1 | #!/usr/bin/perl
2 | # Quick sort of hack to populate new columns in DB
3 |
4 | use strict;
5 | use warnings;
6 | use Data::Dumper;
7 |
8 | # push "the directory the script is in" into @INC
9 | use FindBin;
10 | use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/";
11 |
12 | use MyIPDB;
13 |
14 | # run the tabledef update first. This is "safe"; IPDB < 3.0 can still happily munch away at it.
15 | ##fixme
16 | my $sqlcmd = "PGPASSWORD=".dbpass()." psql -h ".dbhost()." -U ".dbuser()." ".dbname()." <ipdb-2.7-3.0.sql";
17 | print qx { $sqlcmd };
18 |
19 | my $dbh;
20 | my $errstr;
21 | ($dbh,$errstr) = connectDB_My;
22 | my $verbose = 0;
23 |
24 | die "db conn failed: $errstr\n" if !$dbh;
25 |
26 | initIPDBGlobals($dbh);
27 |
28 | local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
29 | local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
30 |
31 | eval {
32 |
33 | my $get_id = $dbh->prepare("SELECT currval('allocations_id_seq')");
34 |
35 | # master blocks move to the allocations table
36 | my $getm = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cidr,ctime,mtime,rwhois FROM masterblocks");
37 | my $insm = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO allocations (cidr,type,vrf,createstamp,modifystamp,swip,custid) VALUES (?,'mm','DEFAULT',?,?,?,?)");
38 |
39 | # routed blocks move to the allocations table
40 | my $getr = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cidr,city FROM routed WHERE cidr <<= ?");
41 | my $insr = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO allocations (cidr,type,city,parent_id,custid) VALUES (?,'rm',?,?,?)");
42 | my $rfree = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE freeblocks SET parent_id = ?, routed='m' WHERE cidr <<= ? AND routed='y'");
43 |
44 | # update freeblocks with new parent relation info
45 | my $mfree = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE freeblocks SET parent_id = ?, routed='m' WHERE cidr <<= ? AND routed='n'");
46 | my $setm_f = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE freeblocks SET master_id = ? WHERE cidr <<= ?");
47 | my $cfree = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE freeblocks SET parent_id = ?, routed='c' WHERE cidr <<= ?");
48 |
49 | # update allocations with new parent relation info
50 | my $getc = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cidr,type,id FROM allocations WHERE cidr <<= ? AND type LIKE '_c'");
51 | my $setm_a = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE allocations SET master_id = ? WHERE cidr <<= ?");
52 | my $updalloc = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE allocations SET parent_id = ? WHERE cidr <<= ? AND NOT (type='rm' OR type='mm')");
53 | my $updc = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE allocations SET parent_id = ? WHERE cidr <<= ? AND type LIKE '_r'");
54 |
55 | # update poolips with new parent relation info
56 | my $getp = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cidr,id,master_id FROM allocations WHERE type LIKE '_d' OR type LIKE '_p'");
57 | my $updpool = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE poolips SET parent_id = ?, master_id = ? WHERE ip << ?");
58 |
59 | # "spare" freeblocks that are technically part of a container, but whose formal container parent
60 | # isn't actually present. Arguably these could autoconvert the parent to a container, but IIRC
61 | # in some cases live data has a mix of types in a container. *sigh*.
62 | my $sparef = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cidr,id FROM freeblocks WHERE parent_id = 0");
63 | my $fparent = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE freeblocks SET parent_id = ".
64 | "(SELECT id FROM allocations WHERE cidr >>= ? ORDER BY masklen(cidr) DESC LIMIT 1)".
65 | " WHERE id = ?");
66 |
67 | # Need to disable the update trigger on the allocations and poolips tables,
68 | # so we don't mangle the real mtimes on the data.
69 | $dbh->do("DROP TRIGGER up_modtime ON allocations");
70 | $dbh->do("DROP TRIGGER up_modtime ON poolips");
71 |
72 | $getm->execute;
73 | while (my ($master,$mctime,$mmtime,$mswip) = $getm->fetchrow_array()) {
74 | print "$master\t";
75 | # copy master to allocations table
76 | $insm->execute($master, $mctime, $mmtime, $mswip, $def_custids{'mm'});
77 | $get_id->execute;
78 | my ($mid) = $get_id->fetchrow_array();
79 | print "$mid\n";
80 | # parent relation for free blocks directly under the master
81 | $mfree->execute($mid, $master);
82 |
83 | $getr->execute($master);
84 | while (my ($routed,$rcity) = $getr->fetchrow_array()) {
85 | print " $routed\t";
86 | # copy routed to allocations table
87 | $insr->execute($routed, $rcity, $mid, $def_custids{'rm'});
88 | $get_id->execute;
89 | my ($rid) = $get_id->fetchrow_array();
90 | print "$rid\n";
91 | # parent relation for free blocks directly under the routed block
92 | $rfree->execute($rid, $routed);
93 | # parent relation for allocations in the routed block
94 | $updalloc->execute($rid, $routed);
95 | $getc->execute($routed);
96 | while (my ($container, $ctype, $cid) = $getc->fetchrow_array()) {
97 | print " $container";
98 | # container blocks are now functionally equivalent to routed blocks;
99 | # update the parent relations on the contained blocks to treat the
100 | # container as the parent, not the routed block
101 | $updc->execute($cid, $container);
102 | my $c = $cfree->execute($cid, $container);
103 | }
104 | }
105 | # Just In Case. Bulk-set the master ID on all allocations, then freeblocks,
106 | # within the master. This could theoretically be merged into the updates
107 | # above, but edge cases kept happening.
108 | $setm_a->execute($mid, $master);
109 | $setm_f->execute($mid, $master);
110 | }
111 |
112 | # Update poolips with new parent and master relation info
113 | $getp->execute();
114 | while (my ($pool, $pid, $pmaster) = $getp->fetchrow_array()) {
115 | $updpool->execute($pid, $pmaster, $pool);
116 | }
117 |
118 | # clean up "spare" freeblocks from formally-incorrect use of container types
119 | $sparef->execute();
120 | while (my ($free, $fid) = $sparef->fetchrow_array()) {
121 | $fparent->execute($free, $fid)
122 | }
123 |
124 | if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] == 'fetchdns') {
125 | # weesa gotsa BIIIIG job, gotta fetch all the current rDNS. note this relies
126 | # on having had the DNS data imported and munged into the new pseudotypes.
127 | # ... never mind. this will be opportunistic, since DNS data isn't viewed
128 | # unless adding (not present, we should hope!) or updating (where it should
129 | # be retrieved from the authoritative API in real time)
130 | }
131 |
132 | # Recreate modtime trigger on allocations, now that we're done monkeying with it.
133 | $dbh->do("CREATE TRIGGER up_modtime BEFORE UPDATE ON allocations FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE up_modtime()");
134 | $dbh->do("CREATE TRIGGER up_modtime BEFORE UPDATE ON poolips FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE up_modtime()");
135 |
136 | $dbh->commit;
137 | }; # all wrapped up in an eval{} so we can roll it all back when we want to
138 | if ($@) {
139 | print "ebbeh? $@\n";
140 | }