03/17/05 13:28:03 (20 years ago)
Kris Deugau


Backport admin.cgi update from /trunk r199
Add Billing Gateway check for customer IDs

1 edited


  • branches/stable/cgi-bin/admin.cgi

    r158 r200  
    33# Hack interface to make specific changes to IPDB that (for one reason
    44# or another) can't be made through the main interface.
    67# SVN revision info
    1617use DBI;
    1718use CommonWeb qw(:ALL);
    18 use IPDB qw(:ALL);
     19use MyIPDB;
     20use CustIDCK;
    1921#use POSIX qw(ceil);
    2022use NetAddr::IP;
    4244syslog "debug", "$authuser active";
     46# Why not a global DB handle?  (And a global statement handle, as well...)
     47# Use the connectDB function, otherwise we end up confusing ourselves
     48my $ip_dbh;
     49my $sth;
     50my $errstr;
     51($ip_dbh,$errstr) = connectDB_My;
     52if (!$ip_dbh) {
     53  printAndExit("Database error: $errstr\n");
    4457my %webvar = parse_post();
    47 my %full_alloc_types = (
    48         "ci","Cable pool IP",
    49         "di","DSL pool IP",
    50         "si","Server pool IP",
    51         "mi","Static dialup IP",
    52         "wi","Static wireless IP",
    53         "cp","Cable pool",
    54         "dp","DSL pool",
    55         "sp","Server pool",
    56         "mp","Static dialup pool",
    57         "wp","Static wireless pool",
    58         "dn","Dialup netblock",
    59         "dy","Dynamic DSL netblock",
    60         "dc","Dynamic cable netblock",
    61         "cn","Customer netblock",
    62         "ee","End-use netblock",
    63         "rr","Routed netblock",
    64         "ii","Internal netblock",
    65         "mm","Master block"
    66 );
    68 my $ip_dbh = connectDB;
    69 my $sth;
    7160print "Content-type: text/html\n\n".
    72         "<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>TEST [IPDB admin tools] TEST</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n".
     61        "<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>TEST [IPDB admin tools] TEST</title>\n".
     62        qq(\t<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ip/ipdb.css">\n).
     63        "</head>\n<body>\n".
    7364        "<h2>IPDB - Administrative Tools</h2>\n<hr>\n";
    7566if(!defined($webvar{action})) {
    7667  $webvar{action} = "<NULL>";   #shuts up the warnings.
     69  my $typelist = '';
     70  $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select type,listname from alloctypes where listorder < 900 order by listorder");
     71  $sth->execute;
     72  my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
     73  $typelist .= "<option value='$data[0]' selected>$data[1]</option>\n";
     74  while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
     75    $typelist .= "<option value='$data[0]'>$data[1]</option>\n";
     76  }
    7778  print qq(WARNING:  There are FAR fewer controls on what you can do here.  Use the
    7879main interface if at all possible.
    79 <hr><form action="admin.cgi" method="POST">
     81<a href="admin.cgi?action=newalloc">Add allocation</a>
     83<form action="admin.cgi" method="POST">
    8084<input type=hidden name=action value=alloc>
    81 Allocate block from this /24: <input name=allocfrom>
    82 <input type=submit value="List available free blocks">
    83 </form>
     85Allocate block/IP: <input name=cidr> as <select name=alloctype>$typelist</select> to <input name=custid>
     86<input type=submit value=" GIMME!! "></form>
    8487<hr><form action="admin.cgi" method="POST">
    8588<input type=hidden name=action value=alloctweak>
    8689Manually update allocation data in this /24: <input name=allocfrom>
    8790<input type=submit value="Show allocations">
     92<hr><a href="admin.cgi?action=showpools">List IP Pools</a> for manual tweaking and updates
    8994} else {
     99## Possible actions.
    93100if ($webvar{action} eq 'alloc') {
    94   fix_allocfrom();
    95   showfree($webvar{allocfrom});
     101  # OK, we know what we're allocating.
     103  if ($webvar{cidr} !~ /^\s*(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\/\d{2})?\s*$/) {
     104    printAndExit("Can't allocate something that's not a netblock/ip");
     105  }
     107  $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select def_custid from alloctypes where type='$webvar{alloctype}'");
     108  $sth->execute;
     109  my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
     110  my $custid = $data[0];
     111  if ($custid eq '') {
     112    if ($webvar{custid} !~ /^(?:\d{10}|\d{7}|STAFF)(?:-\d\d?)?$/) {
     113      # Force uppercase for now...
     114      $webvar{custid} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
     115      # Crosscheck with ... er...  something.
     116      my $status = CustIDCK->custid_exist($webvar{custid});
     117      if ($CustIDCK::Error) {
     118        printError("Error verifying customer ID: ".$CustIDCK::ErrMsg);
     119        return;
     120      }
     121      if (!$status) {
     122        printError("Customer ID not valid.  Make sure the Customer ID ".
