# ipdb/cgi-bin/main.cgi
# Started munging from noc.vianet's old IPDB 04/22/2004
# SVN revision info
# $Date: 2010-05-12 20:10:04 +0000 (Wed, 12 May 2010) $
# SVN revision $Rev: 406 $
# Last update by $Author: kdeugau $
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
use CommonWeb qw(:ALL);
use MyIPDB;
use CustIDCK;
use POSIX qw(ceil);
use NetAddr::IP;
use Sys::Syslog;
openlog "IPDB","pid","local2";
# Collect the username from HTTP auth. If undefined, we're in
# a test environment, or called without a username.
my $authuser;
if (!defined($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'})) {
$authuser = '__temptest';
} else {
$authuser = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
syslog "debug", "$authuser active, $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";
# Why not a global DB handle? (And a global statement handle, as well...)
# Use the connectDB function, otherwise we end up confusing ourselves
my $ip_dbh;
my $sth;
my $errstr;
($ip_dbh,$errstr) = connectDB_My;
if (!$ip_dbh) {
exitError("Database error: $errstr\n");
# Headerize! Make sure we replace the $$EXTRA0$$ bit as needed.
printHeader('', ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /a/ ?
Add new assignment' : ''
# Global variables
my %webvar = parse_post();
if(!defined($webvar{action})) {
$webvar{action} = ""; #shuts up the warnings.
if($webvar{action} eq 'index') {
} elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'addmaster') {
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} !~ /a/) {
printError("You shouldn't have been able to get here. Access denied.");
} else {
open HTML, "<../addmaster.html";
print while ;
} elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'newmaster') {
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} !~ /a/) {
printError("You shouldn't have been able to get here. Access denied.");
} else {
my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $webvar{cidr};
print "
Adding $cidr as master block....
my ($code,$msg) = addMaster($ip_dbh, $webvar{cidr});
if ($code eq 'FAIL') {
carp "Transaction aborted because $msg";
syslog "err", "Could not add master block '$webvar{cidr}' to database: '$msg'";
printError("Could not add master block $webvar{cidr} to database: $msg");
} else {
print "
syslog "info", "$authuser added master block $webvar{cidr}";
} # ACL check
} # end add new master
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'showmaster') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'showrouted') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'listpool') {
# Not modified or added; just shuffled
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'assign') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'confirm') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'insert') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'edit') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'update') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'delete') {
elsif($webvar{action} eq 'finaldelete') {
elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'nodesearch') {
open HTML, "<../nodesearch.html";
my $html = join('',);
close HTML;
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT node_id, node_name FROM nodes ORDER BY node_type,node_id");
$sth->execute() or print "DEBUG: failed retrieval from nodes: ".$sth->errstr," \n";
my $nodes = '';
while (my ($nid,$nname) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$nodes .= "\n";
$html =~ s/\$\$NODELIST\$\$/$nodes/;
print $html;
# Default is an error. It shouldn't be possible to easily get here.
# The only way I can think of offhand is to just call main.cgi bare-
# which is not in any way guaranteed to provide anything useful.
else {
my $rnd = rand 500;
my $boing = sprintf("%.2f", rand 500);
my @excuses = ("Aether cloudy. Ask again later.","The gods are unhappy with your sacrifice.",
"Because one of it's legs are both the same", "*wibble*",
"Hey! Stop pushing my buttons!", "I ain't done nuttin'", "9",
"8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17");
printAndExit("Error $boing: ".$excuses[$rnd/30.0]);
## Finally! Done with that NASTY "case" emulation!
# Clean up IPDB globals, DB handle, etc.
print qq(
if $IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /A/;
