# DNSBL # Functions for interacting with the DNSBL database ## # $Id: DNSBL.pm 48 2014-12-09 21:29:34Z kdeugau $ # Copyright 2009-2011 Kris Deugau # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ## package DNSBL; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use DBI; use NetAddr::IP; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 2.1; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( ); @EXPORT = (); # Export nothing by default. %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( )] ); ## "constants" # w00t! somewhere along the line, by accident or intent, SA's # check_dnsbl_sub can now check up to 24 bits of an DNSBL return value! # 1 not available so we don't $self->shoot(foot) our %bitfields = ( # block levels 0 => 16, 1 => 8, 2 => 4, # ip ip => 2, # OOB org0 => 32, block0 => 64, org1 => 256, org2 => 512, block1 => 1024, block2 => 2048, # "I'm a total spamming moron!" - per-IP only! slist => 128 ); # probably needs some tuning; even 7 hits in a /24 is a pretty small percentage # number of IPs in a block of the given masklength needed to have that block automatically listed # defaults: (overridden by entries in db:autolist) our %autolist = ( 31 => 1, 30 => 1, 29 => 2, 28 => 3, 27 => 4, 26 => 5, 25 => 6, 24 => 7, 23 => 8, 22 => 10, 21 => 13, 20 => 16, 19 => 19, 18 => 22, 17 => 26, 16 => 30, 15 => 34, 14 => 38, 13 => 42, 12 => 46, 11 => 50, 10 => 54, 9 => 58, 8 => 62, 7 => 2**31, 6 => 2**31, 5 => 2**31, 4 => 2**31, 3 => 2**31, 2 => 2**31, 1 => 2**31, 0 => 2**31 ); # le sigh. constants for masklength iterationing our @howmany = (1,128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1,128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1,128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1,128,64,32,16,8,4,2); # hard max depth. There are not enough bits in a 32-bit IP in 127/8 for more than 7 sets of 3 block-level # flags, plus one for the IP, plus one for an "alternate" IP flag, plus reserving the least significant bit # as a "don't use this because Reasons" our $maxlvl = 6; # variables our $dbh; our $err; our $errstr; # basic object subs sub new { # iff we want to start taking arguments, or doing other things on instantiation # my $self = {}; # bless $self, "DNSBL"; # return $self; bless {}; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->dbclose() if $dbh; } # JIC someone wants to close the db but not finish the script sub dbclose { $dbh->rollback; $dbh->disconnect; } ## specific object subs: sub connect { my $self = shift; my $dbhost = shift; my $dbname = shift; my $dbuser = shift; my $dbpass = shift; ## want to NOT autocommit everything, it's unlikely we'll step on our own toes but... $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass, { AutoCommit => 0, PrintError => 1 }) or die "database inaccessible: ".$DBI::errstr; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT masklen,ipcount FROM autolist"); $sth->execute; while (my ($masklen,$ipcount) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $autolist{$masklen} = $ipcount; } return $dbh; } ## DNSBLDB::initexport() # Prepare a couple of statement handles for later processing in export(). Assists in ~3x speed increase. my $parsth; my $sthmoron; sub initexport { $parsth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(i.ip),b.block,b.level,b.listme AS oobblock,o.listme AS ooborg ". "FROM iplist i INNER JOIN blocks b ON i.parent = b.block INNER JOIN orgs o ON b.orgid = o.orgid ". "WHERE b.block >>= ? ". "GROUP BY b.block,b.level,b.listme,o.listme ORDER BY b.block"); $sthmoron = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ip,s4list FROM iplist WHERE parent = ?"); } ## DNSBL::ipexists() # return report count if the IP has been reported, otherwise return undef sub ipexists { my $self = shift; my $ip = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count FROM iplist WHERE ip=?"); $sth->execute($ip); my ($ret) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); return $ret; } # end ipexists() # report an IP or URI to the db # increments a hit counter iff the reported IP or URI exists, otherwise it adds it sub report { my $self = shift; my $rep = shift; my $sth; my $rows = 0; if ($rep =~ /^[\d.]+$/) { # weesa gonna ASS-U-ME IP addresses are sanely formatted. eval { $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count FROM iplist WHERE ip=?"); $sth->execute($rep) or die "eep? ".$dbh->errstr."\n"; $rows = $sth->rows; if ($rows == 0) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO iplist (ip,parent) VALUES ". "(?,(SELECT block FROM blocks WHERE block >> ? ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT 1))"); $sth->execute($rep,$rep) or die "couldn't add entry for $rep: ".$dbh->errstr."\n"; } elsif ($rows == 1) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE iplist SET count=count+1 WHERE ip=?"); $sth->execute($rep) or die "couldn't update listing for $rep: ".$dbh->errstr."