     123          "is correct.<br>\nUse STAFF for staff static IPs, and 6750400 for any other ".
     124          "non-customer assignments.");
     125        return;
     126      }
     127    }
     128    # Type that doesn't have a default custid
     129    $custid = $webvar{custid};
     130  }
     132  my $cidr = new NetAddr::IP $webvar{cidr};
     133  my @data;
     134  if ($webvar{alloctype} eq 'rm') {
     135    $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select cidr from freeblocks where cidr >>='$cidr' and routed='n'");
     136    $sth->execute;
     137    @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
     138# User deserves errors if user can't be bothered to find the free block first.
     139    printAndExit("Can't allocate from outside a free block!!\n")
     140        if !$data[0];
     141  } else {
     142    $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select cidr from freeblocks where cidr >>='$cidr' and not (routed='n')");
     143    $sth->execute;
     144    @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
     145# User deserves errors if user can't be bothered to find the free block first.
     146    printAndExit("Can't allocate from outside a routed block!!\n")
     147        if !$data[0];
     148  }
     150  my $alloc_from = new NetAddr::IP $data[0];
     151  $sth->finish;
     153  my $cities = '';
     154  foreach my $city (@citylist) {
     155    $cities .= "<option>$city</option>\n";
     156  }
     158  print qq(<table class=regular>
     159<form method=POST action=admin.cgi>
     160<tr class=color1>
     162<td>$cidr<input type=hidden name=cidr value="$cidr"></td>
     163</tr><tr class=color2>
     165<input type=hidden name=alloctype value="$webvar{alloctype}"></td>
     166</tr><tr class=color1>
     167<td>Allocated from:</td>
     168<td>$alloc_from<input type=hidden name=alloc_from value="$alloc_from"></td>
     169</tr><tr class="color2">
     170<td>Customer ID:</td><td>$custid<input type=hidden name=custid value="$custid"></td>
     171</tr><tr class=color1>
     172<td>Customer location:</td><td>
     173<select name="city"><option selected>-</option>
     176&nbsp;<a href="javascript:popNotes('/ip/newcity.html')">Add new location</a>
     179<tr class="color2">
     180<td>Circuit ID:</td><td><input name=circid size=40></td>
     181</tr><tr class="color1">
     182<td>Description/Name:</td><td><input name="desc" size=40></td>
     183</tr><tr class="color2">
     184<td>Notes:</td><td><textarea name="notes" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea></td>
     185</tr><tr class="warning">
     186<td colspan=2><center>WARNING:  This will IMMEDIATELY assign this block!!</center></td>
     187</tr><tr class="color2">
     188<td class="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="  Assign  "></td>
     189<input type="hidden" name="action" value="confirm">
     195} elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'confirm') {
     197  print "Assigning $webvar{cidr} to $webvar{custid} (\"$webvar{desc}\") as ".
     198        "$disp_alloctypes{$webvar{alloctype}}...<br>\n";
     199  # Only need to check city here.
     200  if ($webvar{city} eq '-') {
     201    printError("Invalid customer location!  Go back and select customer's location.");
     202  } else {
     203    my ($retcode,$msg) = allocateBlock($ip_dbh, $webvar{cidr}, $webvar{alloc_from},
     204        $webvar{custid}, $webvar{alloctype}, $webvar{city}, $webvar{desc}, $webvar{notes},
     205        $webvar{circid});
     206    if ($retcode eq 'OK') {
     207      print "Allocation OK!\n";
     209      if ($webvar{alloctype} =~ /^.i$/) {
     210        # Notify tech@example.com
     211        mailNotify('tech@example.com',"$disp_alloctypes{$webvar{alloctype}} allocation",
     212          "$disp_alloctypes{$webvar{alloctype}} $msg allocated to customer $webvar{custid}\n".
     213          "Description: $webvar{desc}\n\nAllocated by: $authuser\n");
     214      }
     215      syslog "notice", "$authuser allocated '$webvar{cidr}' to '$webvar{custid}' as ".
     216        "'$webvar{alloctype}'";
     217    } else {
     218      print "Allocation failed!  IPDB::allocateBlock said:\n$msg\n";
     219      syslog "err", "($authuser) Allocation of '$webvar{cidr}' to '$webvar{custid}' as ".