# We print the footer here, so we don't have to do it elsewhere.
# Just in case something waaaayyy down isn't in place
# properly... we exit explicitly.
# args are: a reference to an array with the row to be printed and the
# class(stylesheet) to use for formatting.
# if ommitting the class - call the sub as &printRow(\@array)
sub printRow {
my ($rowRef,$class) = @_;
if (!$class) {
print "
} else {
print "
ELEMENT: foreach my $element (@$rowRef) {
if (!defined($element)) {
print "
$element =~ s|\n||g;
print "
print "
} # printRow
# Prints table headings. Accepts any number of arguments;
# each argument is a table heading.
sub startTable {
print qq(
foreach(@_) {
print qq(
print "
} # startTable
# Initial display: Show master blocks with total allocated subnets, total free subnets
sub showSummary {
startTable('Master netblock', 'Routed netblocks', 'Allocated netblocks',
'Free netblocks', 'Largest free block');
my %allocated;
my %free;
my %routed;
my %bigfree;
# Count the allocations.
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from allocations where cidr <<= ?");
foreach my $master (@masterblocks) {
# Count routed blocks
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from routed where cidr <<= ?");
foreach my $master (@masterblocks) {
# Count the free blocks.
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from freeblocks where cidr <<= ? and ".
"(routed='y' or routed='n')");
foreach my $master (@masterblocks) {
# Find the largest free block in each master
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select maskbits from freeblocks where cidr <<= ? and ".
"(routed='y' or routed='n') order by maskbits limit 1");
foreach my $master (@masterblocks) {
# Print the data.
my $count=0;
foreach my $master (@masterblocks) {
my @row = ("$master",
$routed{"$master"}, $allocated{"$master"}, $free{"$master"},
( ($bigfree{"$master"} eq '') ? ("<NONE>") : ("/".$bigfree{"$master"}) )
printRow(\@row, 'color1' ) if($count%2==0);
printRow(\@row, 'color2' ) if($count%2!=0);
print "
print "Note: Free blocks noted here include both routed and unrouted blocks.\n";
} # showSummary
# Display detail on master
# Alrighty then! We're showing routed blocks within a single master this time.
# We should be able to steal code from showSummary(), and if I'm really smart
# I'll figger a way to munge the two together. (Once I've done that, everything
# else should follow. YMMV.)
sub showMaster {
print qq(
Summarizing routed blocks for ).
my %allocated;
my %free;
my %routed;
my %bigfree;
my $master = new NetAddr::IP $webvar{block};
my @localmasters;
# Fetch only the blocks relevant to this master
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select cidr,city from routed where cidr <<= '$master' order by cidr");
my $i=0;
while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $data[0];
$localmasters[$i++] = $cidr;
$free{"$cidr"} = 0;
$allocated{"$cidr"} = 0;
$bigfree{"$cidr"} = 128;
# Retain the routing destination
$routed{"$cidr"} = $data[1];
# Check if there were actually any blocks routed from this master
if ($i > 0) {
startTable('Routed block','Routed to','Allocated blocks',
'Free blocks','Largest free block');
# Count the allocations
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from allocations where cidr <<= ?");
foreach my $master (@localmasters) {
# Count the free blocks.
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from freeblocks where cidr <<= ? and ".
"(routed='y' or routed='n')");
foreach my $master (@localmasters) {
# Get the size of the largest free block
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select maskbits from freeblocks where cidr <<= ? and ".
"(routed='y' or routed='n') order by maskbits limit 1");
foreach my $master (@localmasters) {
# Print the data.
my $count=0;
foreach my $master (@localmasters) {
my @row = ("$master",
$routed{"$master"}, $allocated{"$master"},
( ($bigfree{"$master"} eq 128) ? ("<NONE>") : ("/".$bigfree{"$master"}) )
printRow(\@row, 'color1' ) if($count%2==0);
printRow(\@row, 'color2' ) if($count%2!=0);
} else {
# If a master block has no routed blocks, then by definition it has no
# allocations, and can be deleted.
print qq(
No allocations in ).
($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /d/ ?
\n) :
} # end check for existence of routed blocks in master
print qq(\n\n).
Unrouted blocks in $master:
# Snag the free blocks.
my $count = 0;
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select cidr from freeblocks where cidr <<='$master' and ".
