Edit customer data for rWHOIS export

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Failed connection to db ipdb. Can't continue."); exit; } // snag form data into local vars. Not being excessively paranoid because we're // buried deep and this is a hack anyway. $newcust = $_REQUEST['newcust']; $custid = $_REQUEST['custid']; if ($newcust==1) { echo "New customer. Creating blank record in the database...\n"; $qu = pg_exec ($db_conn, "INSERT INTO customers (custid) VALUES ('$custid')"); } $qu = pg_exec ($db_conn, "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE custid='$custid'"); if (!$qu) { echo "DB error - select on customers. Save this page and tell Kris.
"; } $data = pg_fetch_array($qu, 0); echo "". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". ''. "\n
Street address
Address 2
Postal code
Tech handle
Abuse handle
Admin handle
Default rDNS

\n"; ?>

Explanation for "Special" field:

This is the field I've mangled into providing a custom WHOIS netname identifier for blocks tagged "SWIP". It may be removed later.

It's formatted like this, one line for each custom net name:

NetName[CIDR block]: NET-NAME
NetName209.91.133.0/24: CYBERSUDBURY-1
  • Spacing is important - there should only be ONE space, in between the colon and the net name.
  • The CIDR block name nust include all four octets - no short forms are accepted.
  • Net names must be all uppercase, and consist only of A-Z, 0-9, and - (same as for SWIPed net names).