source: branches/stable/cgi-bin/search.cgi@ 619

Last change on this file since 619 was 606, checked in by Kris Deugau, 11 years ago


Missed adding webpath to the Admin Tools link in search.cgi

  • Property svn:executable set to *
  • Property svn:keywords set to Date Rev Author
File size: 17.9 KB
2# ipdb/cgi-bin/search.cgi
3# Started splitting search functions (quick and otherwise) from
4# main IPDB interface 03/11/2005
6# SVN revision info
7# $Date: 2013-10-09 19:37:52 +0000 (Wed, 09 Oct 2013) $
[291]8# SVN revision $Rev: 606 $
[197]9# Last update by $Author: kdeugau $
[601]11# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Kris Deugau <>
13use strict;
14use warnings;
15use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
[593]16use CGI::Simple;
17use HTML::Template;
[197]18use DBI;
19use POSIX qw(ceil);
20use NetAddr::IP;
[445]22# don't remove! required for GNU/FHS-ish install from tarball
25use MyIPDB;
27# Don't formally need a username or syslog here. syslog left active for debugging.
[197]28use Sys::Syslog;
[445]29openlog "IPDBsearch","pid","$IPDB::syslog_facility";
[445]31# ... but we do *use* the username on ACLs now.
32# Collect the username from HTTP auth. If undefined, we're in
33# a test environment, or called without a username.
34my $authuser;
35if (!defined($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'})) {
36 $authuser = '__temptest';
37} else {
38 $authuser = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
[593]41# Global variables
42my $RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 25;
44# anyone got a better name? :P
45my $thingroot = $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME};
46$thingroot =~ s|cgi-bin/search.cgi||;
48# Set up the CGI object...
49my $q = new CGI::Simple;
50# ... and get query-string params as well as POST params if necessary
53# Convenience; saves changing all references to %webvar
54##fixme: tweak for handling <select multiple='y' size=3> (list with multiple selection)
55my %webvar = $q->Vars;
57if (defined($webvar{rpp})) {
58 ($RESULTS_PER_PAGE) = ($webvar{rpp} =~ /(\d+)/);
[197]61# Why not a global DB handle? (And a global statement handle, as well...)
62# Use the connectDB function, otherwise we end up confusing ourselves
63my $ip_dbh;
64my $sth;
65my $errstr;
66($ip_dbh,$errstr) = connectDB_My;
[593]67if ($ip_dbh) {
68 checkDBSanity($ip_dbh);
69 initIPDBGlobals($ip_dbh);
[593]72# Set up some globals
73$ENV{HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT} = $thingroot."templates";
[593]75my $page;
[197]76if (!defined($webvar{stype})) {
77 $webvar{stype} = "<NULL>"; #shuts up the warnings.
[601]78 $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "search/compsearch.tmpl",
79 global_vars => 1);
[593]80} else {
[601]81 $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "search/sresults.tmpl",
82 global_vars => 1);
[601]84$page->param(webpath => $IPDB::webpath);
[593]86my $header = HTML::Template->new(filename => "header.tmpl");
87$header->param(version => $IPDB::VERSION);
88$header->param(addperm => $IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /a/);
[601]89$header->param(webpath => $IPDB::webpath);
[593]90print "Content-type: text/html\n\n", $header->output;
[593]92# Handle the DB error first
93if (!$ip_dbh) {
94 $page = HTML::Template->new(filename => "dberr.tmpl");
95 $page->param(errmsg => $errstr);
96} elsif ($webvar{stype} eq 'q') {
[197]97 # Quick search.
99 if (!$webvar{input}) {
100 # No search term. Display everything.
101 viewBy('all', '');
102 } else {
103 # Search term entered. Display matches.
104 # We should really sanitize $webvar{input}, no?
105 my $searchfor;
106 # Chew up leading and trailing whitespace
107 $webvar{input} =~ s/^\s+//;
108 $webvar{input} =~ s/\s+$//;
[286]109 if ($webvar{input} =~ /^\d+$/) {
110 # All-digits, new custID
111 $searchfor = "cust";
112 } elsif ($webvar{input} =~ /^[\d\.]+(\/\d{1,3})?$/) {
[201]113 # IP addresses should only have numbers, digits, and maybe a slash+netmask
[197]114 $searchfor = "ipblock";
115 } else {
116 # Anything else.
117 $searchfor = "desc";
118 }
119 viewBy($searchfor, $webvar{input});
120 }
122} elsif ($webvar{stype} eq 'c') {
123 # Complex search.