"routed='n' order by cidr");
while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $data[0];
my @row = ("$cidr", $cidr->range);
printRow(\@row, 'color1' ) if($count%2==0);
printRow(\@row, 'color2' ) if($count%2!=0);
print "\n";
} # showMaster
# Display details of a routed block
# Alrighty then! We're showing allocations within a routed block this time.
# We should be able to steal code from showSummary() and showMaster(), and if
# I'm really smart I'll figger a way to munge all three together. (Once I've
# done that, everything else should follow. YMMV.
# This time, we check the database before spewing, because we may
# not have anything useful to spew.
sub showRBlock {
my $master = new NetAddr::IP $webvar{block};
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select city from routed where cidr='$master'");
my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
print qq(
Summarizing allocated blocks for ).
qq($master ($data[0]):
startTable('CIDR allocation','Customer Location','Type','CustID','SWIPed?','Description/Name');
# Snag the allocations for this block
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select cidr,city,type,custid,swip,description".
" from allocations where cidr <<= '$master' order by cidr");
# hack hack hack
# set up to flag swip=y records if they don't actually have supporting data in the customers table
my $custsth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from customers where custid=?");
my $count=0;
while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# cidr,city,type,custid,swip,description, as per the SELECT
my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $data[0];
# Clean up extra spaces that are borking things.
# $data[2] =~ s/\s+//g;
my ($ncust) = $custsth->fetchrow_array();
# Prefix subblocks with "Sub "
my @row = ( (($data[2] =~ /^.r$/) ? 'Sub ' : '').
$data[1], $disp_alloctypes{$data[2]}, $data[3],
($data[4] eq 'y' ? ($ncust == 0 ? 'Yes*' : 'Yes') : 'No'), $data[5]);
# If the allocation is a pool, allow listing of the IPs in the pool.
if ($data[2] =~ /^.[pd]$/) {
$row[0] .= ' List IPs";
printRow(\@row, 'color1') if ($count%2 == 0);
printRow(\@row, 'color2') if ($count%2 != 0);
print "\n";
# If the routed block has no allocations, by definition it only has
# one free block, and therefore may be deleted.
if ($count == 0) {
print qq(
startTable('CIDR block','Range');
# Snag the free blocks. We don't really *need* to be pedantic about avoiding
# unrouted free blocks, but it's better to let the database do the work if we can.
$count = 0;
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select cidr,routed from freeblocks where cidr <<= '$master'".
" order by cidr");
while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# cidr,routed
my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $data[0];
# Include some HairyPerl(TM) to prefix subblocks with "Sub "
my @row = ((($data[1] ne 'y' && $data[1] ne 'n') ? 'Sub ' : '').
($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /a/ ? qq($cidr) : $cidr),
printRow(\@row, 'color1') if ($count%2 == 0);
printRow(\@row, 'color2') if ($count%2 != 0);
print "\n";
} # showRBlock
# List the IPs used in a pool
sub listPool {
my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $webvar{pool};
my ($pooltype,$poolcity);
# Snag pool info for heading
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select type,city from allocations where cidr='$cidr'");
$sth->bind_columns(\$pooltype, \$poolcity);
$sth->fetch() || carp $sth->errstr;
print qq(
Listing pool IPs for $cidr \n).
qq(($disp_alloctypes{$pooltype} in $poolcity)
# Only display net/gw/bcast if it's a "real" netblock and not a PPP(oE) lunacy
if ($pooltype =~ /^.d$/) {
print qq(
Reserved IPs: \n);
print qq(
Network IP:
print "
$cidr--; $cidr--;
print "
# probably have to add an "edit IP allocation" link here somewhere.
startTable('IP','Customer ID','Available?','Description','');
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select ip,custid,available,description,type".
" from poolips where pool='$webvar{pool}' order by ip");
my $count = 0;
while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
# pool,ip,custid,city,ptype,available,notes,description,circuitid
# ip,custid,available,description,type
# If desc is "null", make it not null.
if ($data[3] eq '') {
$data[3] = ' ';
# Some nice hairy Perl to decide whether to allow unassigning each IP
# -> if $data[2] (aka poolips.available) == 'n' then we print the unassign link
# else we print a blank space
my @row = ( qq($data[0]),
( (($data[2] eq 'n') && ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /d/)) ?
