02/27/11 22:02:44 (13 years ago)
Kris Deugau


Finally find a clean workspace to commit a (mostly) complete collapsible

group tree adapted from http://www.thecssninja.com/css/css-tree-menu.

Works in Opera, Firefox, Safari, probably works in recent Konqueror,

as coded it will provide a gracefully degraded always-open tree in IE 8
(and probably 7, but I don't have that handy). It will likely fail
horribly in IE6 as is since IE6 apparently does not support the
special <! if [IE] > tags in the <head> section. Feh.

Due to this IE limitation, I may switch to detecting the browser in the

script, and fiddling the header to include one group tree file or the other.

1 added

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