\n"; } else { die "db corrupt: found $rows matches on $rep\n"; } $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT block FROM blocks WHERE block >> ?"); $sth->execute($rep); my $updsth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE blocks SET ipcount=(SELECT count(*) FROM iplist WHERE ip << ?) WHERE block=?"); while (my ($block) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $updsth->execute($block,$block); } $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; return "failed adding $rep: $msg"; } } else { return; } return $rows; } # end report() # add a new org # return the orgid # if the org exists, return the orgid anyway sub addorg { my $self = shift; my $orgname = shift; my $listme = shift || 'n'; my $ret = $self->orgexists($orgname); return $ret if $ret; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO orgs (orgname,listme) VALUES (?,?)"); $sth->execute($orgname,$listme) or die "couldn't add org $orgname: ".$dbh->errstr."\n"; $dbh->commit; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT orgid FROM orgs WHERE orgname=?"); $sth->execute($orgname); my ($orgid) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); return $orgid; } # end addorg # checks for existence - nb, exact match! No way to really handle anything else. :/ sub orgexists { my $self = shift; my $org = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT orgid FROM orgs WHERE orgname=?"); $sth->execute($org); my ($ret) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); return $ret; } # end orgexists(); # add a block. requires the orgid ##fixme needs error handling sub addblock { my $self = shift; my $blockin = shift; my $orgid = shift; my $level = shift; $blockin =~ s/^\s+//; $blockin =~ s/\s+$//; my $block = new NetAddr::IP "$blockin"; # need this to clean up messes like ranges. sigh. return "$blockin not a single CIDR range" if !$block; # local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1; # force autocommit my $sth; eval { my $parent = '0/0'; if ($level > 0) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT block FROM blocks WHERE block >> ? ORDER BY level DESC LIMIT 1"); $sth->execute("$block"); ($parent) = $sth->fetchrow_array; } $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO blocks (block,orgid,level,parent,ipcount) VALUES (?,?,?,?,". "(SELECT count(*) FROM iplist WHERE ip << ?))"); $sth->execute("$block",$orgid,$level,$parent,"$block"); $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE iplist SET parent=? WHERE parent=? AND ip << ?"); $sth->execute("$block",$parent,"$block"); $dbh->commit; }; if ($@) { my $msg = $@; eval { dbh->rollback; }; return "failed to add $block: $msg"; } # nb: no need to return anything, since the CIDR block is the key } sub blockexists { my $self = shift; my $block = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM blocks WHERE block=?"); $sth->execute($block); my ($ret) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); return $ret; } # returns list (block,orgname) for the block that contains the passed IP. # accepts a level argument if you don't want the top-level registrar allocation block sub getcontainer { my $self = shift; my $ip = shift; my $level = shift || 0; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT b.block,o.orgname FROM blocks b INNER JOIN orgs o ". "ON b.orgid=o.orgid WHERE b.block >> ? AND b.level = ?"); $sth->execute($ip,$level); return $sth->fetchrow_array(); } # end getcontainer() # Get info about whether a block, IP or org is listed # Returns ? sub islisted { my $self = shift; my $entity = shift; my $sth; if ($entity =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) { # looking for IP $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ip,s4list FROM iplist WHERE ip=?"); $sth->execute($entity); my @ret = $sth->fetchrow_array; return @ret if @ret; } elsif ($entity =~ m|^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/(\d+)$|) { # block my $masklen = $1; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT block,listme FROM blocks WHERE block=?"); $sth->execute($entity); my ($block,$listme) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return if !$block; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ipcount FROM blocks WHERE block = ?"); $sth->execute($entity); my ($bcount) = $sth->fetchrow_array; my @ret = ( ($bcount >= $autolist{$masklen}), $listme); return @ret; } else { # org $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT orgid,listme FROM orgs WHERE orgname=?"); $sth->execute($entity); my ($orgid,$listme) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return $listme if $orgid; } return undef; } # end islisted() # whee! Recursion is Fun! # Call ourself to dig down through the layers of blocks from registar-allocation # (level 0) to final block (level n, not to exceed $maxlvl) # Take a reference to a hash, and stuff it full of blacklisting goodness. # Optionally accept a level, block-container, and OOB block and org arguments for # the container to check and return # Returns no value directly # Calls itself to walk down the tree of containers sub export { my $self = shift; my $listhosts = shift; # Export data as CIDR netblocks or classful (A/B/C) blocks # Assume classful as it's more compatible with different DNS servers my $mode = shift || 'class'; # Assume we're checking the whole enchilada if we don't get told where to look. my $level = shift || 0; my $container = shift || ''; my $bitmask = shift || 0; if ($level > $maxlvl) { warn "getting too deep, breaking off! ($container, $level)\n"; return; } # fiddle $container into a sane state. if ($container =~ m|^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/\d+$|) { $container =~ s|/(\d+)$|.0/$1|; } elsif ($container =~ m|^\d+\.