1 | <hr>
2 | <div>WARNING: There are FAR fewer controls on what you can do here. Use the
3 | main interface if at all possible.</div>
4 | <hr>
5 | <form action="admin.cgi" method="POST"><fieldset><legend class="noshow"> </legend>
6 |
7 | <input type="hidden" name="action" value="alloc">
8 | Allocate block/IP: <input name="cidr"> as
9 | <select name="alloctype">
10 | <TMPL_LOOP NAME=typelist><option value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=type>"<TMPL_IF sel> selected</TMPL_IF>><TMPL_VAR NAME=listname></option>
11 | </TMPL_LOOP>
12 | </select>
13 | to <input name="custid">
14 | <input type="submit" value=" GIMME!! ">
15 | </fieldset></form>
16 |
17 | <hr>
18 | <form action="admin.cgi" method="POST"><fieldset><legend class="noshow"> </legend>
19 | <input type="hidden" name="action" value="alloctweak">
20 | Manually update allocation data in this /24: <input name="allocfrom">
21 | <input type="submit" value="Show allocations">
22 | </fieldset></form>
23 |
24 | <hr>
25 | <div>
26 | rWHOIS tools:
27 | <form action="admin.cgi" method="POST"><fieldset><legend class="noshow"> </legend>
28 | <input type="hidden" name="action" value="touch">
29 | Bump "last updated" timestamp on this master:
30 | <select name="whichmaster">
31 | <TMPL_LOOP NAME=masterlist><option value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=id>"><TMPL_VAR NAME=master><TMPL_IF vrf>:<TMPL_VAR NAME=vrf></TMPL_IF> (<TMPL_VAR NAME=mtime>)</option>
32 | </TMPL_LOOP>
33 | </select>
34 | <input type="submit" value="Update timestamp"> (Sets timestamp to "now")
35 | </fieldset></form>
36 |
37 | <a href="admin.cgi?action=listcust">Edit customer data for rWHOIS</a> - data used for
38 | blocks with the SWIP box checkmarked. Links to edit/add data are on this page.
39 | </div>
40 |
41 | <hr>
42 | <div>
43 | Show allocations for this demarc node:
44 | <form action="admin.cgi" method="POST">
45 | <fieldset>
46 | <input type="hidden" name="action" value="nodereport">
47 | <select name="node">
48 | <option value="--">--</option>
49 | <TMPL_LOOP nodelist><option value="<TMPL_VAR node_id>"<TMPL_IF selected> selected="selected"</TMPL_IF>><TMPL_VAR node_name></option>
50 | </TMPL_LOOP>
51 | </select>
52 | <input type="submit" value="Show">
53 | </fieldset></form>
54 | </div>
55 |
56 | <hr>
57 | <div>
58 | <a href="admin.cgi?action=showpools">List IP Pools</a> for manual tweaking and updates
59 | </div>
60 |
61 | <hr>
62 | <div>
63 | <a href="admin.cgi?action=showusers">Manage users</a> (add/remove users; change
64 | internal access controls - note that this does NOT include IP-based limits)<br>
65 | <a href="admin.cgi?action=emailnotice">Manage email notice options</a> (pick which events
66 | and allocation types cause notifications; configure recipient lists for notices)
67 | </div>
68 |
69 | <hr>
70 | <div>
71 | Consistency check tools<br>
72 | <a href="consistency-check.pl">General</a>: Check general netblock consistency.<br>
73 |
74 | <a href="freespace.pl">Free space</a>: List total and aggregate free space. Does not
75 | include private networks (,,
76 | </div>