#!/usr/bin/perl # Import data from old IPDB to new DB # Started 06/29/04 kdeugau@vianet #use warnings; #use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/; use DBI; #use DBD::Pg; #use CommonWeb qw/:ALL/; #use POSIX qw/ceil/; use NetAddr::IP; #use strict; $null = new NetAddr::IP ""; # Hardcode the masters because it's too messy and slow to # snag them programmatically *EVERY TIME* @masters = ((new NetAddr::IP ""), (new NetAddr::IP ""), (new NetAddr::IP ""), (new NetAddr::IP ""), (new NetAddr::IP ""), (new NetAddr::IP ""), (new NetAddr::IP ""), (new NetAddr::IP ""), ); # First step: Slurp up data to find "master" blocks my $DSN = "DBI:mysql:ipdb"; my $user = 'root'; my $pw = ''; $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN, $user, $pw) || return undef if(!$dbh); $newdbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=ipdb", "ipdb", ""); $i=0; $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from blocks where netmask !='/32' and netmask !='/31'"); $sth->execute; CIDR: while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array) { # data contains ipclass,netmask,subnet,city,custid,name,swip,description,notes $cidr = new NetAddr::IP "$data[0].$data[2]$data[1]"; $sth2 = $newdbh->prepare("select count(*) from allocations where cidr='$cidr'"); $sth2->execute; if ($sth2->err) { print "err on $cidr ($data[4], $data[5]): ".$sth2->errstr."\n"; } @data = $sth2->fetchrow_array; if ($data[0] ne '1') { print "$cidr not found in allocations"; $sth2 = $newdbh->prepare("select count(*) from freeblocks where cidr='$cidr'"); $sth2->execute; @data = $sth2->fetchrow_array; if ($data[0] eq '1') { print "\t...but found in freeblocks.\n"; } else { print "\t...and not found in freeblocks.\n"; } } $i++; }