Custom Query (69 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3 Add record type editor new somebody enhancement trivial
#4 Object-ify the record types new somebody enhancement trivial
#5 Show immediate-parent group in domain record list new somebody enhancement trivial
#11 OOPify: Convert to full object model new somebody task trivial
#12 Convert data storage to single-table (ish) structure new somebody task trivial
#13 Add an "eat-my-data" option new somebody enhancement trivial
#14 Add a "back to <parent>" link in log for domain new somebody enhancement trivial
#15 Add subgroup count to group list new somebody enhancement trivial
#16 Add links into log listing in users, domains, groups listings new somebody enhancement trivial
#19 Log security violations separately new somebody enhancement trivial
#20 Don't log failures immediately new somebody enhancement trivial
#27 Propagate all form settings on failed adds new defect trivial
#29 Change user-edit page to show all custom permissions checked when type is superuser? new enhancement trivial
#31 Track down and squash strange character in searchsubs new defect trivial
#36 Access control - long term new enhancement trivial
#37 POD-ify the docucomments in new task trivial
#41 Add support for "lockable" record edits new enhancement trivial
#58 New pseudotype: Subdomain MX new enhancement trivial
#73 Extend template records to cover the full range of BIND's $GENERATE macro new enhancement trivial
#74 Review and anonymous-ize nested subs new task trivial
#79 Remove support for storing raw .arpa names new task trivial
#81 Convert SERIAL to IDENTITY new enhancement trivial
#2 Make optional/non-core bits really optional new somebody enhancement minor
#6 Multicolumn sort in various lists new somebody enhancement minor
#7 Support alternate templates new somebody enhancement minor
#8 Support multiple sets of default records per group new somebody enhancement minor
#21 Allow logging to be directed to various places new somebody enhancement minor
#23 Add SPF assistant along with official support for the SPF RR type new enhancement minor
#24 Extend SOA handling to support different serial number arrangements new enhancement minor
#25 (Ongoing) Clean up messes in the error log new defect minor
#28 Add email notification hook new enhancement minor
#34 Add some magic to automagically initialize and auto-upgrade the DB new enhancement minor 2.0
#39 Support multiple DNS server clusters from a single UI instance new enhancement minor
#40 Add support for scheduled changes new enhancement minor 1.2
#42 Add command-line change tool new enhancement minor
#44 Add HTML mode for RPC calls new enhancement minor 1.6
#45 Ponder shuffling (X)HTML flavour new task minor
#46 Add "shadow domains" new enhancement minor
#48 Online help new enhancement minor
#49 Investigate online help options new enhancement minor
#51 Convert session/cookie/etc handling to a third-party framework new task minor 2.0
#52 Add hook(s) for more notifications new enhancement minor 1.6
#54 Add a configuration knob for record validation strictness new enhancement minor
#55 Extend record management to permit CNAMEs to be handled as the root domain new enhancement minor 1.4.1
#56 Simplify creating records from BIND-style third-party info new enhancement minor
#59 Add batch wrapper for RPC new enhancement minor
#61 Add "record change attic" for easier reversion of changes new enhancement minor 2.0
#62 Merge getFooCount and getFooList subs new task minor 1.6
#64 Add RPC search capability new enhancement minor
#65 Add check for subdomain-as-new-zone new enhancement minor 1.6
#67 Add session ID to logging table new enhancement minor
#69 Investigate duplicate records on zone creation via RPC new defect minor
#70 Add bulk zone data export new enhancement minor
#71 Add "associated records" new enhancement minor
#72 Tighten CNAME validation to block cases that fail various validators new enhancement minor
#75 Investigate duplicate record creation on mouse bounce or accidental manual refresh new enhancement minor
#76 Edge case glitch publishing A+PTR records when one zone is disabled new defect minor
#77 Deleting a CIDR by RPC sometimes misses records new defect minor
#78 Ensure all relevant zones get a serial bump on A+PTR modification new task minor
#82 Extend record template system to support on-the-fly versions of the "group default" records new enhancement minor
#83 Bulk delete by checkbox new enhancement minor
#84 Clamp TTLs on export for RRsets new task minor
#22 Allow calling various components from another site as a wrapper new somebody enhancement major
#30 Security review (ongoing) new task major
#57 Add uber-searchbox to find ALL TEH THINGZ new enhancement major
#63 Location dropdown on record edit page incorrectly influenced by current group new defect major
#66 Add DNSSEC support new enhancement major 1.6
#68 Add batch processing/import new enhancement major 1.6
#80 Settle on a method to find internal libraries new task major
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.