[201]125 # Several major cases, and a whole raft of individual cases.
126 # -> Show all types means we do not need to limit records retrieved by type
127 # -> Show all cities means we do not need to limit records retrieved by city
128 # Individual cases are for the CIDR/IP, CustID, Description, Notes, and individual type
129 # requests.
[207]131 my $sqlconcat;
132 if ($webvar{which} eq 'all') {
133 # Must match *all* specified criteria. ## use INTERSECT or EXCEPT
134 $sqlconcat = "INTERSECT";
135 } elsif ($webvar{which} eq 'any') {
136 # Match on any specified criteria ## use UNION
137 $sqlconcat = "UNION";
138 } else {
[593]139 # sum-buddy tryn'a game the system. Match "all"
140 $sqlconcat = "INTERSECT";
[207]141 }
[202]143# We actually construct a monster SQL statement for all criteria.
144# Iff something has been entered, it will be used as a filter.
[208]145# Iff something has NOT been entered, we still include it but in
146# such a way that it does not actually filter anything out.
[207]148 # Columns actually returned. Slightly better than hardcoding it
149 # in each (sub)select
[605]150 my $cols = "cidr,custid,type,city,description,vrf";
[594]152 # hack fix for undefined variables
153 $webvar{custid} = '' if !$webvar{custid};
154 $webvar{desc} = '' if !$webvar{desc};
155 $webvar{notes} = '' if !$webvar{notes};
156 $webvar{custexclude} = '' if !$webvar{custexclude};
157 $webvar{descexclude} = '' if !$webvar{descexclude};
158 $webvar{notesexclude} = '' if !$webvar{notesexclude};
[207]160 # First chunk of SQL. Filter on custid, description, and notes as necessary.
[594]161 my $sql = qq(SELECT $cols FROM searchme\n);
162 $sql .= " WHERE $webvar{custexclude} (custid ~ '$webvar{custid}')\n";
163 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where $webvar{descexclude} description ~ '$webvar{desc}')\n";
164 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where $webvar{notesexclude} notes ~ '$webvar{notes}')";
[207]166 # If we're not supposed to search for all types, search for the selected types.
[594]167 $webvar{alltypes} = '' if !$webvar{alltypes};
168 $webvar{typeexclude} = '' if !$webvar{typeexclude};
[207]169 if ($webvar{alltypes} ne 'on') {
170 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where $webvar{typeexclude} type in (";
171 foreach my $key (keys %webvar) {
172 $sql .= "'$1'," if $key =~ /type\[(..)\]/;
173 }
174 chop $sql;
175 $sql .= "))";
[201]176 }
[207]178 # If we're not supposed to search for all cities, search for the selected cities.
179 # This could be vastly improved with proper foreign keys in the database.
[594]180 $webvar{allcities} = '' if !$webvar{allcities};
181 $webvar{cityexclude} = '' if !$webvar{cityexclude};
[207]182 if ($webvar{allcities} ne 'on') {
183 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where $webvar{cityexclude} city in (";
184 $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select city from cities where id=?");
185 foreach my $key (keys %webvar) {
186 if ($key =~ /city\[(\d+)\]/) {
187 $sth->execute($1);
188 my $city;
189 $sth->bind_columns(\$city);
190 $sth->fetch;
191 $city =~ s/'/''/;
192 $sql .= "'$city',";
193 }
[201]194 }
[207]195 chop $sql;
196 $sql .= "))";
[201]197 }
[207]199 ## CIDR query options.
200 $webvar{cidr} =~ s/\s+//; # Hates the nasty spaceseseses we does.
[307]201 if ($webvar{cidr} eq '') { # We has a blank CIDR. Ignore it.
[286]202 } elsif ($webvar{cidr} =~ /\//) {
[445]203 # 192.168.179/26 should show all /26 subnets in 192.168.179
[207]204 my ($net,$maskbits) = split /\//, $webvar{cidr};
205 if ($webvar{cidr} =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\/\d{2}$/) {
206 # /0->/9 are silly to worry about right now. I don't think
207 # we'll be getting a class A anytime soon. <g>
208 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where ".
[309]209 "$webvar{cidrexclude} cidr<<='$webvar{cidr}')";
[207]210 } else {
211 # Partial match; beginning of subnet and maskbits are provided
212 # Show any blocks with the leading octet(s) and that masklength
[307]213 # Need some more magic for bare /nn searches:
214 my $condition = ($net eq '' ?
