1 | #!/usr/bin/perl
2 | # XMLRPC interface to IPDB search
3 | # Copyright (C) 2017 Kris Deugau <kdeugau@deepnet.cx>
4 |
5 | use strict;
6 | use warnings;
7 |
8 | use DBI;
9 | use NetAddr::IP;
10 | use FCGI;
11 | use Frontier::Responder;
12 |
13 | use Sys::Syslog;
14 |
15 | # don't remove! required for GNU/FHS-ish install from tarball
16 | ##uselib##
17 |
18 | # push "the directory the script is in" into @INC
19 | use FindBin;
20 | use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/";
21 |
22 | use MyIPDB;
23 | use CustIDCK;
24 |
25 | openlog "IPDB-search-rpc","pid","$IPDB::syslog_facility";
26 |
27 | ##fixme: username source? can we leverage some other auth method?
28 | # we don't care except for logging here, and Frontier::Client needs
29 | # a patch that's not well-distributed to use HTTP AUTH.
30 |
31 | # Collect the username from HTTP auth. If undefined, we're in
32 | # a test environment, or called without a username.
33 | my $authuser;
34 | if (!defined($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'})) {
35 | $authuser = '__temptest';
36 | } else {
37 | $authuser = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
38 | }
39 |
40 | # Why not a global DB handle? (And a global statement handle, as well...)
41 | # Use the connectDB function, otherwise we end up confusing ourselves
42 | my $ip_dbh;
43 | my $sth;
44 | my $errstr;
45 | ($ip_dbh,$errstr) = connectDB_My;
46 | initIPDBGlobals($ip_dbh);
47 |
48 | my $methods = {
49 | 'ipdb.search' => \&rpc_search,
50 | };
51 |
52 | my $reqcnt = 0;
53 |
54 | my $req = FCGI::Request();
55 |
56 | # main FCGI loop.
57 | while ($req->Accept() >= 0) {
58 | # done here to a) prevent $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} from being empty and b) to collect
59 | # the right user for the individual call (since we may be running with FCGI)
60 | syslog "debug", "$authuser active, $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}";
61 |
62 | # don't *think* we need any of these...
63 | # %disp_alloctypes, %def_custids, %list_alloctypes
64 | # @citylist, @poplist
65 | # @masterblocks, %allocated, %free, %bigfree, %routed (removed in /trunk)
66 | # %IPDBacl
67 | #initIPDBGlobals($ip_dbh);
68 |
69 | my $res = Frontier::Responder->new(
70 | methods => $methods
71 | );
72 |
73 | # "Can't do that" errors
74 | if (!$ip_dbh) {
75 | print "Content-type: text/xml\n\n".$res->{_decode}->encode_fault(5, $DBI::errstr);
76 | } else {
77 | print $res->answer;
78 | }
79 | last if $reqcnt++ > $IPDB::maxfcgi;
80 | } # while FCGI::accept
81 |
82 | exit 0;
83 |
84 |
85 | ##
86 | ## Private subs
87 | ##
88 |
89 | # Check RPC ACL
90 | sub _aclcheck {
91 | my $subsys = shift;
92 | return 1 if grep /$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}/, @{$IPDB::rpcacl{$subsys}};
93 | warn "$subsys/$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} not in ACL\n"; # a bit of logging
94 | return 0;
95 | }
96 |
97 | sub _commoncheck {
98 | my $argref = shift;
99 | my $needslog = shift;
100 |
101 | die "Missing remote system name\n" if !$argref->{rpcsystem};
102 | die "Access denied\n" if !_aclcheck($argref->{rpcsystem});
103 | if ($needslog) {
104 | die "Missing remote username\n" if !$argref->{rpcuser};
105 | }
106 | }
107 |
108 | # stripped-down copy from from main.cgi. should probably be moved to IPDB.pm
109 | sub _validateInput {
110 | my $argref = shift;
111 |
112 | if (!$argref->{block}) {
113 | $argref->{block} = $argref->{cidr} if $argref->{cidr};
114 | die "Block/IP is required\n" if !$argref->{block};
115 | }
116 |
117 | # Alloctype check.
118 | chomp $argref->{type};
119 |
120 | die "Invalid allocation type\n" if (!grep /$argref->{type}/, keys %disp_alloctypes);
121 |
122 | # Arguably not quite correct, as the custID won't be checked for
123 | # validity if there's a default on the type.
124 | if ($def_custids{$argref->{type}} eq '') {
125 | # Types without a default custID must have one passed in
126 | die "Customer ID is required\n" if !$argref->{custid};
127 | # Crosscheck with billing.
