[343] | 1 | <?php
| 2 | /* editcust.php
| 3 | ** Show customer data in form for editing.
| 4 | *****
| 5 | ** SVN revision info
| 6 | ** $Date: 2006-08-10 20:18:49 +0000 (Thu, 10 Aug 2006) $
| 7 | ** SVN revision $Rev: 343 $
| 8 | ** Last update by $Author: kdeugau $
| 9 | *****
| 10 | ** Copyright (C) 2006 - Kris Deugau
| 11 | */
| 12 | ?>
| 13 | <html><head>
| 14 | <title>[IPDB admin] Edit customer data for rWHOIS export</title>
| 15 | </head>
| 16 | <body>
| 17 | <h2>Edit customer data for rWHOIS export</h2>
| 18 | <a href="/ip/cgi-bin/admin.cgi">Back</a> to admin<br>
| 19 | <a href="/ip/cgi-bin/list-cust.php">Back</a> to WHOIS customer list
| 20 | <form action=updatecust.php method=post>
| 21 | <?
| 22 | $db_conn = pg_connect("dbname=ipdb user=ipdb password=ipdbpwd");
| 23 |
| 24 | if (!$db_conn) {
| 25 | echo ("<H1>Failed connection to db ipdb. Can't continue.</H1>");
| 26 | exit;
| 27 | }
| 28 |
| 29 | // snag form data into local vars. Not being excessively paranoid because we're
| 30 | // buried deep and this is a hack anyway.
| 31 | $newcust = $_REQUEST['newcust'];
| 32 | $custid = $_REQUEST['custid'];
| 33 |
| 34 | if ($newcust==1) {
| 35 | echo "New customer. Creating blank record in the database...\n";
| 36 | $qu = pg_exec ($db_conn, "INSERT INTO customers (custid) VALUES ('$custid')");
| 37 | }
| 38 |
| 39 | $qu = pg_exec ($db_conn, "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE custid='$custid'");
| 40 | if (!$qu) {
| 41 | echo "DB error - select on customers. Save this page and tell Kris.<BR>";
| 42 | }
| 43 |
| 44 | $data = pg_fetch_array($qu, 0);
| 45 |
| 46 | echo "<table border=2 cellpadding=2>".
| 47 | "<tr><td align=right>CustID</td><td>$data[0]<input type=hidden name=custid value=$data[0]></td></tr>\n".
| 48 | "<tr><td>Name</td><td><input name=name value=\"$data[1]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 49 | "<tr><td>Street address</td><td><input name=addr1 value=\"$data[2]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 50 | "<tr><td>Address 2</td><td><input name=addr2 value=\"$data[3]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 51 | "<tr><td>City</td><td><input name=city value=\"$data[4]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 52 | "<tr><td>Province</td><td><input name=prov value=\"$data[5]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 53 | "<tr><td>Country</td><td><input name=country value=\"$data[6]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 54 | "<tr><td>Postal code</td><td><input name=pocode value=\"$data[7]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 55 | "<tr><td>Phone</td><td><input name=phone value=\"$data[8]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 56 | "<tr><td>Tech handle</td><td><input name=tech value=\"$data[9]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 57 | "<tr><td>Abuse handle</td><td><input name=abuse value=\"$data[10]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 58 | "<tr><td>Admin handle</td><td><input name=admin value=\"$data[11]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 59 | "<tr><td>Default rDNS</td><td><input name=rdns value=\"$data[12]\"></td></tr>\n".
| 60 | "<tr><td>\"Special\"</td><td><textarea name=special rows=4 cols=40>$data[13]</textarea></td></tr>\n".
| 61 | '<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=submit value="Add/update customer data"></td></tr>'.
| 62 | "\n</table></form><br>\n";
| 63 |
| 64 | ?>
| 65 | <h3>Explanation for "Special" field:</h3>
| 66 | This is the field I've mangled into providing a custom WHOIS netname identifier for blocks tagged "SWIP".
| 67 | It may be removed later.
| 68 | <p>It's formatted like this, one line for each custom net name:
| 69 | <pre>NetName[CIDR block]: NET-NAME</pre>
| 70 | Example:
| 71 | <pre>NetName209.91.133.0/24: CYBERSUDBURY-1</pre>
| 72 | Note:
| 73 | <li>Spacing is important - there should only be ONE space, in between the colon and the net name.
| 74 | <li>The CIDR block name nust include all four octets - no short forms are accepted.
| 75 | <li>Net names must be all uppercase, and consist only of A-Z, 0-9, and - (same as for SWIPed net names).
| 76 | </body>
| 77 | </html>