     220        "'$webvar{type}' failed: '$msg'";
     221    }
     222  } # done city check
    96224} elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'alloctweak') {
    97225  fix_allocfrom();
    117245  print $html;
    118 } elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'confirm') {
    119   print "Assigning $webvar{block} to $webvar{custid} (\"$webvar{desc}\")...\n";
    120   allocBlock($ip_dbh, $webvar{allocfrom}, $webvar{block}, $webvar{alloctype},
    121         $webvar{custid}, $webvar{city}, $webvar{desc}, $webvar{notes});
    122   #my ($dbh,from,block,$type,$custid,$city,$desc,$notes) = @_;
    123 } else {
    124   print "webvar{action} check failed";
     246} elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'showpools') {
     247  print "IP Pools currently allocated:\n".
     248        "<table border=1>\n<tr><td>Pool</td><td># of free IPs</td></tr>\n";
     249  $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select cidr from allocations where type like '%p' or type like '%d' order by cidr");
     250  $sth->execute;
     251  my %poolfree;
     252  while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
     253    $poolfree{$data[0]} = 0;
     254  }
     255  $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select pool,ip from poolips where available='y' order by ip");
     256  $sth->execute;
     257  while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
     258    $poolfree{$data[0]}++;
     259  }
     260  foreach my $key (keys %poolfree) {
     261    print qq(<tr><td><a href="admin.cgi?action=tweakpool&pool=$key">$key</a></td>).
     262        "<td>$poolfree{$key}</td></tr>\n";
     263  }
     264  print "</table>\n";
     265} elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'tweakpool') {
     266  showPool($webvar{pool});
     267} elsif ($webvar{action} eq 'updatepool') {
     269  $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("update poolips set custid='$webvar{custid}', ".
     270        "city='$webvar{city}', type='$webvar{type}', available='".
     271        (($webvar{available} eq 'y') ? 'y' : 'n').
     272        "', notes='$webvar{notes}', description='$webvar{desc}' ".
     273        "where ip='$webvar{ip}'");
     274  $sth->execute;
     275  if ($sth->err) {
     276    print "Error updating pool IP $webvar{ip}: $@<hr>\n";
     277    syslog "err", "$authuser could not update pool IP $webvar{ip}: $@";
     278  } else { 
     279    $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select pool from poolips where ip='$webvar{ip}'");
     280    $sth->execute;
     281    my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array;
     282    print "$webvar{ip} in $data[0] updated\n<hr>\n";
     283    syslog "notice", "$authuser updated pool IP $webvar{ip}";
     284  }
     285#  showPool("$data[0]");
     286#} else {
     287#  print "webvar{action} check failed: $webvar{action}";
    152 # Do the gruntwork of allocating a block.  This should really be in IPDB.pm.
    153 sub allocBlock($$$$$$$$) {
    154   my ($dbh,undef,undef,$type,$custid,$city,$desc,$notes) = @_;
    155   my $from = new NetAddr::IP $_[1];
    156   my $block = new NetAddr::IP $_[2];
    158   # First, figure out what free blocks will get mangled.
    159   if ($from eq $block) {
    160     # Whee!  Easy.  Just allocate the block
    161   } else {
    162     # The complex case.  An allocation from a larger block.
    164     # Gotta snag the free blocks left over.
    165     my $wantmaskbits = $block->masklen;
    166     my $maskbits = $from->masklen;
    168     my @newfreeblocks;  # Holds free blocks generated from splitting the source freeblock.
    170     my $i=0;
    171     my $tmp_from = $from;       # So we don't munge $from
    172     while ($maskbits++ < $wantmaskbits) {
    173       my @subblocks = $tmp_from->split($maskbits);
    174       $newfreeblocks[$i++] = (($block->within($subblocks[0])) ? $subblocks[1] : $subblocks[0]);
    175       $tmp_from = ( ($block->within($subblocks[0])) ? $subblocks[0] : $subblocks[1] );
    176     } # while
    178 # insert the data here.  Woo.
    179       # Begin SQL transaction block
    180       eval {
    181         # Delete old freeblocks entry
    182         $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("delete from freeblocks where cidr='$from'");
    183         $sth->execute();
    185         # Insert the new freeblocks entries
    186         $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("insert into freeblocks values (?, ?, ".
    187                 "(select city from routed where cidr >>= '$block'),'y')");
    188         foreach my $block (@newfreeblocks) {
    189           $sth->execute("$block", $block->masklen);
    190         }
    191         # Insert the allocations entry
    192         $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("insert into allocations values ('$block',".
    193                 "'$custid','$type','$city','$desc','$notes',".$block->masklen.")");
    194         $sth->execute;
    196         $ip_dbh->commit;
    197       }; # end eval
    198       if ($@) {
    199         carp "Transaction aborted because $@";
    200         eval { $ip_dbh->rollback; };
    201         syslog "err", "Allocation of '$block' to '$custid' as ".
    202                 "'$type' by $authuser failed: '$@'";
    203         print "Allocation of $block as $full_alloc_types{$type} failed.\n";
    204       } else {
    205         syslog "notice", "$authuser allocated '$block' to '$custid'".
