

13:30 Changeset [822] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Fifteenth sampled iteration of bind-import
13:26 Changeset [821] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Fourtheenth sampled iteration of bind-import
13:23 Changeset [820] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Thirteenth sampled iteration of bind-import
13:20 Changeset [819] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Twelfth sampled iteration of bind-import


13:53 Changeset [818] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Eleventh sampled iteration of bind-import
13:44 Changeset [817] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Tenth sampled iteration of bind-import


15:14 Changeset [816] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Ninth sampled iteration of bind-import
10:54 Changeset [815] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Eigth sampled iteration of bind-import
10:49 Changeset [814] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Seventh sampled iteration of bind-import


17:29 Changeset [813] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Sixth sampled iteration of bind-import
17:22 Changeset [812] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Fifth sampled iteration of bind-import
17:18 Changeset [811] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Fourth sampled iteration of bind-import
17:14 Changeset [810] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Third sampled iteration of bind-import
17:11 Changeset [809] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Second sampled historic iteration of bind-import
17:07 Changeset [808] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Add preliminary BIND import tool. bind2hosts and bind-import …
14:00 Changeset [807] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Commit work in progress to bind2hosts - incremental …


15:08 Changeset [806] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Fix an edge case with $ORIGIN == '.'
12:12 Changeset [805] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Add options for skipping based on pattern or a file of …


18:21 Ticket #74 (Review and anonymous-ize nested subs) created by Kris Deugau
See eg https://www.perlmonks.org/bare/?node_id=137292 and …
18:21 Changeset [804] by Kris Deugau
/trunk Fix mysterious 'Variable "$foo" will not stay shared at ...' …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.