\d+/\d+$|) { $container =~ s|/(\d+)$|.0.0/$1|; } elsif ($container =~ m|^\d+/(\d+)$|) { $container =~ s|/(\d+)$|.0.0.0/$1|; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM blocks WHERE parent = ?"); $sth->execute($container); my ($nblocks) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); # need this for a bunch of things, may as well do it here my ($masklen) = ($container =~ m|/(\d+)$|); # Update the bitmask variable with the current block info as needed. # Much faster than retrieving this data later (~3x faster!). my $listme; my $listorg; my $bcount; if ($container ne '') { $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT b.ipcount,b.listme,o.listme ". "FROM blocks b INNER JOIN orgs o ON b.orgid=o.orgid ". "WHERE b.block = ?"); $sth->execute($container); ($bcount,$listme,$listorg) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $bitmask |= $bitfields{$level-1} if $bcount >= $autolist{$masklen}; $bitmask |= $bitfields{"block".($level-1)} if $listme; $bitmask |= $bitfields{"org".($level-1)} if $listorg; } # hm. can't seem to move this prepare elsewhere. :( if ($nblocks > 0) { my $sthsubblocks = $dbh->prepare("SELECT block FROM blocks ". "WHERE level = ? AND parent = ?"); $sthsubblocks->execute($level, $container); while (my ($cidr) = $sthsubblocks->fetchrow_array()) { $self->export($listhosts,$mode,$level+1,$cidr,$bitmask); } } # avoid checking content of subs if we don't have any # don't check all 4.2 billion IPs individually if we're looking at all teh Intarwebs return if $container eq ''; ##fixme: need a way to dig out orphan IPs at all levels - IPs not found in a # subblock of the current container when the current container *has* subblocks # NB: this may be better handled as an out-of-band data-integrity-checker # decrement level here so the right bitfield setting gets picked. this segment # is inherently off-by-one from the block-recursion loop, and I can't see a # better way to work around that. >:( $level--; if ($mode eq 'cidr') { $listhosts->{$container} |= $bitmask if $bitmask && ($listme || $listorg || ($bcount >= $autolist{$masklen})); } else { # if $cidr->masklen is <= 24, iterate on /24 boundaries for bulk sublisting # if $cidr->masklen is <= 16, iterate on /16 boundaries for bulk sublisting # if $cidr->masklen is <= 8, iterate on /8 boundaries for bulk sublisting if ($bitmask) { my @blocksubs; if ($masklen <= 30 && $masklen > 24) { my ($net,$octet) = ($container =~ m|^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)/|); for (my $entry = $octet; $entry < ($octet + $howmany[$masklen]); $entry++) { my $host = "$net$entry"; $listhosts->{$host} = 0 if !defined($listhosts->{$host}); $listhosts->{$host} |= $bitmask; } } elsif ($masklen <= 24 && $masklen > 16) { my ($net,$octet) = ($container =~ m|^(\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)\.\d+/|); for (my $entry = $octet; $entry < ($octet + $howmany[$masklen]); $entry++) { my $twofour = "$net$entry.*"; $listhosts->{$twofour} |= $bitmask; } } elsif ($masklen <= 16 && $masklen > 8) { my ($net,$octet) = ($container =~ m|^(\d+\.)(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+/|); for (my $entry = $octet; $entry < ($octet + $howmany[$masklen]); $entry++) { my $sixteen = "$net$entry.*"; $listhosts->{$sixteen} |= $bitmask; } } elsif ($masklen <= 8) { my ($octet) = ($container =~ m|^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/|); for (my $entry = $octet; $entry < ($octet + $howmany[$masklen]); $entry++) { my $eight = "$entry.*"; $listhosts->{$eight} |= $bitmask; } } } # generate autolist entries for ips/octets not (yet) seen in reports } # cidr vs classful mode $sthmoron->execute($container); while (my ($ip,$moron) = $sthmoron->fetchrow_array()) { $listhosts->{$ip} |= $bitmask; if ($moron) { $listhosts->{$ip} = $bitfields{slist}; } else { $listhosts->{$ip} |= $bitfields{ip}; } } # get IPs which for reasons unknown are apparently allocated directly from the # parent registry (and so do not have containing netblocks in this system) O_o # select * from iplist where not (select count(*) from blocks where ip << block) > 0; return; } # end export() sub export_alt { my $self = shift; my $listhosts = shift; my $level = shift || 0; my $container = shift || ''; my $oobblock = shift || 0; my $ooborg = shift || 0; #print "\nDEBUG: called with $level, $container, $oobblock, $ooborg\n"; # if $level > 2 or $container =~ /^64\.76\./; # my %listhosts; # $level = 0 if !$level; if ($level > 3) { warn "getting too deep, breaking off!\n"; return; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select ip,s4list from iplist order by ip"); my $bsth = $dbh->prepare("select b.block,b.listme,b.level,o.listme ". "from blocks b inner join orgs o on b.orgid=o.orgid ". "where b.block >> ?"); while (my ($ip,$s4list) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $bsth->execute($ip); while (my ($block,$blisted,$blevel,$olisted) = $bsth->fetchrow_array) { $listhosts->{$ip} |= 0; } } } # end export_alt() ## DNSBL::autolist_block() # check if a block should be autolisted sub autolist_block { my $self = shift; my $block = shift; my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP "$block"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ipcount FROM blocks WHERE block = ?"); $sth->execute("$cidr"); my ($count) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return 1 if $count >= $autolist{$cidr->masklen}; return 0; } # end autolist_block() # make Perl happy 1;