$Id: INSTALL 218 2012-01-05 23:04:18Z kdeugau $ Requirements ============ - Any CGI-capable web server that can execute arbitrary files or files with administrator-defineable extensions - PostgreSQL >= 7.4. It should be possible to trivially convert to other DBMSes, however I recommend against any that don't fully support transactions on all changes. - Perl >= 5.6 - Standard modules: These should be included in any base Perl install - CGI::Carp - POSIX - Text::Wrap - for WHOIS response linewrapping - Extra modules: - CGI::Simple - HTML::Template - CGI::Session - Crypt::PasswdMD5 (primary password encryption) - Digest::MD5 (for imported VegaDNS passwords) - Net::Whois::Raw - Net::DNS - DBI - DBD::Pg - NetAddr::IP >= 4.x. 3.x may work, however 4.x has been out for more than 4 years. - tinydns - support for other DNS server software is planned Installing DeepNet DNS Administrator ==================================== 1) Untar in a convenient location. You should be able to simply use the unpacked tarball as-is, or you can run "make install" to install files in /usr/local/share/dnsadmin-#VERSION#, with configuration in /usr/local/etc/dnsdb. The Makefile supports substitution on most standard GNU/FHS-ish paths, so you could also run: make install prefix=/opt to install it under /opt. The Makefile also supports DESTDIR for packaging, so you can use: make install datadir=/usr/share sysconfdir=/etc DESTDIR=/tmp/dnsdbpkgroot to install for packaging under /tmp/dnsdbpkgroot with the core scripts and HTML packaged under /usr/share/dnsdb-#VERSION#, and the configuration packaged under /etc/dnsdb. 2) Configuration: By default DNS Administrator looks for configuration in /etc/dnsdb/dnsdb.conf. Edit this file with the database name, user, and password, and the database host if necessary. Setting the options under the "mail" heading is also recommended. 3) As a Postgres superuser, create a database user and the database (replace the database name, user and password as appropriate): shell> psql template1 pg# create user dnsdb with password "dnsdbpwd"; pg# create database dnsdb owner dnsdb; Create the inital tables using dns.sql: shell> psql -U dnsdb dnsdb