("Unassign this IP") :
(" ") )
printRow(\@row, 'color1') if($count%2==0);
printRow(\@row, 'color2') if($count%2!=0);
print "\n";
} # end listPool
# Show "Add new allocation" page. Note that the actual page may
# be one of two templates, and the lists come from the database.
sub assignBlock {
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} !~ /a/) {
printError("You shouldn't have been able to get here. Access denied.");
my $html;
# New special case- block to assign is specified
if ($webvar{block} ne '') {
open HTML, "../fb-assign.html"
or croak "Could not open fb-assign.html: $!";
$html = join('',);
close HTML;
my $block = new NetAddr::IP $webvar{block};
$html =~ s|\$\$BLOCK\$\$|$block|g;
$html =~ s|\$\$MASKBITS\$\$|$block->masklen|;
my $typelist = '';
# This is a little dangerous, as it's *theoretically* possible to
# get fbtype='n' (aka a non-routed freeblock). However, should
# someone manage to get there, they get what they deserve.
if ($webvar{fbtype} ne 'y') {
# Snag the type of the block from the database. We have no
# convenient way to pass this in from the calling location. :/
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select type from allocations where cidr >>='$block'");
my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
$data[0] =~ s/c$/r/; # Munge the type into the correct form
$typelist = "$list_alloctypes{$data[0]}\n";
} else {
$typelist .= qq(\n";
$html =~ s|\$\$TYPELIST\$\$|$typelist|g;
} else {
open HTML, "../assign.html"
or croak "Could not open assign.html: $!";
$html = join('',);
close HTML;
my $masterlist = "\n";
$html =~ s|\$\$MASTERLIST\$\$|$masterlist|g;
my $pops = '';
foreach my $pop (@poplist) {
$pops .= "\n";
$html =~ s|\$\$POPLIST\$\$|$pops|g;
my $typelist = '';
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select type,listname from alloctypes where listorder < 900 order by listorder");
my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
$typelist .= "\n";
while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$typelist .= "\n";
$html =~ s|\$\$TYPELIST\$\$|$typelist|g;
my $cities = '';
foreach my $city (@citylist) {
$cities .= "\n";
$html =~ s|\$\$ALLCITIES\$\$|$cities|g;
## node hack
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT node_id, node_name FROM nodes ORDER BY node_type,node_id");
$sth->execute() or print "DEBUG: failed retrieval from nodes: ".$sth->errstr," \n";
my $nodes = '';
while (my ($nid,$nname) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$nodes .= "\n";
$html =~ s/\$\$NODELIST\$\$/$nodes/;
## end node hack
my $i = 0;
$i++ if $webvar{fbtype} eq 'y';
# Check to see if user is allowed to do anything with sensitive data
my $privdata = '';
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /s/) {
$privdata = qq(
Restricted data:
$html =~ s/\$\$PRIVDATA\$\$/$privdata/g;
$i = $i % 2;
$html =~ s/\$\$BUTTONROWCOLOUR\$\$/color$i/;
print $html;
} # assignBlock
# Take info on requested IP assignment and see what we can provide.
sub confirmAssign {
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} !~ /a/) {
printError("You shouldn't have been able to get here. Access denied.");
my $cidr;
my $alloc_from;
# Going to manually validate some items.
# custid and city are automagic.
return if !validateInput();
# Several different cases here.
# Static IP vs netblock
# + Different flavours of static IP
# + Different flavours of netblock
if ($webvar{alloctype} =~ /^.i$/) {
my ($base,undef) = split //, $webvar{alloctype}; # split into individual chars
my ($sql,$city);
# Check for pools in Subury, North Bay, or Toronto if DSL or server pool.
# Anywhere else is invalid and shouldn't be in the db in the first place.
# ... aside from #^%#$%#@#^%^^!!!! legacy data. GRRR.
# Note that we want to retain the requested city to relate to customer info.
if ($base =~ /^[ds]$/) {
$city = "(allocations.city='Sudbury' or allocations.city='North Bay' or ".
