domid = 0;
     2383  my $revid = 0;
     2385  my $retcode = 'OK';   # assume everything will go OK
     2386  my $retmsg = '';
     2388# do simple validation first
     2389  return ('FAIL', "TTL must be numeric") unless $ttl =~ /^\d+$/;
     2391  # Quick check on hostname parts.  Note the regex is more forgiving than the error message;
     2392  # domain names technically are case-insensitive, and we use printf-like % codes for a couple
     2393  # of types.  Other things may also be added to validate default records of several flavours.
     2394  return ('FAIL', "Hostnames may not contain anything other than (0-9 a-z . _)")
     2395        if $defrec eq 'n' && $$host !~ /^[0-9a-z_%.-]+$/i;
    23482398# only MX and SRV will use these
    23512401  my $port = 0;
    2353   if ($type == $reverse_typemap{MX} || $type == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) {
    2354     $dist = shift;
    2355     $dist =~ s/\s+//g;
    2356     return ('FAIL',"MX or SRV requires distance") if !defined($dist);
    2357     return ('FAIL', "Distance must be numeric") unless $dist =~ /^\d+$/;
    2358     if ($type == $reverse_typemap{SRV}) {
    2359       $weight = shift;
    2360       $weight =~ s/\s+//g;
    2361       return ('FAIL',"SRV requires weight") if !defined($weight);
    2362       return ('FAIL',"Weight must be numeric") unless $weight =~ /^\d+$/;
    2363       $port = shift;
    2364       $port =~ s/\s+//g;
    2365       return ('FAIL',"SRV requires port") if !defined($port);
    2366       return ('FAIL',"Port must be numeric") unless $port =~ /^\d+$/;
    2367     }
    2368   }
    2370 # Enforce IP addresses on A and AAAA types
    2371   my $addr = NetAddr::IP->new($val);
    2372   if ($type == $reverse_typemap{A}) {
    2373     return ('FAIL',$typemap{$type}." record must be a valid IPv4 address")
    2374         unless $addr && !$addr->{isv6};
    2375   }
    2376   if ($type == $reverse_typemap{AAAA}) {
    2377     return ('FAIL',$typemap{$type}." record must be a valid IPv6 address")
    2378         unless $addr && $addr->{isv6};
    2379   }
     2403# standard validation
     2404  my $fields;
     2405  my @vallist;
     2408# get old record data so we can compare the old/new domain_id and rdns_id
     2409my $oldrec = getRecLine($dbh, $defrec, $revrec, $id);
     2410use Data::Dumper;
     2411#print Dumper($oldrec);
     2413  # Call the validation sub for the type requested.
     2414  # Note the ID to pass here is the *parent*, not the record
     2415  ($retcode,$retmsg) = $validators{$$rectype}($dbh, (defrec => $defrec, revrec => $revrec,
     2416        id => ($defrec eq 'y' ? $oldrec->{group_id} : ($revrec eq 'n' ? $oldrec->{domain_id} : $oldrec->{rdns_id})),
     2417        host => $host, rectype => $rectype, val => $val, addr => $addr,
     2418        dist => \$dist, port => \$port, weight => \$weight,
     2419        fields => \$fields, vallist => \@vallist,
     2420        update => $id) );
     2422  return ($retcode,$retmsg) if $retcode eq 'FAIL';
     2424  # Set up database fields and bind parameters
     2425  $fields .= "host,type,val,ttl";
     2426  push @vallist, ($$host,$$rectype,$$val,$ttl);
     2427#push @vallist,
     2428#($defrec eq 'y' ? $oldrec->{group_id} : ($revrec eq 'n' ? $oldrec->{domain_id} : $oldrec->{rdns_id}));
     2430  my $vallen = '?'.(',?'x$#vallist);
     2432#print "$fields\n";
     2433#print join(',', @vallist)."\n";
    23812435# hmm..  this might work.  except possibly for something pointing to "".  <g>
    23922446    $dbh->do("UPDATE ".($defrec eq 'y' ? 'default_' : '')."records ".
    23932447        "SET host=?,val=?,type=?,ttl=?,distance=?,weight=?,port=? ".
