DROP DATABASE ipdb; CREATE USER ipdb WITH PASSWORD 'ipdbpwd'; CREATE DATABASE ipdb; -- Need to do this or our triggers don't work. Why do we need to do this? CREATE FUNCTION "plpgsql_call_handler" () RETURNS language_handler AS '$libdir/plpgsql' LANGUAGE C; CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE "plpgsql" HANDLER "plpgsql_call_handler"; UPDATE pg_database SET datdba=(SELECT usesysid FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename='ipdb') WHERE datname='ipdb'; \connect ipdb ipdb CREATE TABLE "customers" ( "custid" character varying(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "name" character varying(64), "street" character varying(25), "street2" character varying(25), "city" character varying(30), "province" character(2), "country" character(2), "pocode" character varying(7), "phone" character varying(15), "tech_handle" character varying(50), "abuse_handle" character varying(50), "admin_handle" character varying(50), "def_rdns" character varying(40), "special" text, Constraint "customers_pkey" Primary Key ("custid") ); REVOKE ALL on "customers" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "customers" to "ipdb"; CREATE TABLE "masterblocks" ( "cidr" cidr DEFAULT '' NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "ctime" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), "mtime" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), "rwhois" character(1) DEFAULT 'n' NOT NULL ); REVOKE ALL on "masterblocks" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "masterblocks" to "ipdb"; CREATE TABLE "routed" ( "cidr" cidr DEFAULT '' NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "maskbits" integer DEFAULT 128, "city" character varying(30) DEFAULT '', "ctime" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() ); REVOKE ALL on "routed" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "routed" to "ipdb"; GRANT SELECT on "routed" to "ipdb"; CREATE TABLE "freeblocks" ( "cidr" cidr DEFAULT '' NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "maskbits" integer DEFAULT 128, "city" character varying(30) DEFAULT '', "routed" character(1) DEFAULT 'n' ); REVOKE ALL on "freeblocks" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "freeblocks" to "ipdb"; CREATE TABLE "poolips" ( "pool" cidr DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "ip" cidr DEFAULT '' NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "city" character varying(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "type" character(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "available" character(1) DEFAULT 'y' NOT NULL, "notes" text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "description" character varying(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "circuitid" character varying(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "privdata" text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "custid" character varying(16) DEFAULT '', "createstamp" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), "modifystamp" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), CHECK (((available = 'y'::bpchar) OR (available = 'n'::bpchar))) ); REVOKE ALL on "poolips" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "poolips" to "ipdb"; CREATE TABLE "allocations" ( "cidr" cidr DEFAULT '' NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "type" character(2) DEFAULT '', "city" character varying(30) DEFAULT '', "description" character varying(64) DEFAULT '', "notes" text DEFAULT '', "maskbits" integer DEFAULT 128, "circuitid" character varying(128) DEFAULT '', "createstamp" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), "modifystamp" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), "privdata" text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "custid" character varying(16) DEFAULT '', swip character(1) DEFAULT 'n' ); REVOKE ALL on "allocations" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "allocations" to "ipdb"; CREATE VIEW "searchme" as SELECT allocations.cidr, allocations.custid, allocations."type", allocations.city, allocations.description, allocations.notes, allocations.circuitid FROM allocations UNION SELECT