215 "masklen(cidr)=$maskbits" : "text(cidr) like '$net%' and masklen(cidr)=$maskbits");
[207]216 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where $webvar{cidrexclude} ".
[307]217 "($condition))";
[207]218 }
219 } elsif ($webvar{cidr} =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/) {
220 # Specific IP address match. Will show either a single netblock,
221 # or a static pool plus an IP.
222 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where $webvar{cidrexclude} ".
223 "cidr >>= '$webvar{cidr}')";
224 } elsif ($webvar{cidr} =~ /^\d{1,3}(\.(\d{1,3}(\.(\d{1,3}\.?)?)?)?)?$/) {
225 # Leading octets in CIDR
226 $sql .= " $sqlconcat (select $cols from searchme where $webvar{cidrexclude} ".
227 "text(cidr) like '$webvar{cidr}%')";
228 } else {
[593]229 # do nothing.
230 ##fixme we'll ignore this to clear out the references to legacy code.
[207]231 } # done with CIDR query options.
[207]233 # Find the offset for multipage results
234 my $offset = ($webvar{page}-1)*$RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
[207]236 # Find out how many rows the "core" query will return.
237 my $count = countRows($sql);
[207]239 if ($count == 0) {
[593]240 $page->param(errmsg => "No matches found. Try eliminating one of the criteria,".
241 " or making one or more criteria more general.");
[207]242 } else {
243 # Add the limit/offset clauses
[357]244 $sql .= " order by cidr";
245 $sql .= " limit $RESULTS_PER_PAGE offset $offset" if $RESULTS_PER_PAGE != 0;
[207]246 # And tell the user.
247 print "<div class=heading>Searching...............</div>\n";
248 queryResults($sql, $webvar{page}, $count);
249 }
[395]251} elsif ($webvar{stype} eq 'n') {
252 # Node search.
254 my $sql = "SELECT cidr,custid,type,city,description FROM searchme".
255 " WHERE cidr IN (SELECT block FROM noderef WHERE node_id=$webvar{node})";
257 # Find the offset for multipage results
258 my $offset = ($webvar{page}-1)*$RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
260 # Find out how many rows the "core" query will return.
261 my $count = countRows($sql);
263 if ($count == 0) {
[593]264 $page->param(errmsg => "No customers currently listed as connected through this node.");
265##fixme: still get the results table header
[395]266 } else {
267 # Add the limit/offset clauses
268 $sql .= " order by cidr";
269 $sql .= " limit $RESULTS_PER_PAGE offset $offset" if $RESULTS_PER_PAGE != 0;
270 # And tell the user.
271 print "<div class=heading>Searching...............</div>\n";
272 queryResults($sql, $webvar{page}, $count);
273 }
[207]275} else { # how script was called. General case is to show the search criteria page.
[197]277# Generate table of types
278 $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select type,dispname from alloctypes where listorder <500 ".
279 "order by listorder");
280 $sth->execute;
281 my $i=0;
[593]282 my @typelist;
283 while (my ($type,$dispname) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
284 my %row = (
285 newrow => ($i % 4 == 0),
286 type => $type,
287 dispname => $dispname,
288 endrow => ($i++ % 4 == 3)
289 );
290 push @typelist, \%row;
[197]291 }
[593]292 $page->param(typelist => \@typelist);
294# Generate table of cities
295 $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select id,city from cities order by city");
296 $sth->execute;
[593]297 $i=0;
298 my @citylist;
299 while (my ($id, $city) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
300 my %row = (
301 newrow => ($i % 4 == 0),
302 id => $id,
303 city => $city,
304 endrow => ($i++ % 4 == 3)
305 );
306 push @citylist, \%row;
[197]307 }
[593]308 $page->param(citylist => \@citylist);
[593]312print $page->output;
[197]314# Shut down and clean up.
317# We print the footer here, so we don't have to do it elsewhere.
318my $footer = HTML::Template->new(filename => "footer.tmpl");
319# include the admin tools link in the output?
320$footer->param(adminlink => ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /A/));
[606]321$footer->param(webpath => $IPDB::webpath);
323print $footer->output;
[197]325# We shouldn't need to directly execute any code below here; it's all subroutines.
