Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#57 new enhancement

Add uber-searchbox to find ALL TEH THINGZ

Reported by: Kris Deugau Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Version: Keywords:


Importing large blocks of records from existing tinydns flatfiles may split up logical groupings of records making them much harder to find. Add a search box that can track down an arbitrary thing (mainly records but why not search zones, groups and all the other things?)

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Kris Deugau, 9 years ago

(In [722]) /trunk

Checkpoint adding global record search. See #57.

comment:2 by Kris Deugau, 9 years ago

(In [723]) /trunk

Record search is substantially complete, including scope limits for users
in subgroups, sorting, and various links into zones or direct record
editing (records attached to both a forward and reverse zone.
See #57.

comment:3 by Kris Deugau, 9 years ago

(In [724]) /trunk

Slight tweak to record search field character stripping; allowing %
makes it much easier to find template records until the search can be
expanded with multikeyword support. See #57.

comment:4 by Kris Deugau, 9 years ago

(In [735]) /trunk

Refine record search scope/permission so that users without the
location_view permission don't see that column in the record search
results. See #57.

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