Custom Query (39 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#11 User ACLs new enhancement trivial
#16 Convert and to object-oriented wrappers new enhancement trivial
#19 Generalize mailNotify to support eg jabber new enhancement trivial
#25 Walk router config info to check actual netblock usage with what's stored new enhancement trivial
#27 Add DB initialization on first use new enhancement trivial
#28 Autoupgrade database on upgrade new enhancement trivial
#33 Move $IPDB:: variables into the database new enhancement trivial
#35 Add admin tools component to manage IP addresses in .htaccess new enhancement trivial
#37 Extend "wifi tower/fibre demarc" stub new enhancement trivial
#38 Add config flag for allowing private-IP allocations by default new enhancement trivial
#60 Allow custom rWHOIS contact details on a per-allocation basis new enhancement trivial
#2 Fix email notifications new enhancement minor
#4 Rewrite search system new enhancement minor
#6 Allow contiguous-IP "subnets" to be allocated from static DSL pools new enhancement minor
#14 Update, tweak, and rearrange to support multiple instances new enhancement minor
#17 Expand/extend general configurability new enhancement minor
#18 Add interface to define new alloctypes within existing classes/groups new enhancement minor
#20 Clean up and regularize alloctypes new enhancement minor
#22 Check IPv6 handling new defect minor 3.0
#23 Create hook points to add extra data at various points new enhancement minor
#30 Add template space for "local" links new enhancement minor
#32 User management: Add configuration flag to tell where user/pass info is maintained new enhancement minor
#36 Browser compatibility crosscheck new task minor
#39 Add "usage class" flag/field to master and routed blocks new enhancement minor
#50 Rebuild add/edit forms as complete programmatic table/list templates new enhancement minor
#51 Migrate logging calls into new enhancement minor
#52 Add space to store device configuration data new enhancement minor 3.0
#53 Review and fix forced-custid behaviour new defect minor
#55 Add space to note usage for specific IPs in an otherwise non-pool allocation new enhancement minor 3.0
#56 Add checkbox or list of "related" A and/or PTR and/or A+PTR records for allocation delete new enhancement minor
#57 Block munging - "extent block" new enhancement minor
#59 Use RETURNING for retrieving a freshly assigned sequence ID new task minor
#1 DNS integration new enhancement major 3.0
#9 Layer-2 node dependencies new enhancement major
#13 Copy, merge and clean up trunk -> stable propagation, naming, etc new enhancement major
#31 Cleanup - Trim down the mess of warnings in the Apache error log new defect major
#40 Add RPC shim for other systems to call new enhancement major 2.8
#41 Add flag table for deciding which blocks have rDNS RPC actions done new enhancement major 3.0
#54 Convert VRFs into top-level entities instead of leaf attributes of individual allocations new enhancement major 3.0
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.