1 | <TMPL_IF err>
2 | <div class="regular err">
3 | <p><TMPL_VAR NAME=err></p>
4 | <input type="button" value="Back" onclick="history.go(-1)">
5 | </div>
7 |
8 | <div class="indent">
9 | <form method="POST" action="<TMPL_VAR NAME=webpath>/cgi-bin/main.cgi">
10 | <fieldset><legend class="noshow"> </legend>
11 | <input type="hidden" name="action" value="confmerge">
12 | <input type="hidden" name="block" value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=block>">
13 | <TMPL_IF ismaster>
14 | <input type="hidden" name="alloctype" value="mm">
15 | <input type="hidden" name="scope" value="mergepeer">
16 | </TMPL_IF>
17 |
18 | <table class="regular altrows" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
19 | <tr class="heading">
20 | <td colspan="2">Merge/extend allocation(s)
21 | <TMPL_IF ispool>
22 | <div style="float:right;"><a href="<TMPL_VAR NAME=webpath>/cgi-bin/main.cgi?action=listpool&pool=<TMPL_VAR NAME=block>">List IPs</a></div>
23 | </TMPL_IF>
24 | </td>
25 | </tr>
26 | <tr>
27 | <td>Current netblock:</td>
28 | <td><TMPL_VAR NAME=oldblock> (<TMPL_VAR NAME=oldtype>)</td>
29 | </tr>
30 | <tr>
31 | <td>Enter new netmask:</td>
32 | <td>/<input name="newmask" size="5"></td>
33 | </tr>
34 |
35 | <TMPL_UNLESS ismaster>
36 | <tr>
37 | <td>Select type for new merged allocation:</td>
38 | <td>
39 | <select name="alloctype">
40 | <TMPL_LOOP name=typelist>
41 | <option value="<TMPL_VAR NAME=type>"<TMPL_IF sel> selected</TMPL_IF>><TMPL_VAR NAME=listname></option></TMPL_LOOP>
42 | </select>
43 | </td>
44 | </tr>
45 | <tr>
46 | <td colspan="2" class="warning">
47 | Warning: Selecting "Customer netblock", "End-use netblock", or "Internal netblock"<br>
48 | as the target type will result in the loss of suballocation entries from the current allocations.<br>
49 | Selecting an IP pool type will attempt to retain suballocation data by<br>
50 | flagging consecutive IPs as "used" to match usage allocations.
51 | </td>
52 | </tr>
53 | <tr>
54 | <td>Merge scope:<br>(new or existing container types only)</td>
55 | <td>
56 | <input type="radio" name="scope" value="keepall"><TMPL_VAR NAME=vis_keepall><br>
57 | <input type="radio" name="scope" value="mergepeer" checked="checked"><TMPL_VAR NAME=vis_mergepeer><br>
58 | <input type="radio" name="scope" value="clearpeer"><TMPL_VAR NAME=vis_clearpeer><br>
59 | <input type="radio" name="scope" value="clearall"><TMPL_VAR NAME=vis_clearall>
60 | </td>
61 | </tr>
62 |
63 | <TMPL_ELSE>
64 | <tr>
65 | <td colspan="2" class="warning">All suballocations will be preserved when merging master blocks</td>
66 | </tr>
68 |
69 | <tr>
70 | <td class="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value=" Show merge details "></td>
71 | </tr>
72 | </table>
73 | </fieldset>
74 | </form>
75 | </div>
76 |
77 | </TMPL_IF>