} else {
$city = "allocations.city='$webvar{pop}'";
# Ewww. But it works.
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT (SELECT city FROM allocations WHERE cidr=poolips.pool), ".
"poolips.pool, COUNT(*) FROM poolips,allocations WHERE poolips.available='y' AND ".
"poolips.pool=allocations.cidr AND $city AND poolips.type LIKE '".$base."_' ".
"GROUP BY pool");
my $optionlist;
while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
# city,pool cidr,free IP count
if ($data[2] > 0) {
$optionlist .= "\n";
$cidr = "Single static IP";
$alloc_from = "\n";
} else { # end show pool options
if ($webvar{fbassign} eq 'y') {
$cidr = new NetAddr::IP $webvar{block};
$webvar{maskbits} = $cidr->masklen;
} else { # done with direct freeblocks assignment
if (!$webvar{maskbits}) {
printError("Please specify a CIDR mask length.");
my $sql;
my $city;
my $failmsg;
my $extracond = '';
if ($webvar{allocfrom} eq '-') {
$extracond = ($webvar{allowpriv} eq 'on' ? '' :
" and not (cidr <<= ''".
" or cidr <<= ''".
" or cidr <<= '')");
my $sortorder;
if ($webvar{alloctype} eq 'rm') {
if ($webvar{allocfrom} ne '-') {
$sql = "select * from freeblocks where maskbits<=$webvar{maskbits} and routed='n'".
" and cidr <<= '$webvar{allocfrom}'";
$sortorder = "maskbits desc";
} else {
$sql = "select * from freeblocks where maskbits<=$webvar{maskbits} and routed='n'";
$sortorder = "maskbits desc";
$failmsg = "No suitable free block found. \nWe do not have a free".
" routeable block of that size. \nYou will have to either route".
" a set of smaller netblocks or a single smaller netblock.";
} else {
# This section needs serious Pondering.
# Pools of most types get assigned to the POP they're "routed from"
# This includes WAN blocks and other netblock "containers"
# This does NOT include cable pools.
if ($webvar{alloctype} =~ /^.[pc]$/) {
if (($webvar{city} !~ /^(Sudbury|North Bay|Toronto)$/) && ($webvar{alloctype} eq 'dp')) {
printError("You must chose Sudbury, North Bay, or Toronto for DSL pools.");
$city = $webvar{city};
$failmsg = "No suitable free block found. \nYou will have to route another".
" superblock from one of the \nmaster blocks in Sudbury or chose a smaller".
" block size for the pool.";
} else {
$city = $webvar{pop};
$failmsg = "No suitable free block found. \nYou will have to route another".
" superblock to $webvar{pop} \nfrom one of the master blocks in Sudbury or".
" chose a smaller blocksize.";
if (defined $webvar{allocfrom} && $webvar{allocfrom} ne '-') {
$sql = "select cidr from freeblocks where city='$city' and maskbits<=$webvar{maskbits}".
" and cidr <<= '$webvar{allocfrom}' and routed='".
(($webvar{alloctype} =~ /^(.)r$/) ? "$1" : 'y')."'";
$sortorder = "maskbits desc,cidr";
} else {
$sql = "select cidr from freeblocks where city='$city' and maskbits<=$webvar{maskbits}".
" and routed='".(($webvar{alloctype} =~ /^(.)r$/) ? "$1" : 'y')."'";
$sortorder = "maskbits desc,cidr";
$sql = $sql.$extracond." order by ".$sortorder;
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare($sql);
my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array();
if ($data[0] eq "") {
$cidr = new NetAddr::IP $data[0];
} # check for freeblocks assignment or IPDB-controlled assignment
$alloc_from = qq($cidr);