128 | my $status = CustIDCK->custid_exist($argref->{custid});
129 | die "Error verifying customer ID: $CustIDCK::ErrMsg\n" if $CustIDCK::Error;
130 | die "Customer ID not valid\n" if !$status;
131 | } else {
132 | # Types that have a default will use it unless one is specified.
133 | if ((!$argref->{custid}) || ($argref->{custid} ne 'STAFF')) {
134 | $argref->{custid} = $def_custids{$argref->{type}};
135 | }
136 | }
137 | } # end validateInput()
138 |
139 |
140 | ##
141 | ## RPC method subs
142 | ##
143 |
144 | sub rpc_search {
145 | my %args = @_;
146 |
147 | _commoncheck(\%args);
148 |
149 | my @fields;
150 | my @vals;
151 | my @matchtypes;
152 |
153 | my %mt = (
154 | EXACT => '=',
155 | EQUAL => '=',
156 | NOT => '!~', # text only?
157 | # CIDR options
158 | MASK => 'MASK',
159 | WITHIN => '<<=',
160 | CONTAINS => '>>=',
161 | );
162 |
163 | if ($args{type}) {
164 | # assume alloctype class if we only get one letter
165 | $args{type} = "_$args{type}" if $args{type} =~ /^.$/;
166 | my $notflag = '';
167 | if ($args{type} =~ /^NOT:/) {
168 | $args{type} =~ s/^NOT://;
169 | $notflag = 'NOT ';
170 | }
171 | if ($args{type} =~ /\./) {
172 | $args{type} =~ s/\./_/;
173 | push @matchtypes, $notflag.'LIKE';
174 | } else {
175 | push @matchtypes, ($notflag ? '<>' : '=');
176 | }
177 | push @fields, 's.type';
178 | push @vals, $args{type};
179 | }
180 |
181 | ## CIDR query options.
182 | if ($args{cidr}) {
183 | $args{cidr} =~ s/^\s*(.+)\s*$/$1/g;
184 | # strip matching type substring, if any - only applies to full-CIDR
185 | my ($mnote) = $args{cidr} =~ /^(\w+):/;
186 | $args{cidr} =~ s/^$mnote:// if $mnote;
187 |
188 | if ($args{cidr} eq '') { # We has a blank CIDR. Ignore it.
189 | } elsif ($args{cidr} =~ /\//) {
190 | my ($net,$maskbits) = split /\//, $args{cidr};
191 | if ($args{cidr} =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\/\d{2}$/) {
192 | # Full CIDR match.
193 | push @fields, 's.cidr';
194 | push @vals, $args{cidr};
195 | if ($mnote =~ /(EQUAL|EXACT|CONTAINS|WITHIN)/) {
196 | push @matchtypes, $mt{$1};
197 | } else { # default to exact match
198 | push @matchtypes, '=';
199 | }
200 | } elsif ($args{cidr} =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){2}\d{1,3}\/\d{2}$/) {
201 | # Partial match; beginning of subnet and maskbits are provided
202 | # Show any blocks with the leading octet(s) and that masklength
203 | # eg 192.168.179/26 should show all /26 subnets in 192.168.179
204 | # Need some more magic for bare /nn searches:
205 | push @fields, 's.cidr','masklen(s.cidr)';
206 | push @vals, "$net.0/24", $maskbits;
207 | push @matchtypes, '<<=','=';
208 | }
209 | } elsif ($args{cidr} =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/) {
210 | # Specific IP address match. Will show the parent chain down to the final allocation.
211 | push @fields, 's.cidr';
212 | push @vals, $args{cidr};
213 | push @matchtypes, '>>=';
214 | } elsif ($args{cidr} =~ /^\d{1,3}(\.(\d{1,3}(\.(\d{1,3}\.?)?)?)?)?$/) {
215 | # 1, 2, or 3 leading octets in CIDR
216 | push @fields, 'text(s.cidr)';
217 | push @vals, "$args{cidr}\%";
218 | push @matchtypes, 'LIKE'; # hmm
219 | } else {
220 | # do nothing.
221 | ##fixme we'll ignore this to clear out the references to legacy code.
222 | } # done with CIDR query options.