    206                 " as '$type'";
    207         print "OK!<br>\n";
    208       }
    210   }
    211   # need to get /24 that block is part of
    212   my @bits = split /\./, $webvar{block};
    213   $bits[3] = "0/24";
    214   showAllocs((join ".", @bits));
    215 }
    217315# List free blocks in a /24 for arbitrary manual allocation
    261359        (($data[2] eq 'mi') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='mi'>Static IP - Dialup</option>\n<option".
    262360        (($data[2] eq 'wi') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='wi'>Static IP - Wireless</option>\n<option".
    263         (($data[2] eq 'sp') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='sp'>Static Pool - Server pool</option>\n<option".
    264         (($data[2] eq 'cp') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='cp'>Static Pool - Cable</option>\n<option".
     361        (($data[2] eq 'sd') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='sd'>Static Pool - Server pool</option>\n<option".
     362        (($data[2] eq 'cd') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='cd'>Static Pool - Cable</option>\n<option".
    265363        (($data[2] eq 'dp') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='dp'>Static Pool - DSL</option>\n<option".
    266364        (($data[2] eq 'mp') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='mp'>Static Pool - Dialup</option>\n<option".
    267365        (($data[2] eq 'wp') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='wp'>Static Pool - Wireless</option>\n<option".
    268         (($data[2] eq 'ee') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='ee'>End-use netblock</option>\n<option".
    269         (($data[2] eq 'dn') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='dn'>Dialup netblock</option>\n<option".
    270         (($data[2] eq 'dy') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='dy'>Dynamic DSL netblock</option>\n<option".
    271         (($data[2] eq 'dc') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='dc'>Dynamic cable netblock</option>\n<option".
    272         (($data[2] eq 'ii') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='ii'>Internal netblock</option>\n".
     366        (($data[2] eq 'en') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='en'>End-use netblock</option>\n<option".
     367        (($data[2] eq 'me') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='me'>Dialup netblock</option>\n<option".
     368        (($data[2] eq 'de') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='de'>Dynamic DSL netblock</option>\n<option".
     369        (($data[2] eq 'ce') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='ce'>Dynamic cable netblock</option>\n<option".
     370        (($data[2] eq 'we') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='we'>Dynamic WiFi netblock</option>\n<option".
     371        (($data[2] eq 'in') ? ' selected' : '') ." value='in'>Internal netblock</option>\n".
    273372        "</select></td>\n";
    274373    print qq(<td><input name=city value="$data[3]"></td>\n).
    299398    carp "Transaction aborted because $@";
    300399    eval { $ip_dbh->rollback; };
    301     syslog "err", "$authuser could not update block/IP '$webvar{block}': '$@'";
     400    syslog "err", "$authuser could not update block '$webvar{block}': '$@'";
    302401  } else {
    303402    # If we get here, the operation succeeded.
    310409  showAllocs((join ".", @bits));
     413# showPool()
     414# List all IPs in a pool, and allow arbitrary admin changes to each
     415# Allow changes to ALL fields
     416sub showPool($) {
     417  my $pool = new NetAddr::IP $_[0];
     418  print qq(Listing pool $pool:\n<table border=1>
     419<form action=admin.cgi method=POST>
     420<input type=hidden name=action value=updatepool>
     421<tr><td align=right>Customer ID:</td><td><input name=custid></td></tr>
     422<tr><td align=right>Customer location:</td><td><input name=city></td></tr>
     423<tr><td align=right>Type:</td><td><select name=type><option selected>-</option>
     424<option value="si">Static IP - Server pool</option>
     425<option value="ci">Static IP - Cable</option>
     426<option value="di">Static IP - DSL</option>
     427<option value="mi">Static IP - Dialup</option>
     428<option value="wi">Static IP - Wireless</option>
     430<tr><td align=right>Available?</td><td><input type=checkbox value=y></td></tr>
     431<tr><td align=right>Description/name:</td><td><input name=desc size=40></td></tr>
     432<tr><td align=right>Notes:</td><td><textarea name=notes rows=3 cols=40></textarea></td></tr>
     433<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><input type=submit value="Update"></td></tr>
     435        "</table>Update the following record:<table border=1>\n";
     436  $sth = $ip_dbh->prepare("select pool,ip,custid,city,type,available,description,notes from poolips where pool='$pool' order by ip");
     437  $sth->execute;
     438  while (my @data = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
     439    print qq(<tr><td><input type=radio name=ip value="$data[1]">$data[1]</td>).
     440        "<td>$data[2]</td><td>$data[3]</td><td>$data[4]</td>".
     441        "<td>$data[5]</td><td>$data[6]</td><td>$data[7]</td></tr>\n";
     442  }
     443  print "</form></table>\n";
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.