# If the block to be allocated is smaller than the one we found,
# figure out the "real" block to be allocated.
if ($cidr->masklen() ne $webvar{maskbits}) {
my $maskbits = $cidr->masklen();
my @subblocks;
while ($maskbits++ < $webvar{maskbits}) {
@subblocks = $cidr->split($maskbits);
$cidr = $subblocks[0];
} # if ($webvar{alloctype} =~ /^.i$/)
open HTML, "../confirm.html"
or croak "Could not open confirm.html: $!";
my $html = join '', ;
close HTML;
## node hack
if ($webvar{node} && $webvar{node} ne '-') {
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT node_name FROM nodes WHERE node_id=?");
my ($nodename) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
$html =~ s/\$\$NODENAME\$\$/$nodename/;
$html =~ s/\$\$NODEID\$\$/$webvar{node}/;
} else {
$html =~ s/\$\$NODENAME\$\$//;
$html =~ s/\$\$NODEID\$\$//;
## end node hack
### gotta fix this in final
# Stick in customer info as necessary - if it's blank, it just ends
# up as blank lines ignored in the rendering of the page
my $custbits;
$html =~ s|\$\$CUSTBITS\$\$|$custbits|g;
# Stick in the allocation data
$html =~ s|\$\$ALLOC_TYPE\$\$|$webvar{alloctype}|g;
$html =~ s|\$\$TYPEFULL\$\$|$disp_alloctypes{$webvar{alloctype}}|g;
$html =~ s|\$\$ALLOC_FROM\$\$|$alloc_from|g;
$html =~ s|\$\$CIDR\$\$|$cidr|g;
$webvar{city} = desanitize($webvar{city});
$html =~ s|\$\$CITY\$\$|$webvar{city}|g;
$html =~ s|\$\$CUSTID\$\$|$webvar{custid}|g;
$webvar{circid} = desanitize($webvar{circid});
$html =~ s|\$\$CIRCID\$\$|$webvar{circid}|g;
$webvar{desc} = desanitize($webvar{desc});
$html =~ s|\$\$DESC\$\$|$webvar{desc}|g;
$webvar{notes} = desanitize($webvar{notes});
$html =~ s|\$\$NOTES\$\$|$webvar{notes}|g;
$html =~ s|\$\$ACTION\$\$|insert|g;
my $i=1;
# Check to see if user is allowed to do anything with sensitive data
my $privdata = '';
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /s/) {
$privdata = qq(
Restricted data:
# We're going to abuse $$PRIVDATA$$ to stuff in some stuff for billing.
$privdata .= "\n"
if $webvar{userid};
$html =~ s/\$\$PRIVDATA\$\$/$privdata/g;
$i = $i % 2;
$html =~ s/\$\$BUTTONROWCOLOUR\$\$/color$i/;
print $html;
} # end confirmAssign
# Do the work of actually inserting a block in the database.
sub insertAssign {
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} !~ /a/) {
printError("You shouldn't have been able to get here. Access denied.");
# Some things are done more than once.
return if !validateInput();
if (!defined($webvar{privdata})) {
$webvar{privdata} = '';
# $code is "success" vs "failure", $msg contains OK for a
# successful netblock allocation, the IP allocated for static
# IP, or the error message if an error occurred.
my ($code,$msg) = allocateBlock($ip_dbh, $webvar{fullcidr}, $webvar{alloc_from},
$webvar{custid}, $webvar{alloctype}, $webvar{city}, $webvar{desc}, $webvar{notes},
$webvar{circid}, $webvar{privdata}, $webvar{node});
if ($code eq 'OK') {
if ($webvar{alloctype} =~ /^.i$/) {
$msg =~ s|/32||;
print qq(
The IP $msg has been allocated to customer $webvar{custid}
# mailNotify('nocmgr@example.com',"ADDED: $disp_alloctypes{$webvar{alloctype}} allocation",
# "$disp_alloctypes{$webvar{alloctype}} $webvar{fullcidr} allocated to customer $webvar{custid}\n".
# "Description: $webvar{desc}\n\nAllocated by: $authuser\n");
syslog "notice", "$authuser allocated '$webvar{fullcidr}' to '$webvar{custid}' as ".