223 |
224 | } # args{cidr}
225 |
226 | foreach my $sfield (qw(custid description notes city) ) {
227 | if ($args{$sfield}) {
228 | push @fields, "s.$sfield";
229 | if ($args{$sfield} =~ /^(EXACT|NOT):/) {
230 | push @matchtypes, $mt{$1};
231 | $args{$sfield} =~ s/^$1://;
232 | } else {
233 | push @matchtypes, '~*';
234 | }
235 | push @vals, $args{$sfield};
236 | }
237 | }
238 |
239 | if ($args{parent_id}) {
240 | # parent_id is always exact. default to positive match
241 | if ($args{parent_id} =~ /^NOT:/) {
242 | $args{parent_id} =~ s/^NOT://;
243 | push @matchtypes, '<>';
244 | } else {
245 | push @matchtypes, '=';
246 | }
247 | push @fields, 's.parent_id';
248 | push @vals, $args{parent_id};
249 | }
250 |
251 | # Filter on "available", because we can.
252 | if ($args{available} && $args{available} =~ /^[yn]$/) {
253 | push @fields, "s.available";
254 | push @matchtypes, '=';
255 | push @vals, $args{available};
256 | }
257 |
258 | my $cols = "s.cidr, s.custid, s.type, s.city, s.description, s.id, s.parent_id, s.available, a.vrf, at.dispname";
259 |
260 | # Validation and SQL field name mapping all in one!
261 | my %validcols = (cidr => 's.cidr', custid => 's.custid', oldcustid => 's.oldcustid', type => 's.type', city => 's.city',
262 | description => 's.description', notes => 's.notes', circuitid => 's.circuitid', vrf => 'a.vrf', vlan => 's.vlan',
263 | id => 's.id', parent_id => 's.parent_id', master_id => 's.master_id', available => 's.available');
264 | my @usercols;
265 |
266 | if ($args{retfields}) {
267 | # caller wants a custom set of returned fields
268 | if (ref($args{retfields}) eq ref([])) {
269 | # field list passed as list/array
270 | foreach (@{$args{retfields}}) {
271 | push @usercols, $validcols{$_} if $validcols{$_};
272 | }
273 | } elsif (not ref $args{retfields}) {
274 | # field list passed as simple string
275 | foreach (split /\s+/, $args{retfields}) {
276 | push @usercols, $validcols{$_} if $validcols{$_};
277 | }
278 | } else {
279 | # nonfatal fail. only accepts array or string. fall back to default list
280 | }
281 | }
282 |
283 | # only replace the default set if a custom set was passed in
284 | $cols = join ', ', @usercols if @usercols;
285 |
286 | my $sql = qq(SELECT $cols FROM searchme s JOIN alloctypes at ON s.type = at.type JOIN allocations a ON s.master_id=a.id);
287 | my @sqlcriteria;
288 | for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#fields; $i++) {
289 | push @sqlcriteria, "$fields[$i] $matchtypes[$i] ?";
290 | }
291 | $sql .= " WHERE ".join(' AND ', @sqlcriteria) if @sqlcriteria;
292 |
293 | # multifield sorting!
294 | if ($args{order}) {
295 | my @ordfields = split /,/, $args{order};
296 | # there are probably better ways to do this
297 | my %omap = (cidr => 's.cidr', net => 's.cidr', network => 's.cidr', ip => 's.cidr',
298 | custid => 's.custid', type => 's.type', city => 's.city',
299 | desc => 's.description', description => 's.description');
300 | my @ordlist;
301 | # only pass sort field values from the list of acceptable field names or aliases as per %omap
302 | foreach my $ord (@ordfields) {
303 | push @ordlist, $omap{$ord}
304 | if grep /^$ord$/, (keys %omap);
305 | }
306 | if (@ordlist) {
307 | $sql .= " ORDER BY ". join(',', @ordlist);
308 | }
309 | }
310 |
311 | my $result = $ip_dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, {Slice=>{}}, @vals);
312 | die $ip_dbh->errstr if !$result;
313 |
314 | return $result;
315 | } # rpc_search()
316 |
317 |
318 | __END__
319 |
320 | =pod
321 |
322 | =head1 IPDB XMLRPC Search
323 |
324 | This is a general-purpose search API for IPDB. It is currently being extended based on requirements from other tools needing to
325 | search for data in IPDB.
326 |
327 | It supports one XMLRPC sub, "search".
328 |
329 | The calling URL for this API should end with "/search-rpc.cgi". If you are doing many requests, you should use the FastCGI variant
330 | with .fcgi instead of .cgi.
331 |
332 | =head2 Calling conventions
333 |
334 | IPDB RPC services use "XMLRPC", http://xmlrpc.com, for data exchange.
335 |
336 | Arguments are passed in as a key-value list, and data is returned as an array of hashes in some form.
