Changeset 493 for trunk/images/rev.png

04/30/13 18:00:29 (11 years ago)
Kris Deugau


Overhaul session handling; pure URL-based sessions are subject to
copy-paste session-stealing. Convert to cookie-based session tracking
instead. This also provides bonuses in terms of inlinks from other
utilities or copy-paste links.
While session-handling was in pieces, add "pick-up-where-I-left-off"
login handling so that logins don't always end up only on the initial
domain list. This is especially handy for copy-paste links.

Also clean up some of the docucomments, use the CGI::Simple object to
do 302 redirects, and bring the revzone default sort field setup into
line with other thing-lists.

(No files)

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