#!/usr/bin/perl # ipdb/cgi-bin/newnode.cgi # Add new wifi tower or fibre demarc switch ("node") to database ### # SVN revision info # $Date: 2024-08-02 15:49:45 +0000 (Fri, 02 Aug 2024) $ # SVN revision $Rev: 952 $ # Last update by $Author: kdeugau $ ### # Copyright (C) 2010 - Kris Deugau use strict; use warnings; #use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI::Simple; use HTML::Template; use DBI; #use POSIX qw(ceil); use NetAddr::IP; use Sys::Syslog; # don't remove! required for GNU/FHS-ish install from tarball ##uselib## # push "the directory the script is in" into @INC use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/"; use MyIPDB; openlog "IPDB","pid","$IPDB::syslog_facility"; # Collect the username from HTTP auth. If undefined, we're in a test environment. my $authuser; if (!defined($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'})) { $authuser = '__temptest'; } else { $authuser = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}; } # Set up the CGI object... my $q = new CGI::Simple; # ... and get query-string params as well as POST params if necessary $q->parse_query_string; # Convenience; saves changing all references to %webvar ##fixme: tweak for handling