337 |
338 | =over 4
339 |
340 | =item Perl
341 |
342 | use Frontier::Client;
343 | my $server = Frontier::Client->new(
344 | url => "http://server/path/search-rpc.cgi",
345 | );
346 | my %args = (
347 | rpcsystem => 'somesystem',
348 | rpcuser => 'someuser',
349 | arg1 => 'val1',
350 | arg2 => 'val2',
351 | );
352 | my $result = $server->call('ipdb.search', %args);
353 |
354 | =item Python 2
355 |
356 | import xmlrpclib
357 | server = xmlrpclib.Server("http://server/path/search-rpc.cgi")
358 | result = server.ipdb.search(
359 | 'rpcsystem', 'comesystems',
360 | 'rpcuser', 'someuser',
361 | 'arg1', 'val1',
362 | 'arg2', 'val2',
363 | )
364 |
365 | =item Python 3
366 |
367 | import xmlrpc.client
368 | server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://server/path/search-rpc.cgi")
369 | result = server.ipdb.search(
370 | 'rpcsystem', 'somesystem',
371 | 'rpcuser', 'someuser',
372 | 'arg1', 'val1',
373 | 'arg2', 'val2',
374 | )
375 |
376 | =back
377 |
378 | =head3 Standard arguments
379 |
380 | The C<rpcsystem> argument is required, and C<rpcuser> is strongly recommended as it may be used for access control in some future
381 | updates.
382 |
383 | C<rpcsystem> must match a configuration entry in the IPDB configuration, and a given string may only be used from an IP listed under
384 | that configuration entry.
385 |
386 | =head2 Search fields and metaoperators
387 |
388 | Not all fields are exposed for search. For most purposes these should be sufficient.
389 |
390 | Most fields support EXACT: or NOT: prefixes on the search term to restrict the matches.
391 |
392 | =over 4
393 |
394 | =item cidr
395 |
396 | A full or partial CIDR network or IP address. Valid formats include:
397 |
398 | =over 4
399 |
400 | =item Complete CIDR network, eg
401 |
402 | Returns an exact match for the passed CIDR network.
403 |
404 | If prefixed with "CONTAINS:", the containing netblocks up to the master block
405 | will also be returned.
406 |
407 | If prefixed with "WITHIN:", any suballocations in that IP range will be returned.
408 |
409 | =item Partial/short CIDR specification with mask length, eg 192.168.3/27
410 |
411 | Returns all /27 assignments within
412 |
413 | =item Partial/short CIDR specification, eg 192.168.4
414 |
415 | Returns all assignments matching that leading partial string. Note that 192.168.4 will also return through
416 | as well as the obvious
417 |
418 | =item Bare IP address with no mask, eg
419 |
420 | Returns all assignments containing that IP.
421 |
422 | =back
423 |
424 | =item custid
425 |
426 | Match on a customer ID. Defaults to a partial match.
427 |
428 | =item type
429 |
430 | Match the two-character internal allocation type identifier.
431 |
432 | Defaults to an exact match. Replace the first character with a dot or underscore, or leave it off, to match all subtypes of a
433 | class; eg .i will return all types of static IP assignments.
434 |
435 | A full list of current allocation types is available from the main RPC API's getTypeList sub.
436 |
437 | =item city
438 |
439 | Matches in the city string.
440 |
441 | =item description
442 |
443 | Matches in the description string.
444 |
445 | =item notes
446 |
447 | Matches in the notes field.
448 |
449 | =item available
450 |
451 | Only useful for static IPs. For historic and architectural reasons, unallocated static IPs are included in general search results.
452 | Specify 'y' or 'n' to return only unallocated or allocated static IPs respectively.
453 |
454 | To search for a free block, use the main RPC API's listFree or findAllocateFrom subs.
455 |
456 | =item parent_id
457 |
458 | Restrict to allocations in the given parent.
459 |
460 | =item order
461 |
462 | Sort order specification. Send a string of comma-separated field names for subsorting. Valid sort fields are cidr, custid, type,
463 | city, and description.
464 |
465 | =item fields
466 |
467 | Specify the fields to return from the search. By default, these are returned:
468 |
469 | =over 4
470 |
471 | cidr
472 | custid
473 | type
474 | city
475 | description
476 | id
477 | parent_id
478 | available
479 | vrf
480 | dispname (the "display name" for the type)
481 |
482 | =back
483 |
484 | The following are available from this interface:
485 |
486 | =over 4
487 |
488 | cidr
489 | custid
490 | oldcustid
491 | type
492 | city
493 | description
494 | notes
495 | circuitid
496 | vrf
497 | vlan
498 | id
499 | parent_id
500 | master_id
501 | available
502 |
503 | =back
504 |
505 | The list may be sent as a space-separated string or as an array. Unknown field names will be ignored.
506 |
507 | =back