326exit 0;
329# viewBy()
330# The quick search
331# Takes a category descriptor and a query string
332# Creates appropriate SQL to run the search and display the results
333# with queryResults()
[594]334sub viewBy {
[197]335 my ($category,$query) = @_;
337 # Local variables
338 my $sql;
340 # Calculate start point for LIMIT clause
341 my $offset = ($webvar{page}-1)*$RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
343# Possible cases:
[207]344# 1) Partial IP/subnet. Treated as "octet-prefix".
345# 2a) CIDR subnet. Exact match.
346# 2b) CIDR netmask. YMMV but it should be octet-prefix-with-netmask
347# (ie, all matches with the octet prefix *AND* that netmask)
348# 3) Customer ID. "Match-any-segment"
349# 4) Description. "Match-any-segment"
[197]350# 5) Invalid data which might be interpretable as an IP or something, but
351# which probably shouldn't be for reasons of sanity.
[605]353 my $cols = "cidr,custid,type,city,description,vrf";
[197]355 if ($category eq 'all') {
[361]357 $sql = "select $cols from searchme";
[202]358 my $count = countRows($sql);
[197]359 $sql .= " order by cidr limit $RESULTS_PER_PAGE offset $offset";
360 queryResults($sql, $webvar{page}, $count);
[601]362 } elsif ($category eq 'cust' || $category eq 'desc') {
[593]364##fixme: this and other quick-search areas; fix up page heading title similar to first grouping above
[601]365 print qq(<div class="heading">Searching for Customer IDs or Descriptions containing '$query'</div><br>\n);
[601]367# head off the worst of SQL injection. search really needs a big rewrite...
368$query =~ s/'/''/g;
[197]369 # Query for a customer ID. Note that we can't restrict to "numeric-only"
370 # as we have non-numeric custIDs in the legacy data. :/
[605]371 $sql = "select $cols from searchme where custid ilike '%$query%'".
372 " or description ilike '%$query%' or vrf ilike '%$query%'";
[202]373 my $count = countRows($sql);
[197]374 $sql .= " order by cidr limit $RESULTS_PER_PAGE offset $offset";
375 queryResults($sql, $webvar{page}, $count);
377 } elsif ($category =~ /ipblock/) {
379 # Query is for a partial IP, a CIDR block in some form, or a flat IP.
380 print qq(<div class="heading">Searching for IP-based matches on '$query'</div><br>\n);
382 $query =~ s/\s+//g;
383 if ($query =~ /\//) {
[445]384 # 192.168.179/26 should show all /26 subnets in 192.168.179
[197]385 my ($net,$maskbits) = split /\//, $query;
386 if ($query =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\/\d{2}$/) {
387 # /0->/9 are silly to worry about right now. I don't think
388 # we'll be getting a class A anytime soon. <g>
[361]389 $sql = "select $cols from searchme where cidr='$query'";
[197]390 queryResults($sql, $webvar{page}, 1);
391 } else {
[288]392 #print "Finding all blocks with netmask /$maskbits, leading octet(s) $net<br>\n";
[197]393 # Partial match; beginning of subnet and maskbits are provided
[361]394 $sql = "select $cols from searchme where text(cidr) like '$net%' and ".
[197]395 "text(cidr) like '%$maskbits'";
[202]396 my $count = countRows($sql);
[197]397 $sql .= " order by cidr limit $RESULTS_PER_PAGE offset $offset";
398 queryResults($sql, $webvar{page}, $count);
399 }
400 } elsif ($query =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/) {
401 # Specific IP address match
[288]402 #print "4-octet pattern found; finding netblock containing IP $query<br>\n";
[197]403 my ($net,$ip) = ($query =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)(\d{1,3})/);
404 my $sfor = new NetAddr::IP $query;
[361]405 $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select $cols from searchme where text(cidr) like '$net%'");
[197]406 $sth->execute;
407 while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
408 my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $data[0];
409 if ($cidr->contains($sfor)) {
[361]410 queryResults("select $cols from searchme where cidr='$cidr'", $webvar{page}, 1);
[197]411 }
412 }
[202]413 } elsif ($query =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){1,3}\d{1,3}\.?$/) {
[288]414 #print "Finding matches with leading octet(s) $query<br>\n";
[361]415 $sql = "select $cols from searchme where text(cidr) like '$query%'";
[202]416 my $count = countRows($sql);
[197]417 $sql .= " order by cidr limit $RESULTS_PER_PAGE offset $offset";
418 queryResults($sql, $webvar{page}, $count);
419 } else {
420 # This shouldn't happen, but if it does, whoever gets it deserves what they get...