"'$webvar{alloctype}' ($msg)";
} else {
syslog "err", "Allocation of '$webvar{fullcidr}' to '$webvar{custid}' as ".
"'$webvar{alloctype}' by $authuser failed: '$msg'";
printError("Allocation of $webvar{fullcidr} as '$disp_alloctypes{$webvar{alloctype}}'".
" failed: \n$msg\n");
} # end insertAssign()
# Does some basic checks on common input data to make sure nothing
# *really* weird gets in to the database through this script.
# Does NOT do complete input validation!!!
sub validateInput {
if ($webvar{city} eq '-') {
printError("Please choose a city.");
# Alloctype check.
chomp $webvar{alloctype};
if (!grep /$webvar{alloctype}/, keys %disp_alloctypes) {
# Danger! Danger! alloctype should ALWAYS be set by a dropdown. Anyone
# managing to call things in such a way as to cause this deserves a cryptic error.
printError("Invalid alloctype");
# CustID check
# We have different handling for customer allocations and "internal" or "our" allocations
if ($def_custids{$webvar{alloctype}} eq '') {
if (!$webvar{custid}) {
printError("Please enter a customer ID.");
if ($webvar{custid} !~ /^(?:\d{10}|\d{7}|STAFF)(?:-\d\d?)?$/) {
# Force uppercase for now...
$webvar{custid} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
# Crosscheck with billing.
my $status = CustIDCK->custid_exist($webvar{custid});
if ($CustIDCK::Error) {
printError("Error verifying customer ID: ".$CustIDCK::ErrMsg);
if (!$status) {
printError("Customer ID not valid. Make sure the Customer ID ".
"is correct. \nUse STAFF for staff static IPs, and 6750400 for any other ".
"non-customer assignments.");
#"Please enter a valid customer ID- this must be a 7- or 10-digit number, or STAFF for
#static IPs for staff.");
# print "\n";
} else {
# New! Improved! And now Loaded From The Database!!
if ((!$webvar{custid}) || ($webvar{custid} ne 'STAFF')) {
$webvar{custid} = $def_custids{$webvar{alloctype}};
# Check POP location
my $flag;
if ($webvar{alloctype} eq 'rm') {
$flag = 'for a routed netblock';
foreach (@poplist) {
if (/^$webvar{city}$/) {
$flag = 'n';
} else {
$flag = 'n';
if ($webvar{alloctype} =~ /[wp][cr]|[ds][pi]/) {
# Set this forcibly rather than messing around elsewhere. Yes, this *is* a hack. PTHBTT!!
$webvar{pop} = 'Sudbury';
if ($webvar{pop} =~ /^-$/) {
$flag = 'to route the block from/through';
if ($flag ne 'n') {
printError("Please choose a valid POP location $flag. Valid ".
"POP locations are currently: \n".join (" - ", @poplist));
return 'OK';
} # end validateInput
# Displays details of a specific allocation in a form
# Allows update/delete
# action=edit
sub edit {
my $sql;
# Two cases: block is a netblock, or block is a static IP from a pool
# because I'm lazy, we'll try to make the SELECT's bring out identical)ish) data
if ($webvar{block} =~ /\/32$/) {
$sql = "select ip,custid,type,city,circuitid,description,notes,modifystamp,privdata,oldcustid from poolips where ip='$webvar{block}'";
} else {
$sql = "select cidr,custid,type,city,circuitid,description,notes,modifystamp,privdata,oldcustid,swip from allocations where cidr='$webvar{block}'"
# gotta snag block info from db
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare($sql);
my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
# Clean up extra whitespace on alloc type
$data[2] =~ s/\s//;
open (HTML, "../editDisplay.html")
or croak "Could not open editDisplay.html :$!";
my $html = join('', );
