{2} Active Tickets by Version (39 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

(empty) (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#31 Cleanup - Trim down the mess of warnings in the Apache error log defect new 14 years ago
#1 DNS integration enhancement new 14 years ago
#9 Layer-2 node dependencies enhancement new 14 years ago
#13 Copy, merge and clean up trunk -> stable propagation, naming, etc enhancement new 14 years ago
#40 Add RPC shim for other systems to call enhancement new 11 years ago
#41 Add flag table for deciding which blocks have rDNS RPC actions done enhancement new 11 years ago
#54 Convert VRFs into top-level entities instead of leaf attributes of individual allocations enhancement new 9 years ago
#22 Check IPv6 handling defect new 14 years ago
#53 Review and fix forced-custid behaviour defect new 9 years ago
#2 Fix email notifications enhancement new 14 years ago
#4 Rewrite search system enhancement new 14 years ago
#6 Allow contiguous-IP "subnets" to be allocated from static DSL pools enhancement new 14 years ago
#14 Update, tweak, and rearrange to support multiple instances enhancement new 14 years ago
#17 Expand/extend general configurability enhancement new 14 years ago
#18 Add interface to define new alloctypes within existing classes/groups enhancement new 14 years ago
#20 Clean up and regularize alloctypes enhancement new 14 years ago
#23 Create hook points to add extra data at various points enhancement new 14 years ago
#30 Add template space for "local" links enhancement new 14 years ago
#32 User management: Add configuration flag to tell where user/pass info is maintained enhancement new 14 years ago
#39 Add "usage class" flag/field to master and routed blocks enhancement new 13 years ago
#50 Rebuild add/edit forms as complete programmatic table/list templates enhancement new 10 years ago
#51 Migrate logging calls into IPDB.pm enhancement new 9 years ago
#52 Add space to store device configuration data enhancement new 9 years ago
#55 Add space to note usage for specific IPs in an otherwise non-pool allocation enhancement new 8 years ago
#56 Add checkbox or list of "related" A and/or PTR and/or A+PTR records for allocation delete enhancement new 8 years ago
#57 Block munging - "extent block" enhancement new 7 years ago
#36 Browser compatibility crosscheck task new 13 years ago
#59 Use RETURNING for retrieving a freshly assigned sequence ID task new 6 years ago
#11 User ACLs enhancement new 14 years ago
#16 Convert IPDB.pm and MyIPDB.pm to object-oriented wrappers enhancement new 14 years ago
#19 Generalize mailNotify to support eg jabber enhancement new 14 years ago
#25 Walk router config info to check actual netblock usage with what's stored enhancement new 14 years ago
#27 Add DB initialization on first use enhancement new 14 years ago
#28 Autoupgrade database on upgrade enhancement new 14 years ago
#33 Move $IPDB:: variables into the database enhancement new 14 years ago
#35 Add admin tools component to manage IP addresses in .htaccess enhancement new 14 years ago
#37 Extend "wifi tower/fibre demarc" stub enhancement new 13 years ago
#38 Add config flag for allowing private-IP allocations by default enhancement new 13 years ago
#60 Allow custom rWHOIS contact details on a per-allocation basis enhancement new 4 years ago
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