[593]421 $page->param(errmsg => "Invalid query.");
[197]422 }
423 } else {
424 # This shouldn't happen, but if it does, whoever gets it deserves what they get...
[593]425 $page->param(errmsg => "Invalid searchfor.");
[197]426 }
427} # viewBy
430# args are: a reference to an array with the row to be printed and the
431# class(stylesheet) to use for formatting.
432# if ommitting the class - call the sub as &printRow(\@array)
433sub printRow {
434 my ($rowRef,$class) = @_;
436 if (!$class) {
437 print "<tr>\n";
438 } else {
439 print "<tr class=\"$class\">\n";
440 }
442ELEMENT: foreach my $element (@$rowRef) {
443 if (!defined($element)) {
444 print "<td></td>\n";
445 next ELEMENT;
446 }
447 $element =~ s|\n|</br>|g;
448 print "<td>$element</td>\n";
449 }
450 print "</tr>";
451} # printRow
[207]454# queryResults()
455# Display search queries based on the passed SQL.
456# Takes SQL, page number (for multipage search results), and a total count.
[594]457sub queryResults {
[197]458 my ($sql, $pageNo, $rowCount) = @_;
459 my $offset = 0;
460 $offset = $1 if($sql =~ m/.*limit\s+(.*),.*/);
462 my $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare($sql);
463 $sth->execute();
[593]465 $page->param(searchtitle => "Showing all netblock and static-IP allocations");
[197]467 my $count = 0;
[593]468 my @sresults;
[605]469 while (my ($block, $custid, $type, $city, $desc, $vrf) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
[593]470 my %row = (
471 rowclass => $count++ % 2,
472 issub => ($type =~ /^.r$/ ? 1 : 0),
473 block => $block,
474 ispool => ($type =~ /^.[pd]$/ ? 1 : 0),
475 custid => $custid,
476 disptype => $disp_alloctypes{$type},
477 city => $city,
[605]478 desc => $desc,
479 vrf => $vrf,
[593]480 );
481 push @sresults, \%row;
[197]482 }
[593]483 $page->param(sresults => \@sresults);
485 # Have to think on this call, it's primarily to clean up unfetched rows from a select.
486 # In this context it's probably a good idea.
487 $sth->finish();
489 my $upper = $offset+$count;
[593]491 $page->param(resfound => $rowCount);
492 $page->param(resstart => $offset+1);
493 $page->param(resstop => $upper);
[197]495 # print the page thing..
[357]496 if ($RESULTS_PER_PAGE > 0 && $rowCount > $RESULTS_PER_PAGE) {
[593]497 $page->param(multipage => 1);
[197]498 my $pages = ceil($rowCount/$RESULTS_PER_PAGE);
[593]499 my @pagelist;
[197]500 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
[593]501 my %row;
502 $row{pgnum} = $i;
[197]503 if ($i == $pageNo) {
[593]504 $row{thispage} = 1;
[197]505 } else {
[593]506 $row{stype} = $webvar{stype};
[202]507 if ($webvar{stype} eq 'c') {
[593]508 $row{extraopts} = "cidr=$webvar{cidr}&custid=$webvar{custid}&desc=$webvar{desc}&".
[202]509 "notes=$webvar{notes}&which=$webvar{which}&alltypes=$webvar{alltypes}&".
510 "allcities=$webvar{allcities}&";
511 foreach my $key (keys %webvar) {
[309]512 if ($key =~ /^(?:type|city)\[/ || $key =~ /exclude$/) {
[593]513 $row{extraopts} .= "$key=$webvar{$key}&";
[202]514 }
515 }
516 } else {
[593]517 $row{extraopts} = "input=$webvar{input}&";
[202]518 }
[197]519 }
[593]520 push @pagelist, \%row;
[197]521 }
[593]522 $page->param(pgnums => \@pagelist);
[197]523 }
[197]525} # queryResults
528# Prints table headings. Accepts any number of arguments;
529# each argument is a table heading.
530sub startTable {
531 print qq(<center><table width="98%" cellspacing="0" class="center"><tr>);
533 foreach(@_) {
534 print qq(<td class="heading">$_</td>);
535 }
536 print "</tr>\n";
537} # startTable
[202]540# Return count of rows to be returned in a "real" query
541# with the passed SQL statement
[594]542sub countRows {
[202]543 # Note that the "as foo" is required
544 my $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from ($_[0]) as foo");
[197]545 $sth->execute();
546 my @a = $sth->fetchrow_array();
547 $sth->finish();
548 return $a[0];
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.