# We can't let the city be changed here; this block is a part of
# a larger routed allocation and therefore by definition can't be moved.
# block and city are static.
# Needs thinking. Have to allow changes to city to correct errors, no?
$html =~ s/\$\$BLOCK\$\$/$webvar{block}/g;
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /c/) {
$html =~ s/\$\$CUSTID\$\$//;
# Screw it. Changing allocation types gets very ugly VERY quickly- especially
# with the much longer list of allocation types.
# We'll just show what type of block it is.
# this has now been Requested, so here goes.
##fixme The check here should be built from the database
if ($data[2] =~ /^.[ne]$/) {
# Block that can be changed
my $blockoptions = "\n";
$html =~ s/\$\$TYPESELECT\$\$/$blockoptions/g;
} else {
$html =~ s/\$\$TYPESELECT\$\$/$disp_alloctypes{$data[2]}/g;
## node hack
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT node_id FROM noderef WHERE block='$webvar{block}'");
my ($nodeid) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
if ($nodeid) {
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT node_id, node_name FROM nodes ORDER BY node_type,node_id");
$sth->execute() or print "DEBUG: failed retrieval from nodes: ".$sth->errstr," \n";
my $nodes = "\n";
$html =~ s/\$\$NODE\$\$/$nodes/;
} else {
if ($data[2] eq 'fr' || $data[2] eq 'bi') {
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT node_id, node_name FROM nodes ORDER BY node_type,node_id");
$sth->execute() or print "DEBUG: failed retrieval from nodes: ".$sth->errstr," \n";
my $nodes = "\n";
$html =~ s/\$\$NODE\$\$/$nodes/;
} else {
$html =~ s|\$\$NODE\$\$|N/A|;
## end node hack
$html =~ s/\$\$OLDCUSTID\$\$/$data[9]/g;
$html =~ s/\$\$CITY\$\$//g;
$html =~ s/\$\$CIRCID\$\$//g;
$html =~ s/\$\$DESC\$\$//g;
$html =~ s|\$\$NOTES\$\$||g;
} else {
## node hack
if ($data[2] eq 'fr' || $data[2] eq 'bi') {
$sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("SELECT node_name FROM nodes INNER JOIN noderef".
" ON nodes.node_id=noderef.node_id WHERE noderef.block='$webvar{block}'");
$sth->execute() or print "DEBUG: failed retrieval from nodes: ".$sth->errstr," \n";
my ($node) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
$html =~ s/\$\$NODE\$\$/$node/;
} else {
$html =~ s|\$\$NODE\$\$|N/A|;
## end node hack
$html =~ s/\$\$CUSTID\$\$/$data[1]/g;
$html =~ s/\$\$OLDCUSTID\$\$/$data[9]/g;
$html =~ s/\$\$TYPESELECT\$\$/$disp_alloctypes{$data[2]}/g;
$html =~ s/\$\$CITY\$\$/$data[3]/g;
$html =~ s/\$\$CIRCID\$\$/$data[4]/g;
$html =~ s/\$\$DESC\$\$/$data[5]/g;
$html =~ s/\$\$NOTES\$\$/$data[6]/g;
my ($lastmod,undef) = split /\s+/, $data[7];
$html =~ s/\$\$LASTMOD\$\$/$lastmod/g;
## Hack time! SWIP isn't going to stay, so I'm not going to integrate it with ACLs.
if ($data[2] =~ /.i/) {
$html =~ s/\$\$SWIP\$\$/N\/A/;
} else {
my $tmp = (($data[10] eq 'n') ? '' :
$html =~ s/\$\$SWIP\$\$/$tmp/;
# Allows us to "correctly" colour backgrounds in table
my $i=1;
# Check to see if we can display sensitive data
my $privdata = '';
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /s/) {
$privdata = qq(
Restricted data:
$html =~ s/\$\$PRIVDATA\$\$/$privdata/g;
# More ACL trickery - we can live with forms that don't submit,
# but we can't leave the extra table rows there, and we *really*
# can't leave the submit buttons there.
my $updok = '';
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /c/) {
$updok = qq(
$html =~ s/\$\$UPDOK\$\$/$updok/g;
my $delok = '';
if ($IPDBacl{$authuser} =~ /d/) {
$delok = qq(