1 | <html><head><title>Manual munging for allocated blocks</title></head><body>
2 | <?php
3 | /* edit-alloc.php
4 | ** Quick hack to allow manual editing of data in postgres:ipdb:allocations table
5 | ** 07/13/2004 kdeugau@vianet
6 | */
7 | // include '../header.inc';
8 |
9 | print "<a href=manual.htm>Manual munging</a><br>\n";
10 |
11 | $dbh = pg_connect("dbname=ipdb user=ipdb password=ipdbpwd");
12 |
13 | /* Since there are so many records in this table, we'll only display 50 at a time.
14 | ** We want to remember where we were without complex CGI variable-passing or other
15 | ** headaches, so we just stuff it in the db. <g>
16 | */
17 |
18 | if (!isset($ofs)) {
19 | $qu = pg_exec($dbh, "select * from temp");
20 | if (pg_NumRows($qu) == 0) {
21 | print "Using default limit";
22 | $ofs = 0;
23 | } else {
24 | $data = pg_fetch_array($qu, 0);
25 | $ofs = $data[0];
26 | print "Limit $ofs found";
27 | }
28 | } else {
29 | print "Passed limit $ofs in CGI<br>\n";
30 | $qu = pg_exec("delete from temp");
31 | $qu = pg_exec("insert into temp values ($ofs)");
32 | }
33 |
34 | ?>
35 | <table>
36 | <form action="add-alloc.php" method=POST>
37 | <tr><td>CIDR route:</td><td><input name=cidr></td></tr>
38 | <tr><td>CustID:</td><td><input name=custid></td></tr>
39 | <td>Alloc type:</td><td><input name=alloctype value=cn></td></tr>
40 | <td>City:</td><td><input name=city></td></tr>
41 | <td>Description:</td><td><input name=desc></td></tr>
42 | <td>Notes:</td><td><input name=notes></td></tr>
43 | <tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit value="Add entry"></td></tr>
44 | </form>
45 | </table>
46 |
47 | <?
48 | $qu = pg_exec($dbh, "select count(*) from allocations");
49 | $data = pg_fetch_array($qu,0);
50 | $nrows = $data[0];
51 |
52 | $ofnum = (integer) ($nrows / 50);
53 | for ($i=0; $i<=$ofnum; $i++) {
54 | print '<a href="edit-alloc.php?ofs='. ($i*50) .'">'."$i</a> - ";
55 | }
56 | ?>
57 |
58 | <table border=1 cellspacing=2>
59 | <tr><td>CIDR allocation</td><td>CustID</td><td>Alloc type</td><td>City</td><td>Description</td><td>Notes</td></tr>
60 | <?
61 | $qu = pg_exec($dbh, "select * from allocations order by cidr limit 50 offset $ofs");
62 |
63 | $row = 0;
64 | for ($row=0; $row < pg_NumRows($qu); $row++) {
65 | $data = pg_fetch_array($qu, $row);
66 | print "<form action=upd-alloc.php method=POST>".
67 | "<tr><td>$data[0]<input type=hidden name=cidr value='$data[0]'></td>".
68 | "<td><input name=custid value='$data[1]' size=15></td>".
69 | "<td><input name=alloctype value='$data[2]' size=5></td>".
70 | "<td><input name=city value='$data[3]'></td>".
71 | "<td><input name=desc value='$data[4]'></td>".
72 | "<td><input name=notes value='$data[5]'></td>".
73 | "<td><input type=submit value='Update'></td></tr></form>\n";
74 | }
75 | ?>
76 | </table>
77 | <?
78 | // include '../footer.inc';
79 | ?>
80 | </body></html>