# ipdb/cgi-bin/CommonWeb.pm ### # SVN revision info # $Date$ # SVN revision $Rev$ # Last update by $Author$ ### package CommonWeb; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 1.00; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( &printError &printAndExit &desanitize &cleanInput &desanitize); @EXPORT = (); #export nothing by default %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [qw( &printHeader &printError &printAndExit &desanitize &cleanInput )], lean => [qw( &printHeader &printError &printAndExit &cleanInput )] ); sub printError($) { my $errStr = $_[0]; print qq(


); } sub printAndExit($) { my $errStr = $_[0]; print qq(


); print "
would print footer but already dun gone and shot(self->foot)\n"; exit(0); } # needs a reference to the webvar hash. # takes out backticks and single quotes sub cleanInput($) { my $hashRef = $_[0]; foreach my $key (keys %$hashRef) { $hashRef->{$key} =~ s/`/\\`/g; $hashRef->{$key} =~ s/'/\'/g; } } # undoes clean input. takes a string as an arg. sub desanitize($) { my $string = $_[0]; $string =~ s/\\`/`/g; $string =~ s/\\'/'/g; return $string; } # indicate that the module loaded okay. 1;