poolips.ip, poolips.custid, poolips.type, poolips.city, poolips.description, poolips.notes, poolips.circuitid FROM poolips; REVOKE ALL on "searchme" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "searchme" to "ipdb"; CREATE TABLE "alloctypes" ( "type" character(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "listname" character varying(40) DEFAULT '', "dispname" character varying(40) DEFAULT '', "listorder" integer DEFAULT 0, "def_custid" character varying(16) DEFAULT '', "arin_netname" character varying(20) DEFAULT 'ISP' ); -- -- Name: alloctypes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: ipdb -- COPY alloctypes ("type", listname, dispname, listorder, def_custid, arin_netname) FROM stdin; cn Customer netblock Customer netblock 0 ISPCUST si Static IP - Server pool Server pool IP 20 ISP ci Static IP - Cable Static cable IP 21 ISP di Static IP - DSL Static DSL IP 22 ISP mi Static IP - Dialup Static dialup IP 23 ISP wi Static IP - Wireless Static wireless IP 24 ISP sd Static Pool - Servers Server pool 40 5554242 ISP cd Static Pool - Cable Cable pool 41 CBL-BUS ISP-STATIC-CABLE dp Static Pool - DSL DSL pool 42 DSL-BUS ISP-STATIC-DSL mp Static Pool - Dialup Static dialup pool 43 DIAL-BUS ISP-STATIC-DIAL wp Static Pool - Wireless Static wireless pool 44 WL-BUS ISP-STATIC-WIFI en End-use netblock End-use netblock 100 5554242 ISP me Dialup netblock Dialup netblock 101 DIAL-RES ISP-DIAL de Dynamic DSL block Dynamic DSL block 102 DSL-RES ISP-DSL ce Dynamic cable block Dynamic cable block 103 CBL-RES ISP-CABLE we Dynamic WiFi block Dynamic WiFi block 104 WL-RES ISP-WIFI ve Dynamic VoIP block Dynamic VoIP block 105 DYN-VOIP ISP li Static IP - LAN/POP Static LAN/POP IP 190 NOC-VPN ISP ai Static IP - Management Static management IP 192 NOC-VPN ISP bi Static IP - Wifi CPE Wifi CPE IP 193 ISP ld Static Pool - LAN/POP LAN pool 195 NOC-VPN ISP ad Static Pool - Management Management pool 196 NOC-VPN ISP bd Static pool - Wifi CPE Wifi CPE pool 197 ISP in Internal netblock Internal netblock 199 5554242 ISP wc Reserve for CORE/WAN blocks CORE/WAN blocks 200 5554242 ISP pc Reserve for dynamic-route DSL netblocks Dynamic-route netblocks 201 5554242 ISP-STATIC-DSL ac Reserve for ATM ATM blocks 202 5554242 ISP fc Reserve for fibre Fibre blocks 203 5554242 ISP wr CORE/WAN block CORE/WAN block 220 5554242 ISP pr Dynamic-route DSL netblock (cust) Dynamic-route DSL (cust) 221 ISPCUST ar ATM block ATM block 222 ISP fr Fibre Fibre 223 ISP rm Routing Routed netblock 500 5554242 ISP mm Master block Master block 999 5554242 ISP \. REVOKE ALL on "alloctypes" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "alloctypes" to "ipdb"; CREATE TABLE "cities" ( "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "city" character varying(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "routing" character(1) DEFAULT 'n' NOT NULL ); REVOKE ALL on "cities" from PUBLIC; GRANT ALL on "cities" to "ipdb"; -- -- Trigger and matching function to update modifystamp on allocations, poolips -- CREATE FUNCTION up_modtime () RETURNS OPAQUE AS ' BEGIN NEW.modifystamp := ''now''; RETURN NEW; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER up_modtime BEFORE UPDATE ON allocations FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE up_modtime(); CREATE TRIGGER up_modtime BEFORE UPDATE ON poolips FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE up_modtime(); -- -- User data table - required for proper ACLs -- CREATE TABLE "users" ( "username" varchar(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "password" varchar(16) DEFAULT '', "acl" varchar(16) DEFAULT 'b' ); -- Default password is admin INSERT INTO users VALUES ('admin','luef5C4XumqIs','bacdsA'); -- Network nodes - allows finding customers affected by a broken quickly CREATE TABLE noderef ( block inet NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, node_id integer ); CREATE TABLE nodes ( node_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, node_type character varying(2), node_name character varying(40), node_ip inet ); -- Email notifications on CREATE TABLE notify ( action varchar(5) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, reciplist varchar(500) );