    2394         "WHERE record_id=?", undef, ($host, $val, $type, $ttl, $dist, $weight, $port, $id) );
     2448        "WHERE record_id=?", undef, ($$host, $$val, $$rectype, $ttl, $dist, $weight, $port, $id) );
     2449#die "horribly";
    23952450    $dbh->commit;
    23962451  };
    24012456  }
    2403   return ('OK','OK');
     2458  return ($retcode, $retmsg);
     2459#  return ('OK','OK');
    24042460} # end updateRec()
  • trunk/dns.cgi

    r270 r272  
    688688    $page->param(port           => $recdata->{port});
    689689    $page->param(ttl            => $recdata->{ttl});
    690     $page->param(typelist       => getTypelist($dbh, $webvar{revrec}, $webvar{type}));
     690    $page->param(typelist       => getTypelist($dbh, $webvar{revrec}, $recdata->{type}));
    692692  } elsif ($webvar{recact} eq 'update') {
    695695        unless ($permissions{admin} || $permissions{record_edit});
    697     # prevent out-of-domain records from getting added by appending the domain, or DOMAIN for default records
    698     my $pname = ($webvar{defrec} eq 'y' ? 'DOMAIN' : domainName($dbh,$webvar{parentid}));
    699     $webvar{name} =~ s/\.*$/\.$pname/ if $webvar{name} !~ /$pname$/;
     697#    # prevent out-of-domain records from getting added by appending the domain, or DOMAIN for default records
     698#    my $pname = ($webvar{defrec} eq 'y' ? 'DOMAIN' : domainName($dbh,$webvar{parentid}));
     699#    $webvar{name} =~ s/\.*$/\.$pname/ if $webvar{name} !~ /$pname$/;
    701701    # get current/previous record info so we can log "updated 'foo A' to 'foo A'"
    702702    my $oldrec = getRecLine($dbh, $webvar{defrec}, $webvar{revrec}, $webvar{id});
    704     my ($code,$msg) = updateRec($dbh,$webvar{defrec},$webvar{id},
    705         $webvar{name},$webvar{type},$webvar{address},$webvar{ttl},
     704    my ($code,$msg) = updateRec($dbh,$webvar{defrec},$webvar{revrec},$webvar{id},$webvar{parentid},
     705        \$webvar{name},\$webvar{type},\$webvar{address},$webvar{ttl},
    706706        $webvar{distance},$webvar{weight},$webvar{port});
    708     if ($code eq 'OK') {
    709 ##fixme: retrieve old record info for full logging of change
     708    if ($code eq 'OK' || $code eq 'WARN') {
     709      my $restr;
    710710      if ($webvar{defrec} eq 'y') {
    711         my $restr = "Updated default record from '$oldrec->{host} $typemap{$oldrec->{type}} $oldrec->{val}', TTL $oldrec->{ttl}\n".
     711        $restr = "Updated default record from '$oldrec->{host} $typemap{$oldrec->{type}} $oldrec->{val}', TTL $oldrec->{ttl}\n".
    712712                "to '$webvar{name} $typemap{$webvar{type}} $webvar{address}', TTL $webvar{ttl}";
    713713        logaction(0, $session->param("username"), $webvar{parentid}, $restr);
    714         changepage(page => "reclist", id => $webvar{parentid}, defrec => $webvar{defrec}, resultmsg => $restr);
    715714      } else {
    716         my $restr = "Updated record from '$oldrec->{host} $typemap{$oldrec->{type}} $oldrec->{val}', TTL $oldrec->{ttl}\n".
     715        $restr = "Updated record from '$oldrec->{host} $typemap{$oldrec->{type}} $oldrec->{val}', TTL $oldrec->{ttl}\n".
    717716                "to '$webvar{name} $typemap{$webvar{type}} $webvar{address}', TTL $webvar{ttl}";
    718717        logaction($webvar{parentid}, $session->param("username"),
    720719                        revrec => $webvar{revrec}, partype => 'group')),
    721720                $restr);
    722         changepage(page => "reclist", id => $webvar{parentid}, defrec => $webvar{defrec}, resultmsg => $restr);
    723       }
     721      }
     722      changepage(page => "reclist", id => $webvar{parentid}, defrec => $webvar{defrec},
     723        revrec => $webvar{revrec}, resultmsg => $restr, warnmsg => ($code ne 'OK' ? $msg : ''));
    724724    } else {
    725725      $page->param(failed       => 1);
    18081808  # than set them locally everywhere.
    18091809  foreach my $sessme ('resultmsg','warnmsg','errmsg') {
    1810     if ($params{$sessme}) {
     1810    if (my $tmp = $params{$sessme}) {
     1811      $tmp =~ s|\n|<br />\n|g;
    18111812      $session->param($sessme, $params{$sessme});
    18121813      delete $params{$sessme};
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.